Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Diet according to the method of Doctor Volkov

Diet according to the method of Doctor Volkov

Said, the tragedy of old age in a mismatch between the youth of soul and body weakness. It seems that it is a tragedy of any age. To old age away, but my body is naughty, creaks and stubborn. It asks lazily on the couch, it does not want to squeeze into my favorite clothes, he has always something hurts. He obviously that does not like him in our lives, and it tries to dokrichatsya my excess weight, lethargy, disease. What does he want from me? What can I change? Go to fresh air in a house overlooking the ocean? Swim? Ride? And work, kids, dad, mom? Endless affairs and obligations, a fatal lack of time? So what can I change? On this issue and begin the path to the youth, beauty and health. Our clinic, Clinic Doctor Volkov, ready to help you find the path and pass it on to victory.

 All around us - the living and nonliving - exist in an indissoluble unity. Man only part of the system and is subject to its laws. One of the major life-supporting functions of the body - digestion. The quality of these functions dramatically affects the self-regulating system of human body.

 There are products that we digest well and they are ingested in the form of nutrients, giving us the energy and materials for life. Other products interact with the body so that enter the blood in the form of so-called "food waste". At its disposal have to spend reserves of oxygen, amino acids, glucose and vitamins. This work involved the immune system, liver, kidneys and other systems. Under these circumstances, self-regulation, fix "sore points", the opposition environmental hazards we simply lacks sufficient strength. Normal metabolism is not possible, adequate protection against infection - too. Correction Supply provides a strong therapeutic effect.

Hippocrates wrote: "Let food be your medicine." There is a myriad of diets. This method of counting calories, the system of separate food, food on the Montignac, in Atkins, Kremlin diet, diet, blood group and more - much more. All diets are advised to exclude something from your diet, and add something to it, and they addressed a large group of people that want to solve a particular problem. Meanwhile, each of us is absolutely individual in everything, including their thin reactions to food. Dr. Volkov's method allows you to ask your body: "What food prevents you to be healthy?" - And get from him a concrete answer as a list of products antagonists and another in which the products will be "comfortable" and useful for you at this time. You can be sure that this diet as unique as your face, voice, gait. This is your blood rendered a verdict, it is your immune asked: "Give me a break from apples, rice and chicken."

Starting to eat properly and stop wasting its resources on the removal of "garbage", you feel the lightness and buoyancy. Week after week, you'll be happy to watch as the retreat of the disease, how to clean your body, how goes the excess weight and cellulite. It is important to note that you will acquire the health, vigor and performance without drugs and dietary supplements. You'll lose weight without unloading days and lonely, hungry nights after 18.00. The diet must remain several varieties of meat and fish, vegetables, whole grains, fruits and nuts - because we are testing from 140 to 280 products. Throughout the recovery program at your side will be your doctor who will adapt to the new power supply system, to properly assess the changes occurring in your body will respond to emerging questions you may have. The test according to the method of Dr. Volkov's useful for all, but especially recommended for those who want to lose weight, restore intestinal flora, strengthen the immune system and compensate for the chronic disease or get rid of them. Individually tailored nutrition is very important for women preparing to conceive a child, pregnant and nursing for children with allergies and other chronic diseases.

Our method can help people with the following problems: Violation of the digestive system (regurgitation, heartburn, heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, bitter taste in the mouth, flatulence, upset chairs, and other symptoms) Overweight weight deficit Headaches (in including migraine), fatigue, decreased performance, emotional lability, drowsiness, skin eruptions (acne, seborreynye, allergies, etc.), itching, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis. Vasomotor rhinitis frequent acute respiratory diseases and chronic respiratory (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.) Hypertension Increased levels of cholesterol joint pain and more

Look for the cause of ailments in your lifestyle. Disease - a signal that life must be changed. Only by changing habits, you will achieve recovery. Physical and emotional health is achieved by working on them.

The clinic of Dr. Volkova not cure the disease and return to health. Following the method helps you to overcome the stereotypes and look at myself as an individual, contrary to tradition and social conventions. In 2004, Dr. Volkov's method was recommended by the Ministry of Health to practical application. Head doctor is Anatoly V. Volkov. In the Clinic reception are qualified doctors, nutritionists, who are always happy to help you and will treat your problems with understanding. Meylitseva Marina Evseevna, dietitian Clinic Dr. Volkova

Dr. Volkov's Clinic (LLC "Ekolabmedtest) m.Frunzenskaya 119146, Moscow, Komsomol prospect, 28, building MDM tel. 782-88-00, 782-88-08 - IR Tel. 782-88-01 - reservation of water and healthy foods fax 782-88-04 http://www.foodlist.net/ e-mail: info@drvolkov.ru

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