Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Vitamins in questions and answers

Vitamins in questions and answers

Vitamins, as you know, a substance absolutely necessary for our body to maintain its many functions. Questions answered by an expert of the Institute of Nutrition, head of the Laboratory of vitamins, corresponding member of the ATS, Professor VB Spirichev. The last time your magazine publishes a lot of material about the vitamins. It is not clear yet how they are involved in metabolism. What is the mechanism of their work? The existence of any organism due to continuous biochemical changes taking place. In a healthy organism their speed strictly matched, and the number of reaction products - balanced. Actuate this complex but well-established mechanism to help boosters biological chemistry - enzymes. Each enzyme has a high selective ability: it affects only one substance (or a similar) and speeds up only your own specific reaction. Enzymes consist of two parts: a large, protein, and small, called the coenzyme. It is this second part, and determines the properties and performance of the enzyme. In making this second part and participate vitamins. Their function in this case resembles the work of the tool in metal cutting. If you are not getting enough vitamins from food, the old "equipment" your body wears out, and blunt "tools" would be replaced by something, and of "technological chain" falls whole link. If time does not deliver new items, will fail in the entire "enterprise". I heard that taking high doses of vitamin C can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Is this true? Yes, it is believed that ascorbic acid can be converted in the body in oxalic acid, which is just and promotes the formation of calcium oxalate stones in the urinary tract. But this is only conjecture. Nevertheless, people who are prone to stone formation, we should not take vitamin C in amounts greater than the physiological norms of consumption. The body needs 60-100 mg ascorbic acid per day will not cause formation of stones. I am 52 years old. Gynecologist told me that after menopause may develop osteoporosis and advised to take vitamin D. Is this vitamin to prevent osteoporosis? In vitamin D is the second name - calciferol, ie carrier calcium. This name he received because its main function - the regulation of calcium metabolism in the body. With vitamin D, this element is absorbed in the intestine to digest and forms a skeleton. The same vitamin promotes the release of calcium from the bones with his lack of blood. Thus, in the postmenopausal period, when the skeleton of a woman actively lose calcium supplementation of this element in combination with vitamin E retards the development of osteoporosis. A study conducted in France showed that the enrichment for three years, the diet of elderly women with vitamin D (800 IU / day) and calcium (1200 mg daily) reduced the incidence of hip fractures by 23 percent. Even more effective in preventing osteoporosis complexes of calcium with vitamin D3, C, B6 and C. At retired life now is not easy: meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, juices - rare guests at our table. The cost of a jar of good imported vitamins is nearly a third of the pension. How do we in this case, to avoid vitamin deficiency? In pharmacies now sell a variety of vitamin preparations. Imports are really expensive, but the domestic are readily available. No need to chase advertising - our preparations is not worse than outlandish, but you'll spend on them is not a third retirement, and 10-15 rubles per month. Good help can be and fortified foods. The price is usually no higher than usual, and use much more. Do not forget that money spent on vitamins, saving money for the treatment diseases associated with hypovitaminosis. Vitamins, as far as I know - a potent stimulator of metabolism, regulators and boosters of vital processes in cells. Can the constant intake of vitamins perestimulirovat your body, causing him to early aging? Vitamins are neither stimulants nor regulators. This is a widely held view is wrong. As we have said, vitamins are part of the enzyme. If the body is experiencing a vitamin deficiency, the activity of enzyme systems decreases, causing a metabolic disorder. If the shortfall enzyme activity increases, but to a natural, normal level. Even if the vitamins were received in excess, caused by an overactive enzyme impossible. Let us return to the analogy with the production. If a factory to supply the missing tools, the performance of shop returns to normal levels. Delivery of several boxes of spare parts will not change the volume and efficiency. Not for nothing Academician VA Engelhard said: "Vitamins are often themselves not by their presence and their absence." According to doctors, my newborn son, a deficiency of vitamin K. I have not heard of this vitamin before. Why the deficit and how it manifests itself in children and adults? Vitamin K is involved in blood clotting, or rather, in the formation of a blood clot, terminating bleeding. Lack of this vitamin in adults is rare, because it is in many foods and is synthesized by microorganisms inhabiting the gut. But it can occur when treatment with antibiotics, which violate the natural gut flora. Newborn vitamin K deficiency - a widespread phenomenon. Explained it is low in this vitamin in breast milk and no baby in the gut are necessary for its synthesis of bacteria. Therefore, pregnant women tend to prescribe vitamin K, and in some countries have just emerged into the light of babies immediately injected the vitamin. Deficiency of vitamin K can cause hemorrhagic disease. Adult males lack this vitamin contributes to the development of infertility associated with decreased sperm motility. And in old age, as we have said, a shortage of vitamin K is fraught with osteoporosis.

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