Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Spring desynchronosis

Spring desynchronosis

From a biological spring - April to June - in the human body develops violation of coherence (synchronization) of biorhythms in various organs and systems - "spring desynchronosis": during the transition season from a minimum level of total activity (biological winter) to maximum (biological summer ) dramatically increases the amplitude of biological rhythms of most functions and constants of the body. In the spring greatly accelerates the external astronomical clock: increasing the duration of daylight, solar activity, magnetic field of the Earth. Internal biological clock of the human body is actively responding to this: increased excitability of the nervous system, increases the formation of pituitary hormones, thyroid, adrenals, gastrointestinal tract, the reproductive glands. Obviously, in connection with this spring and are marked with a maximum of inflammatory and allergic reactions of the organism, the largest vascular permeability, sensitivity to cold and dampness. In addition, due to weather fluctuations, changes in microbial flora of the intestine and upper respiratory tract (dysbiosis spring) is broken the balance and the immune system. Thus, the spring has a high reactivity and low stability of the organism, and it significantly increases the need for physiologically active substances - vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, etc. In the food at this time of such substances is extremely small, and their body is experiencing a sharp deficit. Physiologists believe that the spring body extracts energy mainly from carbohydrates, and in autumn turns to fat. They argue that the spring is an innate genetic alteration of rhythms of activity of enzymes and hormones of the gastrointestinal tract. Most likely this is due to historically spring modification of human behavior and diet. Spring Stimulants Among the variety of useful food plants - spring stimulants - special emphasis on seedlings of cereal crops, besides they are the most affordable in the cold season, when not yet grown greens. In the spring time is very good to include in the diet of fresh salads, vinaigrettes, vegetarian soups, borscht, beetroot, spinach main dishes, mashed potatoes, cereal with fresh herbs. Recall that during the heat treatment of the green made softer and easier to digest, but prolonged boiling destroys vitamins. To save as many nutrients, you need to follow a few simple rules. Never store chopped herbs in the air - immediately place it in boiling water, with small portions to a boil quickly recovered. The water should cover the herbs completely during the entire cooking process. Do not drain the vegetable and herb broth, rich in vitamins, - use it for cooking sauces, soups and drinks. For cooking vegetables and herbs are best suited enamelware. Roasted herb from Galina Poskrebyshev lungwort Young shoots and rosettes of dandelion, green carrots, celery and parsley decorates spring table, will make the diet variety and aesthetic pleasure. Greens should fry in a large amount of vegetable oil in small portions to the pan to put after a red oil. Remove with slotted spatula is better or a fork (so the glass too much oil), and only then add salt. Each serving a separate place, not breaking branches. Fried Lungwort Young shoots lungwort wash, pour over boiling water, roll in bread crumbs or flour, fry in vegetable oil. Before serving, add salt. Roasted dandelion rosettes Rosettes dandelion boil in salted water, rinse with cold water, roll in crumbs, flour or bran and fry in vegetable oil. Fried green-stuff Plant carrots, parsley and celery wash, dry towel and fry in a large amount of vegetable oil. Before serving, add salt. Coenzymes after winter How else can we fight spring tiredness? Some practical advice Mary Saveliev, Editor Portal http://kuking.net gradually lowered caffeine intake, since it affects the hormones that regulate blood sugar levels. Otherwise, you will need more and more caffeine to feel more energetic, but will miss him on less and less time. Besides, he does not successfully receive the body of nutrients. Eat more grains, such as unsweetened muesli for breakfast. Thanks to them, the energy will be produced slowly and continuously. Drink plenty of water, carbonated mineral water helps to keep calcium in the body, so it is better for bones than non-aerated water. Eat foods rich in coenzyme Q10: beef, fatty fish, peanuts and spinach. Nutritionists often recommend these products to patients who need more energy. Eat protein at every meal. They help slow down the digestive process and get slowly producing energy. Add more fiber in the diet - it is necessary to deal with constipation, fatigue aggravating. Fiber also provides a steady rise in blood sugar. Fruit instead of chocolate bar - the right way to increase the amount of fiber.

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