Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Calcium in the diet of children

From what is related to the indispensability of calcium for people and especially children? In the first place so that calcium, together with the protein forms the basis of bone and teeth and gives them the necessary strength. In them are concentrated the main reserves of calcium content in the body of adults is 1.2 kg. Another vital function of calcium is its part in ensuring a normal blood clotting. Calcium is also required for the normal processes of muscle contraction, including heart muscle, and nerve impulse transmission in the nervous system. The basis for these diverse effects is the involvement of calcium in the construction and functioning of many proteins (such as blood clotting factors), enzymes, cell membranes (including the membranes of nerve cells and heart muscle cells are largely responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and heart ). Thus, calcium is required for growth processes, normal functioning of the heart, nervous and muscular systems, to prevent blood loss, etc. The above information explains the severe disorder, which can lead to calcium deficiency in the diet. This growth retardation, impaired bone formation and tooth decay, increased bleeding vessels, excessive nervous excitability (up to cramps - in severe calcium deficiency), malfunction of the heart muscle, increase blood pressure. In infants calcium deficiency is one of the causes of rickets. And in later life insufficient intake of calcium intake in childhood, the dual with the reduction of its deposition in bone tissue is a risk factor for osteoporosis, ie, reduction in bone density, and resulting fractures. This situation may arise, particularly during pregnancy when there is an active deposition of calcium in the bone-forming tissue of the fetus, requiring the mobilization of calcium from the mother's body. Calcium requirements of adolescents aged 14-17 is higher than in all other periods of life. This is due to the high rate of growth of adolescents, coupled with their considerable bone mass, bone mass significantly higher than younger children. Not by chance that the body has a complex system for maintaining a constant level of calcium in the blood. Among the various factors of this system (vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, the permeability of the intestinal mucosa to calcium, etc.) belongs to the forefront of nutritional factors, that is a sufficient intake of calcium from food and its high uptake in the gastrointestinal tract. In accordance with modern scientific concepts, physiological calcium requirements of children 4-6 years of age is 800 mg, 7-10 years - 1000 mg, 14-17 - 1200-1400 mg per day. That such amounts of calcium daily and must get from food. Calcium is found in many foods (bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, etc.), but is contained in them in small quantities (20-50 mg/100 g). The main source of calcium as are milk and dairy products that are not only rich in calcium, but include it in an easily digestible form and, most importantly, in an optimum ratio with phosphorus. This ensures maximum absorption of calcium. Half-liter of cow's milk (ie 2.5 cups) containing 600 mg of calcium, can satisfy 50-80% of the needs of children in calcium (depending on age). More calcium in the cheese (900-1000 mg/100 g) and curd (100-150 mg/100 g). Especially high in calcium are different special foods, particularly milk and cheese, in addition to these nutrient-rich (150-240 mg kaltsiya/100 ml). Thus, to meet the needs of children and teenagers need calcium every day to drink 400-600 ml of milk (or milk products) and eat about 50-100 grams of cottage cheese and 5-10 grams of cheese. Of course, this is only approximate figures, and the child can eat cheese (or cheese) every day, but so that eventually the average daily consumption was close to this level.

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