On the influence of diet on health and beauty of a person known well for many centuries. Aesthetic impact of proper diet has been well studied by modern medicine. Many cosmetic blemishes, excess sebum department associated with metabolic disorders. Such defects can be eliminated only when the correct diet. Violation of optimum ratio of essential factors in the diet leads to premature aging. Most of the calories we get by eating sweets, Loeb, cereals and fat. Beginners need to gain weight impact from the use of sugar and sweets. Sugar is useful, but only in moderation. Day of its consumption, given that it is contained in all products, should not exceed 70-80 grams per day. Many fans of sweets to justify their addiction rather primitive argument: If you want to eat it, then it's good for the body. However, overweight refutes this claim. If you can not do without the sweet, the better to eat foods containing sugar and, together with other beneficial nutritional factors, such as honey, jam. Honey contains vitamins, ascorbic acid, trace elements. Especially useful jam blackcurrant. It must be remembered, especially women, that the contours of the face and neck, rounded lines and smooth skin depend on the normal development of the subcutaneous fat layer. The beauty of the skin depends on proper zhirootdeleniya and a favorable composition of sebum. Aromatic oils for the skin was used many centuries ago in Egypt, Greece, Rome and other countries. The composition of essential oils and creams of the best includes the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are found in vegetable oils. Especially a lot of them in sunflower, corn and soybean oil. Daily intake from food 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil - one of the immutable rules of nutrition. Great importance in the diet is the observance of correct relations between proteins and vitamins. Chronic lack of protein in the diet will quickly lead to the appearance of early signs of decay: the skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry and loose, premature wrinkles are formed, there is lethargy. Disastrous failure of the protein and hair. They are constructed from the soluble proteins - keratin. With insufficient intake of protein in the body do not grow hair, thinning. The need for protein is unique, but, for example, for young women with an ideal body weight about 60 kg it is 70-80 grams per day, some increases in physical activity. Excellent sources of valuable protein - many animal products: milk, cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish. Contains protein and plant foods, but food quality it below. Large impact on both health and the appearance of providing vitamins. Lack of effect on the condition of the skin, hair and eyes. Of particular importance are antidermatinnye vitamins (PP, B6, biotin), prevents skin inflammation. In late winter and spring is recommended every day or take one tablet of the drug or Undevit Geksavit. Important for a person also has the power mode. You can not replace regular meals multiple tea with lots of sugar, jam, honey, sweets. This regime is irrational: sometimes it is redundant to calorie content, but contains insufficient amount of protein. For those who seek to preserve the shape and look good, we recommend 3 to 5 meals in small portions. Between meals you can drink a glass of skim milk or yogurt. American specialists have a lot of attention to the so-called cosmetic diets. Here is one: Breakfast. 100 grams of fruit juice or fresh fruit, 1 egg or cheese, a slice of lean ham with a slice of toasted bread (50 grams). A cup of tea or coffee. Better coffee with milk. Lunch. Salad. Cheese or egg. One slice of bread and a small amount of fresh or canned fruit. A cup of tea or yogurt. Lunch. Salad with oil. One meat dish. Fruit or a dish of them. Before going to bed. A glass of warm milk.
Source: HudeeMtut site http://hudeemtut.ru/
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