Sunday, 3 July 2011

From tea to tea

From tea to tea

The study was conducted by doctors from Harvard Medical School, who analyzed the medical history of 1,900 patients with acute myocardial infarction. Over the next after a heart attack 4 years from causes related to cardiovascular disease, including re-infarction and heart rhythm disturbances, 313 people died, people who were not addicted to tea. The study revealed an interesting pattern: in those patients who drank at least 19 cups of tea a week, the probability of death from another heart attack or other cardiovascular accidents was 44% lower than those who do not drink tea. At the same, in whose weekly diet were no less than 14 cups of tea, this index decreased by 24%. Thus, the more tea drinkers patient after myocardial infarction, the better his prognosis. The reasons for such a beneficial effect of tea on the cardiovascular system while not significantly clear and require further study. Moreover, the study leader Professor Kenneth Mukamal admitted: "We are in no way is not to say that every person had a heart attack should include in your diet 3 cups of tea a day. Most likely, we missed some important factor was not associated with tea. Too strange to look our results. " Strange or not, but the fact remains. We often hear that tea is a universal healing drink "from a hundred diseases" - a kind of panacea, and without any contraindications. These statements should always be treated with great caution, as if there were a panacea, there would be many centuries of history of medicine. However, while scientists argue about whether to extend the life tea, has long obtained evidence that tea - a rich source of micronutrients (including potassium and magnesium). And if you ever drink freshly brewed tea, you are smoothly "feeds" the heart. Just keep in mind: there is a disease in which fluid intake should be reduced. Speaking about the case as some kind of medical drugs, it must be remembered that every drug has its indications and contraindications. Therefore, before running into the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove, be sure to consult your family doctor. Perhaps he will offer you another way to solve the problem. Well, if you and your doctor do decide pochaevnichat, then you should pay particular attention to the way of cooking this delicious drink. The famous English novelist and essayist George Orwell was considered a great connoisseur of tea. One day want to explore different recipes brewing tea, the writer noted with surprise that, in most cookbooks, or absent such information, or contains only a few terse lines. Orwell decided to rectify this omission and in 1946 published a 11 "golden rules of cooking a real English tea. 1. Tea should be Indian or Ceylon. "China tea has virtues that in these times can not be neglected - it is cheap and you can drink it without milk, but it is not enough invigorates ... from him feel a little smarter, braver, or simply optimistic." 2. Tea should be brewed in a special little porcelain or earthenware pot. "Tea, brewed in a large tank, usually tasteless, while army tea, brewed in cauldrons, always gives the lime and rifle grease." 3. Kettle should be preheated, but not spolaskivaya, as is usually done with hot water, and holding the on the mantelpiece. " 4. Tea should be strong. "The brimful kettle with a capacity of one quart is approximately 6 teaspoons of" top ". 1 cup of strong tea better than 20 cups of weak. " 5. Tea should be put directly into the teapot. "No bags and silk bags, no other" chains "for tea. If tea is not freely floating in the kettle, it never really brew. " 6. It is necessary to pour tea leaves in boiling water, not vice versa. "It is in hot water - water at the time of the merger with welding must truly boil, then have a tea with boiling water can not remove from fire." 7. Made tea, "it should be a good stop, giving the tea leaves and then settle down." 8. Drinking tea should be "of high cylindrical cup ... of a flat before you can rasprobovat, and the tea has cooled down." 9. With milk should be skim, before add it to tea. "Too fat milk makes tea taste sickening." 10. First, the cup is poured tea, and then milk. Such a sequence allows "extremely precise regulation of the required amount of milk." 11. You can not drink tea with sugar, "unless you drink it in Russian". Is it possible to "kill the taste of tea with sugar? With the same success can be to flavor tea pepper or salt. Tea is supposed to be bitter, just like beer. Sweetened it, you do not drink tea, and sugar, which is just as well could be dissolved in hot water. " You can agree or disagree with the famous writer, but it is obvious that the preparation of tea - a very responsible job that requires knowledge and skills. Otherwise, the prepared drink may be totally useless and insipid. Good health!

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