Friday, 6 May 2011

The argument worked. Although it is known ...

The argument worked. Although it is known that any of the the world's health systems lack the funds for medicine. The winners rubbed their hands. And somehow seamlessly with the agenda were taken slogans (and, incidentally, official documents) previously declared: gone into oblivion discussed the draft law on social health insurance, less year lasted not realize such abstracts reported at the Board MH 2002, as "ensuring the unity of medical and economic efficiency; unity between doctor and patient in achieving maximum efficiency results of preventive and curative activity." But the authorities do nothing was conscientious. And then hints (Summer and Fall 2002) was the "throw" information, they say, are prepared from ordinary steps to improve the situation in the national health care. In the end, we found a Solomonic decision - we do not reject the establishment of medical and social insurance of Russian citizens, but move aside its formation until better times, meaning long-term economic stability of society and the need for financial security health care system. It is clear that the vacuum in the movement from the present disastrous state to the bright future of national health care need to be urgently filled. If you think about it and objectively assess the situation in the Russian health then, in essence, the question of reforming the Soviet health care system today is the same poignancy, if not greater, than in the late 80's early 90-ies. But the bright word "reform" over the past half-decade of Applied implementation of Easterly as a copper coin, stuffed on edge and has become almost a curse. Yes, and to recognize ineffective efforts spent over the decades as a conscience does not allow - after all, to some extent, all that was done under the guise of "compulsory health Insurance, "saved the health system in Russia in a difficult period of economic transformation. The verbal construction" reform "in its logical development goes into the category of" modernization. "Note - do not upgrade the health system and health insurance. And the main goal of this modernization posed no protection citizen of insurance risk to consumers of medical services, and "ensuring the conditions for sustainable financing of health care organizations to provide free medical care." What is it but a kind of carte blanche to save health care facilities, which is still the de jure and de facto remains of the Soviet-socialist: all the same coupon system, the attachment of certain contingent physicians, regulatory and planning characteristics of activity, lack of opportunities for managers LPU free maneuver vehicles and etc., etc. However, the draft Concept of "Modernization of the OMC in the Russian Federation" provides for "the expansion of legal forms of organization in health care as a condition for the modernization of compulsory medical insurance." It is a condition defined by the basic premise of qualitative changes in the system of local self-government.

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