Friday, 22 April 2011

Diet Turnip

Diet Turnip

Biennial herbaceous plant, turnip cabbage belongs to the family. In the first year it forms a root from which grow the second year of branched stalk with flowers. At the bottom of the stem of turnips develop large, up to 50 cm in length, lirovidnye, yellowish-green, hispid leaves. Homeland turnips - the Mediterranean countries. As culture turnip has been known for 40 centuries. The ancient Greeks, Persians, Egyptians are widely cultivated turnips. She was considered a food of slaves and the poor. The Egyptians fed it the pyramid builders. In ancient Rome, baked turnips consumed by the representatives of all classes, and in the XVI century. Turnip was considered the most important staple food in England, France. In this case, used not only to root, but the young leaves as a salad. The taste they resemble mustard. The secret of this vegetable is simple. Turnips - one of the low-calorie diet food plants that are recommended for obesity and diabetes. Of water in it 90.5%, protein - 1.5 g%, carbohydrates - 5,9 g%. In 100 g of 28 kcal. At the same time, the turnips there are macro-and micronutrients like iron - 0.9 mg%, potassium - 238 mg%, calcium - 49 mg%, magnesium - 17 mg%, sodium - 58 mg%, phosphorus - 34 mg %. Small (0.05 mg%) of vitamins but rich in composition: B1, B2, B6, vitamin PP (0,8 mg%), C (88 mg%). Interestingly, the vitamin C in the turnips almost twice as much as oranges, lemons, cabbages, radishes, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, 6 times higher than in red beet and onion bulb and 12 times more than in carrots. Present in the turnips and pantothenic acid, sterols, thiamin, a small amount of essential oils. Thanks to the mustard oil fruits turnips have a peculiar taste and smell. Repa has fitontsidnymi and antibacterial properties. In Russia turnips was known before the outbreak of the Great Moscow Principality. Until the XVIII century. - Is the main vegetable, who played the role of the modern potato in the diet of all classes. Turnips eaten baked, boiled, steamed, used as a filling for pies out of it even made kvass. It was the cheapest and most available vegetable. Until now, there is a saying: "It is easier as dirt." Widely used and remedies turnips. Juice from the turnip, pressed after drying on a grater and podvarenny with sugar, was considered a true remedy for scurvy. Turnip juice smeared with swollen, bleeding gums. In Russian Trawniki described laxatives, diuretics, antitussive properties of turnip. We used the juice of turnip with acute laryngitis, asthma - inside, and externally - for gout, as well as to rinse for toothache. For colds, coughs, and cardiovascular diseases, as a sedative and hypnotic juice of boiled turnip mixed with honey and administered by 0,5 cup 3 times daily before meals. To taste of turnips to make more enjoyable, you can mix its juice with currants, raspberries, cranberries. If the damage of the vocal cords, insomnia, palpitations take 2 tbsp. l. crushed roots, pour a glass of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes and drink 1 / 4 cup 4 times a day, or 1 glass at night. When polyarthritis used a decoction of turnips: 2 Tbsp. l. grated grated turnips pour a glass of boiling water, cook for 30 minutes, cool and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. When frostbite apply ointment of turnips and goose fat, for this 20 g of root wipe at a very fine grater, mix with 10 grams of goose fat and put on the damaged areas. With constipation as the restorative and vitamins to increase appetite means turnip was used in a medical diet program, especially in the winter-spring period. Drunk a glass of freshly prepared juice turnips promotes bile secretion, and in case of breeding it with 1 / 4 or 1 / 3 contributes to a better emptying of the gall bladder. Fresh turnip Grate, then mashed, add the vegetable oil. Such a product is considered one of the most effective means to stimulate the acid-forming and secretory function of gastric glands. Infusion from the leaves of turnip was used as a rinse for the prevention karieza. To do this, take 20 grams of crushed leaves, poured them a glass of boiled water, 30 min. However, it should be borne in mind that the turnip is contraindicated in inflammatory processes in kidneys, inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Turnip for the second dish to cook turnips until soft, carefully cut the tip of a knife and remove the core, leaving the thin walls. Fill the inside of any ground meat (beef, mushrooms, rice with eggs and fried onions), cover with a truncated top, wrap thread and cook in boiling water (broth) until cooked. Ready roots lay on a plate, pour sauce or sour cream. In raw turnip a little bitter, to remove the bitterness before quenching or bake turnips should pour over boiling water.

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