Many people would like to get rid of excess weight. This test will help you know whether you will lose weight. You must candidly answer the ten questions. For the answer is yes write yourself 10 points for no - 0. 1. Do you regularly charge? 2. Do you always know the calorie content of food that you eat? 3. Did you eat often, a little bit, say, six times a day? 4. Do you weigh yourself regularly, at least once a week, controlling your weight? 5. Always Do you have a house there is a dietary foods: cottage cheese, cheese, boiled meat? 6. Can you resist when you're not hungry, but someone tries to persuade you to have a meal for company? 7. How long will linger in your home or sweets you eat them very quickly? 8. Are you able to nedoest, leaving food on your plate if you're already fed up? 9. Do you think from time to time about a favorite dish? 10. How well do you feel with the current diet? UP TO 30 POINTS: You need to completely change your diet. Otherwise, you can never get rid of excess weight. From 40 to 60 points: If you still prefer to watch your diet and do regular exercise, then get rid of extra pounds. From 70 to 100 points: You have strong will. You quickly will drop unwanted pounds.
Source: HudeeMtut site http:/
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