Doctors say: we are fed not by what we need, but because it is convenient to the food industry. The quality of products in this case, however. And being able to have year-round mango, avocado and watermelon, we sometimes do not know what vitamins and minerals we 'tied', and which are sorely lacking. Our body very quickly and easily adapt to changing external conditions. In general, natural resources man from birth are very high. For example, gastric mucosa with the right approach alone is capable to recover for 3-4 days. 3-4 weeks renewed blood, but in the last 7 years - the entire body completely (albeit with a healthy lifestyle!). That is, if we take for their own health today, after 7 years is really a new health improvement. Unbelievable but true! Another thing is that if the body before it was necessary not only to interfere with normal functioning, but now he needs help. And in the first place - properly nourished. Oddly enough, but this abundance of products with this there are great difficulties. It is known that any "foreign aggression" against our body, whether it be a virus or too much of any substance in the first place begins to fight the blood. And reading the blood test can determine what happens to the body, no matter it is not enough, and which, conversely, too much. Refusing to these "surplus", we release energy resources for the proper functioning of the body: to eliminate toxins, fat digestion, normal kidneys, intestines and pancreas. And suddenly, it turns out that there was a real miracle: not exhausting yourself diets and dietary restrictions, people ... lose weight. And, of course, recuperates. As if by magic, disappear or become milder many chronic ailments, including gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Do not believe me? Meanwhile, it is. There is no diet, suitable for everyone. Even close relatives may need to be completely different products, and nutrition programs for mother-father-child can vary widely, as do programs for men and women. And even the same woman during the premenstrual and postmenstrual periods may require differing products. How does it know? Yes, just - a blood test. After reviewing a list of 120 foods, a doctor by a blood test accurately detects what kind of food should once and for all eliminate from your diet, from what to give for 3-4 months and what exactly to replace those products on which you refused. For example, excluding from the diet of sunflower oil, you will almost certainly be able to replace it with corn or olive. Will be held 3-4 months, the body may rest, typed forces - and to his beloved sunflowers, most likely, will be back. Just do not require exotic and ask about the presence you are allergic to fried grasshoppers - the food in the Russian reality, this does not occur at every step. In strict accordance with the needs of your body it is possible to pick up the same way and the necessary combination of products. With the better to eat meat - with noodles, fried potatoes or steamed vegetables? What you need tea - black, green, herbal or floral? In this case, the answer will be given specific: it requires just now and it is YOU, and not just become fashionable for a short period of time. After all, a panacea for all ills was not found. Doctors are usually advised to renounce alcohol. But this is seldom who can (if we are not talking about the treatment of alcoholism, of course). So, explore your personal analysis, a doctor, though with a sigh, nevertheless advise what to drink to cause minimal damage to the body. You is contraindicated in wheat, but allowed the grapes? Fine. Give up the vodka and go to the brandy or wine. Can be neither one nor the other? Probably require barley - drink beer. This, of course, is a reasonable doses. Otherwise, the risk of getting a lifetime ban of your mother and a reasonable body and then on another, and the third. The only pity is that there is nothing to please fans of tequila: cacti in the list of 120 most popular products in Russia have not yet appear. As well as fried grasshoppers.
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