Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Can and can not: 10 rules to help you lose weight

Can and can not: 10 rules to help you lose weight

All you need to do - is to include in the diet of five points and eliminate the other five points. You can do this on their own, in any order. No need to add, delete these products immediately, but the sooner you change your diet, the faster will achieve the desired results. If you're already using some of the "added" products, simply add the rest. If one or two products you can not add to your diet, replace them with something similar. If you have already ruled out some of the "remote" products, then just omit the others. If you have reduced the consumption of a product, but not eliminated completely, try to consume it even less. Even a week effort will bear fruit. Five foods that should be included in the diet: 1. Foods rich in fiber should be introduced gradually, so that the body used to the new substances differently in the body produce large quantities of gases. Are rich in fiber, vegetables, fruits and beans. 2. Raw vegetables should be included in the basis of their diet because they are rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Fresh juices of raw vegetables are also considered. 3. Berries. The reasons for their beneficial effects on health can be long to enumerate. Just trust me. 4. Nuts. Portion shall be a quarter cup. Pistachios, raw almonds or cashews, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, ... well, you know. In the nuts contain fats and protein. But do not overdo it! Just think - vegetable salad, sprinkled with nuts - and you can already set off two points. 5. Foods rich in proteins. They should be included in every meal. Eat fish at least twice a week, preferably more often. Fried fish (and not just fish) is not considered. Five foods that should be excluded from the diet: 1. Pasta (pasta). 2. Bread. Except for bread, meal, only the present, rather than brown bread from a supermarket. And even then, it is better to reduce the consumption of bread to one or two pieces a day. 3. Quick-cooking porridge. Carefully read the ingredients. If the cereal contains more than five grams of sugar, set it aside. This oatmeal is not included here, so that it can safely eat. 4. Carbonated soft drinks, even diet. 5. Rolls, biscuits, cakes, crackers, desserts. Of course, this is intolerable, but a snack bit and try again in a week. Do not think about it, how about a diet, consider that this little experiment. Want to see what would happen if you eliminate a couple of harmful products from your diet? Just watch? Try it! Maybe nothing will happen. Or maybe you finally get rid of extra pounds. Author: Valery Belenky,, Materials: Source: 

Source: Journal of Planet HEALTH "at ? group = 0 & id = 1830 

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