Thursday, 14 July 2011

Salt: more adverse effects

Salt: more adverse effects

In a healthy person ratio consumed and excreted salt is a key mechanism for the regulation of extracellular volume. Thus, while reducing average daily salt intake from 10 to 5 g of mass loss due to reduction of extracellular volume is 1,0 - 1,5 kg. In pathology, accompanied by edema (heart failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, etc.), the severity of the latter can be in varying degrees, regulate by limiting salt intake. This simple therapeutic method doctors often overlook. It turned out that the intake of salt is more correlated with the incidence of stroke than high blood pressure (BP). The exact mechanisms of this phenomenon is unknown, but it is shown that restriction of salt intake leads to a decrease in the density of the artery walls. Obtained data showing a definite relationship of cardiovascular disease and gastric cancer. The common factor in this case can serve as salt intake. Moreover, we show that salt contributes to the emergence and progression of left ventricular hypertrophy to a greater extent than the increase in blood pressure. In contrast, restriction of salt intake leads to regression of this pathology. Excessive salt intake contributes to the speedy development of decompensation of renal function in patients with kidney disease. Interesting evidence that restricting salt intake by patients with bronchial asthma, reduces mortality from this disease, softens his expression, reduces the need to use bronchodilators. The basis of this effect is the impact of salt on the smooth muscle not only arterial but also the bronchial wall. Found another very important relationship: the higher the salt intake, the more calcium excreted in the urine. It also increases the concentration of parathyroid hormone in the blood and excretion of hydroxyproline, indicating that the mobilization of calcium from bones. The study, which included postmenopausal women, found a decrease of bone density of the femoral neck among patients whose daily salt intake exceeded 90 mmol (1 g = 16 mmol). Currently, in most Western countries, the recommended intake of salt is 5 g / day. However, the implementation of these recommendations is resisted by the manufacturers of ready food products. And yet, these products are a major source of salt consumed by the population. Source: Adapted from Antonios TFT, MacGregor GA. Salt - more adverse effects. Lancet 1996; 348:25.

Source: the Internet edition "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site 

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