Fruit and berries - not only the storage of vitamins. They contain easily digestible carbohydrates and a wide assortment of minerals, organic acids, volatile, dietary fiber. Apples are one of the most popular fruits. As part of sugar apples predominate glucose and fructose. Apples are not considered a rich source of vitamin C, but in the summer and autumn are a significant supplier of this vitamin. In winter, their content of vitamin C greatly reduced. Apples are rich in potassium salts, have a diuretic effect. It contains malic, citric and other organic acids, dietary fiber. Without exaggeration we can say: the apples are useful to all - both healthy and those suffering from various diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver, kidneys, joints. Apples in an amount of about 1.5 kg is used in overweight for the handling of the day. Fresh plums and susheny (especially prunes) have a laxative effect, recommended the tendency to constipation. Thanks to the compounds of potassium, vitamin C, dietary fiber include plums in the diet is useful in atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney diseases. Citrus - oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons have high taste, pleasant aroma, contain vitamins (C, P, carotene), potassium salts, organic acids, volatile. Oranges and tangerines are similar in composition. They contain sugar (8.1 mg), vitamin C (60 mg and 38 mg of oranges in Mandarin). In oranges contain more organic acids than in Mandarin. In lemons contain less sugar (3 mg per 100 g), and organic acids is much greater. Lemons as well as oranges and tangerines contain vitamin C (40 mg), vitamin P, the compounds of potassium. Lingonberry is rich in organic acids (citric, malic, oxalic acid, benzoic acid). Berry water, fresh cranberries and urinating used in the treatment of patients with gastritis with low acidity. Strawberries (garden, forest) in fresh and dried form is recommended for gout as a diuretic, helps to eliminate salt from the body. In strawberries a lot of vitamin C and relatively little organic acids, so it may include a menu of patients with gastritis with high acidity. Cranberry contains a wide range of organic acids. Jelly and fruit drinks from it quench your thirst, increased appetite. Doctors recommend these drinks patient after surgery, as well as in diseases involving fever and suppression of appetite. Useful cranberries and patients with gastritis with low acidity (outside exacerbations). With some diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system, where it is recommended to limit sodium chloride, the addition of cranberry dishes enhances the flavor. Raspberries (sushena or in the form of jam) - good diaphoretic and febrifuge. Therapeutic effect of raspberries in it due to content of salicylic acid. Sea Buckthorn combines extremely high content of vitamin C (200 mg per 100 g of berries) with lots of tocopherol - vitamin E. These vitamins play an important role in preventing the progression of atherosclerosis. Carotene content of sea buckthorn on even greater than the carrot. From its berries to give an oil which is used for healing ulcers and wounds. It also possesses analgesic properties. Blackcurrant is famous for an abundance of vitamins C and RA content of vitamin C, fresh black currant second only to the hips. Harvested for future use black currants are useful in the winter and spring, when the body lacks vitamin C. Red Currant incorporates significantly less vitamin C than black. However, it has more carotene and organic acids. Red currants and juice from it quench your thirst, increased appetite. In addition, it is useful when a tendency to constipation. Blueberries are used as binders in acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea. Strengthens the effect of blueberry caused by a large number of tannins that provide anti-inflammatory effect and reduce intestinal peristalsis. Of dried blueberries cooked infusion broth, jelly. Rosehip - record for the content of vitamin C (650 mg per 100 g fresh, and 1100 mg per 100 g of dried fruits, dry fruits as per 100 g has, naturally, more). Rosehip infusion deservedly gained popularity as a choleretic, diuretic and lung protivoskleroticheskogo funds. Infusion is prepared at 15 g hips a glass of water. For the preparation of the drink rose hips is filled with boiling water and boil in an enamel bowl, covered 10 minutes, then infused for 6-7 hours and filter. The resulting portion contains about 100 milligrams of vitamin C. Black Chokeberry is rich in Vitamin P, are in it and vitamin C. The combination of these vitamins helps to strengthen blood vessel walls. Chokeberry is useful to include in the diet of those with impaired vascular permeability. And it happens in glomerulonephritis, hemorrhagic diathesis. The fruits of Aronia exert vasodilator action. Consequently, they are useful and hypertensive disease.
Source: HudeeMtut site
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