Sunday, 17 July 2011

MATErialny world

MATErialny world

It turns out that there is nothing! In Latin America and tropical Asia long ago drinking mate - chaepodobny drink that is made from dried leaves and twigs of an evergreen tree type padubovyh Ilex paraguariensis. This tree grows in the forests of Argentina, Chile and Paraguay, for which he is sometimes called the Paraguayan tea. Mate great tone, improves concentration, does not cause primary excitation and does not accumulate in the body. In addition, it does not develop addiction. Digression into the history in Europe is known about mate in 1620 opened his first Spaniards. A detailed description of the same plant gave the French botanist, Aug. de St. Hilaire. Cultivation of tea plantations Paraguayan Jesuits were actively involved, sell it in Europe under the name "Elixir of the Jesuits." Infusion of highly valued and was worth more coffee and tea. By the beginning of the twentieth century. in Europe about the forgotten mate, possibly due to a succession of revolutions in South America. By mid-century things are changing. Drink, according to numerous legends firming power banishing illnesses, prolong life, prompting a new wave of interest. The exceptional properties of mate are analyzed and investigated. Thanks to the works of Argentine writers - Cortazar, Borges, Puig, and others whose stories are literally awash mate - drink gets its former popularity and occupy a special niche-maet among many European bias. From caffeine to Researchers mateinu mate unanimously claim that mate - truly a storehouse of vitamins (A, C, E, B1, B2, B12, pantothenic acid, biotin), minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, silicon, selenium , iron, sulfur), organic acids, microbicides, as well as alkaloids theophylline, theobromine, etc. In addition, the mate is a natural stimulant matein, which is very similar to caffeine. However, unlike the last action mateina is milder, with no side effects and addiction. Mate helps to improve digestion, restore damaged and inflamed mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the oxygen supply of the heart, normalizes blood pressure. As a refreshing drink mate stimulates the nervous system and calms the excitation. Drink reduces nervousness, anxiety, and hence is useful for depression. Mate does not violate the sleep cycle, in contrast, provides a deeper and more restful sleep. Drink increases the resistance of physical and mental fatigue. Mate accelerates excretion of toxins from the body, stimulates the immune system and provides a natural resistance. Traditional sipping mate tea through a straw is similar to the process of smoking a hookah, or tube, and helps get rid of nicotine addiction. It is believed that mate activates the adrenal glands and normalizes the menstrual cycle. Kalabas and fish is According to literary sources, mate in Argentina drink from morning till night. Men and women, adults and children, separately and in the company, at home and in cafes. Traditional matepitie - a ceremony that requires special utensils and compliance rules. Vessel for brewing and drinking mate called kalabasa. Kalabas made from the fruit of the so-called bottle-gourd and has a rounded shape, its outer walls are covered with carvings or paintings. Vessel sends a silver or leather. Kalabasa made of other materials, but this pumpkin provide the necessary temperature drink and preserve its flavor during the ceremony. Kalabas requires attention and care. After each matepitiya it washed and well dried, store in a clean dry place. If kalabas long used its "enliven" the same mate, letting stand a drink brewed for 2-3 days. Another indispensable attribute of the ceremony - fish is (or bombizhya) - duct through which the drink mate. Tube (length 15-25 cm) can be straight or slightly curved. In its upper part is slightly flattened mouthpiece, and the bottom, which is lowered into the water, there is thickening with small holes. Tube is made of silver, bone, cane, or wood. Lovers of hot mate use short fish is made of wood, less than a hot drink is pulled from the long silver "straw". To brew mate also need a simple pot of hot water or a thermos, and, of course, the mate, and best of all Argentine. Canons welding classic way to brew coffee mate follows. First, in kalabas put tea leaves into 2 / 3 the volume and slightly tilt the vessel so that it poured into one wall. Then small portions pour a little water to wet the tea leaves (the water should be fully absorbed). Argue for 2-3 minutes, then gently insert the fish is, plugged the top hole with your thumb, so as not to have leaked a blade of grass. Lowered to the bottom of the tube, slightly bury her in the thick leaves. After that, top up the container with hot water almost to the top. Water should be just hot (70-80 ° C), but not boiling water, otherwise the drink loses its taste, and begins to taste bitter. Willingness to drink is determined by type of welding - it loses its flowability, swells and becomes thick green porridge. Re pour tea leaves with hot water can be 5 times or more. Here's how to describe Cortazar fragrance mate: "How fragrant grass begins to breathe, covered with boiling water, and then how, when the infusion is sucked, she settles, loses shine and smell - as long as the stream of water again cheer it." Mate, mate yet! Taste mate is changing as the drink of the herb to the bitter-tart. There are different ways of cooking mate. Sometimes a handful of powder thrown directly into boiling water, sometimes powder with cold water. Bitter drink prefer men, sweetened - women. Gaucho culture has created its own traditions drinking mate. There is even a peculiar language of this drink: bitter mate means indifference, sweet - friendship, very sweet - talk to my parents, and cinnamon - I think of you, with burnt sugar - I like you, with milk - respect, etc. Mate drinking athletes, fitness enthusiasts, Model, pop and movie stars. Among his admirers - Maradona, Mel Gibson, Julio Iglesias, Madonna, Prince Charles. Mate love Evita and Che Guevara. Mate has a thought-provoking and good for a single person, but he also brings together and when it is drunk in the company, moreover, according to the old ritual, a circle of one kalabasa. Now and here, in Russia, a number of cafes and restaurants can be ordered mate. In addition, the mate is sold in tea shops, where they sell a variety of fish is kalabasa. Thus, there is everything you need to learn healthy and tasty drink. So put the kettle and try to make mate. Recipes Boiled mate mate is prepared like coffee or tea. In boiling water poured tea leaves at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter of water. Boil for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat and pour through a strainer into cups or kalabasa. Boiled mate can drink as much as with the sugar, and without it. Sweet mate is prepared with sugar or honey. It is possible to initially fill the sugar in powder form in kalabas with dry tea leaves, or put a spoonful of honey at the bottom and then pour hot water. Cool mate prepared the same way as the classic bitter, only with cold water and insist about 1 hour. In the cold mate, you can add ice, sugar, orange, grapefruit or lemon juice and mint leaves. Mate in milk. Warmed to 50-60 ° C with 500 ml of milk, make 2 tablespoons. spoon mate, mix, add to taste honey or sugar. Insist 2 minutes, strain and pour into cups. You can also prepare a drink with lemon or orange peel, coffee and egg yolk.

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