Friday, 6 May 2011

In essence, the system of government ...

In essence, the system of government guarantees was the return to routine public health system, put the last point in the provision of planning in the financing of the health system. On the ground, appeared a strange symbiosis between the calculated market rates for medical services, limited amount of funding, the actual health care needs. And in order to reconcile the irreconcilable (for non-compliance with the requirements of the planned financial security) anything better on the ground not figured out how to make a monthly get better odds on rates of medical services. The introduction of programs of the state guarantees free medical care outside the health insurance system buried the bright hopes for the eventual formation of a civilized market of medical services in Russia. After twelve years since in the practical implementation of the Health Insurance Act of citizens in Russia should be concluded that builds up the domestic model of social protection of citizens in health, have failed. The state monopoly in hidden and subtle forms of lobbying their own selfish interests won his next victory, but once again sweeten the pill, throwing his opponents out of the camp of the liberals a bone of comfort - let us all instead of loans to upgrade what we have. Was there resistance? Who is to blame and what to do? Back in 1996 (when the development at the time the next concept of health care reform Russia), supporters of the classical system of health insurance wrote: "The result of the creation of a structure funds MLA ... became cumbersome system with dual flow-through entity" ("Medical Journal», № 18, 16-30 April 1996, p. 3). At the time, attempts were made to amend the Law on Compulsory Health Insurance in the direction of liberalization, but all efforts proved futile. Another attempt to neutralize the monopoly of compulsory health insurance funds by combining them with social insurance funds - failed, although this direction of reform was announced at the President himself, and serious concerns on this issue was made head of state in his Address to the Legislative Assembly in 2002. Sad but a fact - the conservatives who favor preservation of the current structure of the Russian health care, which put together a catchy sign of compulsory medical insurance, have won another victory. Thus, the direct path of the struggle of liberal relations in health care has not led to the creation of a unified system of social health insurance for citizens of Russia. "The owners of money bags" Social Fund and Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund, in anticipation of such developments the loss of their priorities, and not without reason, and predicted its dissolution in the new structure, were able to convince the legislators and possibly the President himself that such a reform today is not timely. And the argument "not to" lay on the surface - say, the union of the already scarce financial resources of the two sources (Social Security and Medicare) will not increase financial investments in the new system.

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