Friday, 15 July 2011

Motion to losing weight

Milk. Part 2

Due to the nature of today's life (elevators, public transportation, machinery manufacturing, etc.), lack of exercise increases and becomes a social phenomenon as socially sound reasons to make physical effort is less. In the rise of hypodynamic see one of the reasons for increasing the frequency of obesity (by 10% every 10 years). From lack binding and that excess body weight is more often in urban than in rural areas, while the non-manual workers more often than in dealing with physical labor. Often, excess body weight appears with former athletes after the cessation of exercise. Sometimes young people are fattening after returning from the army. At the same time be aware that in the normal energy expenditure decreases with age - about 10% for each 10 years of life, that is, thirty-year energy consumption by an average of 10% less than two decades, middle-aged - 20% of fifty - 30 % etc. It is connected with a decrease in basal metabolic rate, ie the energy consumption for maintenance of major life functions at rest - respiration, heart, liver, kidney, intestine, muscle relaxation and nutrition, etc. The body with age as it learns to live more frugally. Girls in their twenties mass excess occurs with a frequency of 15% in thirty years - 27%, and in forties up to 50%. Why is lack of exercise, or reducing energy consumption, contributes to rise of body weight? The fact is that muscles are very effective fat trap: they are oxidized or burned 90% of total body fat. In working muscle fat oxidation is great. Conversely, if a person works a little muscle, then fat in their oxidized low. And work the muscles is not always obvious or even noticeable. For example, to maintain muscle tone, that is a partial contraction of muscles, which determines their willingness to work also consumes energy. Probably, many noticed that the tone depends on the mood. It turns out that people in a good mood spends more energy than in a bad mood. A person can be fussy, restless and, conversely, slow, precise in his movements. These people can perform at the same time, roughly the same amount of work. Sometimes the "slow" manage to do this work even more. They do not fuss, their movements are economical and accurate. But the energy of the "fussy" spend more because of the greater number of unnecessary movements. And, as a rule, the first more likely to have a healthy body weight, while the latter - most exuberant. Many people think that successful weight loss requires intense physical effort, and the more intense the better. For example, jogging for 1 hour a day. And as to perform such load neither the strength nor the time nor the inclination, most of them and does not comply. However, the optimal weight loss is loads of low and medium intensity, but prolonged in time. For example, walking for 1 hour a day, or for more trained people, jogging for 0,5-1 hours a day. And it is very important condition of muscles, not only during but also after the workout. If at the end of training increases muscle tone, then this requires the energy that the body will be taken from the burning of fat. Thus, the fat, it turns out, can burn not only during exercise, but also after them. By the way, with loads of high intensity in the muscles spent mostly carbohydrates, and the resulting oxidized products (acetone, lactic acid) blocks the process of combustion of fat. After loads of muscle is usually completely relaxed and the oxidation of fat in them is not happening. By behaves differently and appetite. After loading it can either increase or decrease. Moreover, increase in appetite is usually celebrated with loads of over-intensity. It is obvious that the requirement to train as much as possible and the intensity can not only help to lose weight, but, conversely, to hinder. Below is the power consumption (in kcal / h) with various activities. Seat 60 300 Walk up the stairs 900 480 Swimming Tennis Game 400 Running 900 Biking 451 Skiing 600 Physical training can be regarded only as a method of supplementing the diet. When applied in isolation body weight usually is not reduced or reduced only slightly and briefly. Assume that the load independent method for reducing excess body weight - an old and common mistake. Conventional health training (shaping or dance aerobics) for 1 hour 2-3 times a week to resolve this issue as ineffective. Another thing - plus a load diet, of course, if diet and training regimen are chosen correctly. Several studies have shown that while the application of diet and exercise may reduce body weight by 15-20%. How dose the load? The main thing - to pick up load it to your body, your level of fitness. If after a workout or exercise you feel a pleasant warmth, a sense of cheerfulness, improve muscle tone and mood, and appetite is not growing or even declining, then you guessed right, and this load for you. If you are tired after a workout, muscle tone is low, and appetite increases, then this load is too great for you, you should reduce it. In no event should not try to overcome fatigue or to keep up with a more trained comrades. There is a method of dispensing the load, taking into account age. Pulse of the load should be 60-65% rate, the maximum for a given age. Maximum heart rate for age is determined by subtracting from 220 age in years. For example, if you are 30 years old, your maximum heart rate 190 beats / min. At the height of the load it should be 60% of this quantity, about 125 beats / min. Optimally to breath at the height of the load was not more than 16-20 breaths per minute. Shortness of breath with a load means, among other things, that the extraction of energy from fat and carbohydrates your muscles of oxygen is not enough and the oxidation of fat in them is inhibited. How often should I train? There is no single opinion. Some consider the optimal daily exercise for 30-40 minutes, while others - for 1-1,5 hours three times a week. It is useful to do aerobics or gym with a trainer. Professional trainers always taught the rules of control and dosing burden. But you can do and self-employed: this can be walking, walking on rough terrain, running, walking, skiing, swimming, running lesser or greater extent, lessons at home on a stationary bike or treadmill, etc. Workload are best used in combination and from time to time rotate, as they can "become boring." Training should start slowly. If you have not exercised, your joints, muscles hardly adapted to physical stress, and therefore may stretch microtrauma. And be sure to select comfortable footwear. If you do not have time to make long load type of the above, we can offer toning exercises in the style of dance aerobics for 5-8 minutes 4-5 times a day, or 12-15 minutes 2 times a day - morning and evening. Account when the data loads - to increase general and muscle tone, some acceleration of the flow of metabolic processes, a possible reduction in appetite. Physical training and exercise by increasing muscle tone improves posture, and other properties of the shape, enhance mental performance, reduce the incidence of colds and depression. On the background of properly selected training normalizes blood pressure, slowed the progression of atherosclerosis. With the help of exercise can cause a selective consumption of fat in certain places. Fat rather go with those areas where the muscles work intensively. If you have excess fat on your stomach, you should do exercises that strengthen the abdominals (in the prone position to pull the legs to the abdomen or to perform their rotational motion, in a standing position to make the slopes of the Arch or the back of the torso). With significant excess body fat on the thighs need exercise for thigh muscles (squats, jumping). And so on ...

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