Thursday, 7 July 2011



Fat - a class of organic substances, leading purpose of which - energy supply of the organism. It is known that fat molecules have more energy than carbohydrates. Thus, the combustion (oxidation), 1 g. fat to the final products - water and carbon dioxide is released in 2 times more energy than the oxidation of the same amount of carbohydrates. Fats are energy accumulators, but they are burnt in the flame of carbohydrates. In other words, that fat was released energy, need lots of carbohydrates and oxygen. It is well known that prolonged fasting is easier to tolerate people who have a thick fatty layer. The role of fat as a plastic material to maintain thermal homeostasis. Ie subcutaneous fat to retain heat rather than letting it dissipate into space (fat - a poor conductor of heat). Adipose tissue, being loose and soft material, surrounds the "fragile bodies, protecting them from mechanical sostryaseny and injuries. The body fat is mostly included in the various organs and fills spaces between them. In folk medicine it is known that high-melting fats (badger, dog fat) are consumed by man, cured a number of pulmonary diseases (pulmonary tuberculosis). However, the introduction of excessive animal fats (butter, lard) contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, a decrease in lung ventilation and the occurrence of colds. Fats in moderate amounts needed for normal functioning of the organism, and their deficiency leads to serious disturbances in the body. However, excessive intake of fat from the diet, increased deposition of it in subcutaneous fat in the liver are fraught with considerable opastnost health. Fat beginning to disintegrate in the gastrointestinal tract, but the process is long, as fat is out of reach of enzymes able to: to break down fat, you must first crush it into small balls. True, in a small number of fat can be absorbed and in solid form, unsplit. Then it is deposited in subcutaneous fat in the form of neutral fat substitute that was later used as a source of energy. Fat may accumulate in the blood. Obesity contributes to blood shortages in its protein, which is a carrier of fat molecules. In the absence of a blood protein acquires a whitish hue. In a blood red blood cells (RBCs) are glued together, whereas the red blood cells are usually free and easy to glide along the walls of blood vessels and to each other. Violation of traffic leads to congestion of red blood cells in blood vessels. Such a slowing of blood flow violates the nutrition of tissues and organs, reduces their resistance to various unfavorable factors. If the constant eating is combined with long-continued stress, the blood rapidly secrete hormones, adrenaline, noradrenaline. They, in turn, contribute not only to breakdown of fat in the subcutaneous fat and increase the content of fatty acids in the blood, but is widely open the door for cholesterol. Obesity increases the blood, also at an increased introduction of the body salt. In the body, to form a mechanism to prevent the harmful effects of obesity blood for several hours cleaning the blood from her insoluble fat droplets. Is in itself a long digestion of fats in the digestive tract prevents the rapid and massive saturation of blood breakdown products of fat. And yet we get fat biologically valuable substances: unsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides, some fat-soluble vitamins, particularly A, E and K. The value set is the qualitative composition of fats included in diet. Stimulating effect on the protective mechanisms of the body have an unsaturated fatty acid. They, as well as some amino acids of proteins are indispensable, ie, not synthesized in the body components. The need for them can be met only through food, primarily due to vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, olive, corn, etc.). Daily demand for fats depends on the energy and the person's age. Thus, in the daily diet of older people should include no more than 75 - in 1980 fats. Approximately 30% of the total amount of fat should be vegetable oil. Must be borne in mind that fats come in many foods. They are rich in some types of fish and meat, cheese, pastries.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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