Monday, 18 July 2011

Diet of divorce

Diet of divorce

Experts believe that emotional instability in the family is directly related to nutritional deficiency in the body. In most cases, spouses are suffering from an imbalance in blood sugar: a surplus leads to irritability and uncontrollable emotional outbursts ... A shortage of at least one of the main vitamin or trace element causing shock waves. As a "preventive" therapy against divorce dieticians suggest to learn the ABC of a balanced diet. To avoid gross violations of diet and clearly distinguish wholesome food from the harmful, the American Academy of Family Physicians Association offers a visual aid - the Pyramid of healthy foods. " Base of the pyramid - the foundation of health - are foods containing carbohydrates (one third of all food). Basically, these should be products from unrefined whole grains. This category includes: bread - on the widest variety of black and rye, diet with added bran, oatmeal, made with whole grains: buckwheat, oat, millet, wheat, corn, barley, pasta quality wheat crackers (biscuits) ; included in our fashion breakfast cereals, preferably cereals, which are useful vcego is not with milk, and since the lactic acid products. The second (quite respectable) floor of the pyramid is occupied fruits and vegetables: raw, boiled, steamed and baked. In this category included: fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks, jelly, vitamin and herbal teas. In some fruits and vegetables predominate carbohydrates (potatoes, bananas), while in others - fats (seeds), there are those with more protein (beans, soy). On the third floor of the pyramid - protein - the main building blocks of our body. Left - milk and milk products to the right - high quality animal and vegetable protein: poultry (chicken, turkey), meat, fish, eggs, beans, peas and lentils. Since they are neighbors, we should observe a reasonable compromise to ensure the peaceful life of our body: in one meal is not necessary to interfere with products from the left and right halves. We must take into account the dimensions of the pyramid: the company products from this floor should not take so much space in your diet, as neighbors from the bottom. Products containing proteins should be approximately half of the diet. At the top of the pyramid is a small group of products, which lacks many important health vitamins and macro-and micronutrients. It's all "very-very": candy, chips, salted nuts, spices, alcoholic and nonalcoholic carbonated beverages. If you do not want to hurt, try to look at the top of the pyramid of healthy eating as little as possible! Incidentally, the same classification is easy to remember the basic laws of matching food: carbohydrates (the foundation) can not be combined with proteins (third floor) - they shared remarkably beautiful (and useful) on the floor of fruits and vegetables.

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