Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Dr. strawberries

Strawberry has been known since time immemorial. The seeds of its found in archaeological layers dating back to the pile-dwellings. In the literature, this plant was mentioned in the XIII century. Strawberries in Russia for the right to assess a berry-like princess. It was believed that if the home has a strawberry, a doctor there is nothing to do. In strawberries large number of valuable biologically active substances. For example, one of them - folic acid - stimulates production of red blood cells. Therefore, in the strawberry season is necessary to "charge" of this acid, especially in anemia. In folk medicine, the fruits of strawberries used to treat gout, kidney and gallstones, as well as a proven remedy for eczema and minor skin wounds: to the affected areas should be applied to the fabric caused by a layer of pulverized strawberries. Juice of fresh berries (4-6 article. Liters. Per day) has the ability and recommended lowering in diabetes. Juice and fruit plants as shown in the pantry vitamins avitaminosis, as well as violations of lipid and mineral metabolism, gastritis, gastric ulcer, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, certain diseases of the joints. Has long been in folk medicine berries used to quench thirst, arousal, appetite, constipation, high temperature (60-120 ml of juice at the reception). Infusion of fruits and leaves of the strawberry is also used to increase appetite and improve digestion, and enterocolitis, diarrhea and constipation. Strawberries are a calming effect on the nervous system, and in mixtures with other plants, it is prescribed for the general neurosis, hysteria, insomnia, as well as cardioneurosis and coronary heart disease. Beautiful, juicy and fragrant berries useful to use fresh with milk, cream or sour cream - a more pleasant drugs to be found. Leaves of wild strawberries, as well as berries, contain many biologically active substances, including tannins (up to 9%) are concentrated in such important micronutrients such as iron and selenium. In inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (eg, gingivitis), bad breath useful rinses and lotions decoction of the leaves (20-30 g of material to fill a glass of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, press 30 minutes). Infusion of leaves of strawberry has beneficial effects on the heart: increases amplitude of heart contractions, slows the heart rate, dilates blood vessels. Strawberry leaf is a part of some charges - as a diuretic and for treatment of cholelithiasis (20 grams dry grinding of raw sugar and 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, press 2 hours and take 1 tbsp. L. 3 times a day). When inflammation of the bladder is recommended following a complicated fee: 2.5 g of leaves of wild strawberry, 2 g of sage leaves, 3 g of herb woodruff, 2.5 g of nettle leaves, 2 g of peppermint leaves, grass dymyanki 2 g, 2 g of yarrow herb, 3 , 5 g of fruits of mountain ash, 2 g herb butterbur, 2 g of Iceland moss. From this gathering to prepare the infusion: 2 Tbsp. l. mixture pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, infuse 40 min and take 1 / 3 cup 3 times a day. In Russia the leaves of strawberries harvested in early winter and used as a substitute for Chinese green tea. They can prepare for the future and add to tea (1:1). In prophylactic "protivosklerotichesky" tea leaves include strawberries (4 parts), blackberry (3 parts), hips (5 pieces), mint herb (Part 2), Leonurus (part 1). At the "choking in the chest and bleeding in one of the herbalists are given such a recommendation: 1 tbsp. l. strawberry leaves pour 400 ml of water, evaporated to half volume. Drink broth every 2 hours to 1 tablespoon. l. Leaves and roots of strawberries used in jaundice, diarrhea, bleeding, pus, belyah, rashes (200 g of leaves and roots to fill in 400 ml of water, Uvarov to 180 ml of fluid and take 2 Tablesp.. Every 2 h). Interestingly, the strawberry root beer concoction used to increase milk production in nursing mothers (daily dose: 30 g root Uvarov half). However, remember that the dosage forms of strawberries are contraindicated during pregnancy. They sometimes cause allergic reactions. Recommended that the sick and wine brandy, consisting of 7.5 g of seeds of wild strawberry, infused with 180 ml of white wine. Took it to 1 tablespoon. l. with urolithiasis. Fresh leaves put out to the long-standing ulcers on the feet. In pharmacies in Russia to sell distilled off strawberry water, which is prescribed in medicines, she had a refreshing properties. Infusion of leaves, fresh juice, fruit pulp is used to treat acne, pigment spots. Collect mature fruits of strawberry without peduncles and calyces in June and July, the morning after the withdrawal of dew at the end of the day. Before drying the fruit plucked and cleaned raw rassypayut thin layer on a sieve or a sieve, put in a ventilated, dry room for podvyalivaniya during the day (or in the dryer at 25-30 ° C). Bottom leaves are harvested during the flowering period, taking his hand or cut with a knife so that the remainder of the petiole less than 1 cm are placed leaves loosely in baskets and delivered to the point of drying. Usually the leaves are dried in the shade in the open air, spreading them thin and stirring occasionally. When drying in the dryer temperature must not exceed 45 ° C. If the stalks break when bent, it means that raw material is ready. Store raw materials in a dry ventilated area, not allowing access to direct sunlight. Shelf life of raw materials - 1 year.

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