Wednesday, 20 July 2011



The teeth on the shelf! Prosthesis may soon become a thing of the past. Already, a British scientist can grow germs animal teeth, which they hope will be transplanted into the jaw. Despite the fact that the work is at an early stage, experts believe that such technology is applied to a man may become available already in the next 10 years. This study is performed under the supervision of Professor Paul Sharpe (Paul Sharpe), to explore the development craniofacial region at King's College London. During the experiments, he got the germ of mouse tooth. The scientist is so confident in the success of future technology, which founded for its development and promotion company called «Odontis». According to Professor Sharpe, the implantation of the embryo in the animal's jaw, he will receive the necessary innervation and blood supply and is firmly entrenched in the gum. The ultimate goal of the project - an opportunity for people to go to the dentist, who take a sample of cells of the patient and grow a new tooth, rather than relying on artificial materials. Two years ago, scientists from the National Institutes of Health have shown that each tooth has stem cells that can give rise to odontoblasts - cells that synthesizes an essential component of any tooth - dentin. Employees Faculty of Dentistry, University of Texas found in the tooth source of cells capable of creating enamel. Professor Sharpe also uses stem cells, however, refuses to more information. He explained that due to a combination of special chemicals he was able to get these cells to transform into progenitor cells of the tooth, and then give rise to the dental rudiments. The scientist said he did not consider the creation of artificial teeth too hard. The announcement of this study, which may make it unnecessary dental prosthetics, was published in the journal «New Scientist». On materials of the American newspaper "Fortune" (2002) Heartburn and heart Many people believe that heartburn - is excessive thirst, when thirsty. In fact, heartburn - it's just a feeling, a subjective feeling. A burning sensation behind the breastbone may be for many reasons. It is known that heartburn accompanied by gastro-intestinal tract. Between the esophagus and the stomach is the sphincter - the muscular valve which in a normal condition in contact with food in the stomach closes automatically. But in diseases of the valve or it does not close completely, or does not close completely. Then the contents of the stomach, including acid enters the esophagus, causing a feeling of heartburn. This is a fairly common disease, especially in the elderly. Often it depends on the food or from some structural changes of the valve. But the burning sensation of heartburn sometimes impossible to distinguish from the manifestations of cardiovascular disease - angina, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction. Therefore, even if the patient was found weak sphincter diagnosed with gastritis, with the appearance of such burning is better to be safe and consult a cardiologist, just to ensure that the heart is all right. It should be borne in mind that even the ECG does not always reflect the real picture. Thus, there is one vessel that runs along the rear surface of the heart called the left artery bypass. If a heart attack occurs in this region of the heart, the ECG is usually not recorded. Therefore need a full reception with a cardiologist, when the physician interrogates the patient, ascertain the nature of pain, and it is sometimes more important than reading ECGs. Pain has many characteristics. If you are afraid of cutting pain that lasts a few seconds and also increases when you take a deep breath - this is not necessarily heartache. My heart hurts in different ways. Sometimes the pain is burning in nature, sometimes - the oppressive, sometimes - the cutting. Determine its true causes in the state of a doctor. On materials of the American newspaper "Contact-Contact» (December 2002) products instead of drugs American doctors have recently stated that they could start selling cancer pizza. It should consist of crusts flax seeds, topped with rosemary, licorice, and garlic and served with orange juice. According to research scientists, each of these foods is a powerful tool for cancer prevention. We'll see how things stand with other illnesses. From stroke and heart attack will help protect the carrots. Only two of carrot eaten per day, fully provide the body with beta-carotene. And this is enough to halve the risk of stroke in men. Women who eat five carrots a week, the risk of heart attack by almost 70% lower. Useful as beans, contain a lot of folic acid deficiency which leads to damage of blood vessels. LDL "bad" cholesterol in the blood reduces the tea, rich in flavonoids. Necessary their daily amount is contained in four cups of tea. Likewise, acts garlic. People who regularly it is used, suffer from cardiovascular disease by almost 20% less. "Straighten out" with "bad" cholesterol salmon, oat bran, soy, dark chocolate and cocoa. If the daily eat 20 grams of cocoa powder and 15 grams of dark chocolate, then 2-3 weeks is possible to achieve the ideal level of cholesterol in the blood. Excellent tool for preventing heart and vascular diseases is a dark grape juice that contains a substance called "resverarol. His way, a lot of natural grape wine. Blood pressure decrease is the same garlic, broccoli, grapefruit and orange juices. For those people who are within six weeks of drinking two glasses of orange juice a day, the upper blood pressure decreased on average by 10 mmHg, and the bottom - up to 3 mm. Since grapefruit juice is more complicated: it can increase the effects of many antihypertensive drugs, so be cautious. There are products that are better than drugs can cope with pathogens. This garlic, apples, olive oil, celery, onions, beets, and tea. Cranberry juice is very helpful, especially to prevent and treat infections of the genitourinary system. Daily consumption of orange juice provides rapid recovery from acute respiratory diseases. Have the same effect lemons, strawberries, sweet peppers. Immune stimulants include live yogurt and garlic. Natural painkillers are tea, coffee, ginger, peppermint and clove oil. Headache well help fresh eggs and milk. The recipe is simple: break the egg in a glass of fresh, fill it brim with boiling milk, stir and drink. When inflammation of the kidneys effective ripe cherry, blackberry, black currant, red cabbage. An excellent diuretic is cucumber juice, especially in a mixture with carrot. Manage mood, that is, serve as a natural antidepressant, may be chocolate, coffee, pear, lemon, green onion, quince, honey and ginger. As the number of "laughing" products included and parsley. If you want to fall asleep quickly, help the honey, orange peel, warm milk. Top 15 fruits and vegetables And yet, what products are the most healing? Such studies have been carried out repeatedly, but the results do not always coincide. Recently, nutritionists have identified the top 15 among the fruits and vegetables. Here they are: apples - reduce cholesterol and promote digestion; lemons - strengthen connective bone tissue and increase body's resistance to infections; bananas - protects the stomach wall from the harmful effects of acute and salty food, contribute to the process of digestion; beans - lower cholesterol, normalize blood sugar in the blood and prevent breast and prostate; cauliflower - rid of impurities and reduces the "bad" cholesterol; strawberries - helps neutralize the virus in the body; carrot - has beneficial effects on vision, increases the efficiency of the heart; potatoes - prevents inflammation and calming acts on the intestines; Garlic - natural antibiotic, reduces cholesterol, is a natural preventive measure and remedy against the disease, oranges - weaken the asthmatic manifestations, a positive effect in muscle atrophy and gum disease; grapefruit - lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels; peppers - protects against colds, asthma, bronchitis, and multiple sclerosis; plum - is bactericidal, promotes digestion, asparagus - provides a diuretic effect, a beneficial effect on the kidneys, onions - gives a good effect on colds, flu, bronchitis. On materials of the American newspaper "Fortune" (2002)

Source: Journal of Quality of Life. Prevention. "№ 2 March-April 2003

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