Saturday, 30 April 2011

The proposed approach of segmentation bases ...

Approach proposed framework allows the segmentation of health within the designated areas to conduct further research to study the demand for certain types of medical services in each of the segments to determine the size, growth and attractiveness of the market segment of health according to objective criteria, using traditional health statistics performance, reasonably correlating them with the economic characteristics of a marketing relationship between doctor and patient.

The results of introducing a new matrix for operational monitoring service

Bakiyev SS Samarkand branch of the Republican scientific center for emergency medical care (Director Sadykov RA), Samarkand Over 70% of all patients needing emergency care, are starting to get it on the prehospital stage. Ambulance viewed as an important stage on the quality of care which often depend on the further successful outcome of the disease and preventing further severe complications. In this regard, the main goal of the program is to improve the organization of dispatch service, as a quick and competent solution Manager helps increase efficiency, the profile in the direction of teams and therefore, admission of seriously ill and injured in the specialized departments and centers in the early stages, reducing the mortality rate in prehospital and in the hospital. One of the more difficult tasks in the operations department managers, line crews on incoming call. Low levels of work teams is explained in some cases impossible to determine over the phone presumptive diagnosis and the patient's condition. Occasion to call often does not provide sufficient guidance for the direction of ambulance crews, and may not correspond to the type and severity of illness or injury. Depending on the competence of managers, the operations department of SMP will be determined by the profile departures teams. However, controllers do not always take the proper decision to send teams to call on the profile, due to the lack of control over the work of managers from the head station of the NSR, nedorabotak in the education system controllers. In these circumstances, the dispatcher assumes a unique solution of the problem: as soon as possible to send any team to call. In this special team is often not the profile direction, and at the same time, the linear brigade is sent to a challenge that must be given to a specialized team. The study aims to improve the organization of operational and dispatching service in coordinating and dispatching service. Coordinately control service (CDS) was established on the basis of the Samarkand branch of the Republican scientific center for emergency medical care. The structure of CDS includes the "03", sanitary aviation and emergency staff. Primary link in the DTP is operational and dispatching service, which is the first to receive a call from the people of Samarkand and the Samarkand region.



Ideally, the vegetarian lifestyle goes beyond the purely nominal renunciation of the use of the flesh of animals slain. It is a philosophy professing humanism and nonviolence. Many people immediately recall the names of the Buddha, George Bernard Shaw, Maurice Maeterlinck, Rabindranath Tagore, Sir Paul McCartney and, of course, LN Tolstoy. It is with these outstanding personalities associated notion of power "without killing." However, there is another "famous" vegetarian, which is not very fond of remembering those for whom the vegetable diet is part of the idea of ??"non-resistance to evil" - Adolph Hitler. He too was a fan of a vegetarian diet, although they say they gave up eating meat because of the panic fear of cancer. Therefore we can not consider a vegetarian lifestyle as a panacea for all ills or as a tool that can make moral monster into a beautiful altruist. By the way, before the Orthodox fasts father reminds his parishioners about the same: the post - it's not only food, but above all moral constraints, purification of the spirit. But enough philosophy, talk about vegetarianism "dry" the language of a nutritionist. Vegetable food is the source of many vitamins, macro-and microelements, organic acids and fiber. In addition, a low content of salts of sodium, purines and proteins in some cases it is necessary for the construction of certain therapeutic diets. Such diets prescribed for 3-5 days, patients with hypertension and chronic cardiovascular and renal disease, gout. They allow you to "unload" protein metabolism, eliminate intake of dietary purines, a preponderance of alkaline over acidic valences. However, they provide the intake of large amounts of ascorbic acid, potassium salts and other minerals. Therefore, the use of vegetarian diets contribute fairly rapid decrease in the level of the end products of protein metabolism in patients with renal insufficiency, as well as blood pressure, gives a pronounced diuretic effect, reduces the level of uric acid in the body. Vegetarian diets contain significant amounts of fiber, which stimulates peristalsis and ensure its regular emptying in chronic atonic constipation. In acute colitis with diarrhea, you can assign the apple diet. Sick during the day give 1-1,5 kg peeled grated apples (the best grade Antonovka). Raw plant foods reduces the putrefactive processes in the intestine, as contained in apples pectins contribute to the cessation of diarrhea. "Our food should be a remedy, and our remedy should be food" - these words belong to Hippocrates. The fact that plant foods - a source of vitamins and fiber, known to all. But on the macro-and micronutrients, plant pigments, and bioactive substances, which are rich in the gifts of Flora, often do not even know the doctors. A pity, since the role of these ingredients in the prevention and treatment of many diseases is obvious. Here are some of them. Carotenoids - sources of provitamin A. They help to strengthen the immune system, can destroy free radicals. The highest sugar content - in carrots, pumpkin, pepper, melon. Indoles - are also natural antioxidants and lower cholesterol in the blood. In large quantities contained in cabbage, zucchini, squash, pumpkin. Glikozinolaty - have a marked antimicrobial effect, reduces the risk of cancer, stimulate appetite and improve digestion. Contained in the radish and mustard. Saponins - anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the formation of blood clots, prevent the development of atherosclerosis. They are rich in beans and garlic. Anthocyanins - pigments of blue-violet color. Are good antioxidants, prevents the development of cancer. A lot of them in blueberries, plums, eggplant, black currants. Catechins - the derivatives, flavonols and anthocyanins. Strengthen capillary walls, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, improve immunity. Many baikhovi catechins and green tea, red grapes. Terpenoids - component of essential oils. Has a bactericidal effect, improves mood. Give the flavor of citrus, many spices and herbs. Perhaps after reading the list of these useful, and most importantly, delicious "medicine" you want to join the vegetarian community. By the way, call to become a vegetarian at least for the summer is, of course, to men. You can often hear the following explanation of the reluctance to give up eating meat: "I've been doing heavy physical labor, and the protein I need for the force." Indeed, the "protein problem" - the eternal stumbling block for proponents of foods of plant origin. From a chemical point of view of the protein molecule is a long-chain, whose links are the constituent amino acids. They are the building blocks for the body needed to fight infections, transmission of hereditary information. Although there are only 22 amino acids, only 8 of them (9 children) - the so-called essential amino acids - can not be synthesized by the body and must be obtained from food. Some of them are found only in animal proteins, and if the diet includes eggs, milk and cheese, all balanced. With regard to standards of the daily intake of protein, in different countries, they differ even for the closest populations. Thus, for males (average body weight 70 kg) aged 18-40 years, not engaged in heavy physical work and live in countries with temperate climates, the recommended protein requirements range from 55 g / day in Canada and 120 g / day in Bulgaria In Russia, they are about 87 g / day. Numerous studies have demonstrated a high endurance and fast recovery of strength athletes, vegetarians. There was a time when the British club for vegetarians, athletes and cyclists had assets of more than 40% of all national records in cycling, but the vast majority of winners in European cycling, and still are vegetarians. List of famous vegetarians swimmers on the right is headed by Murray Rose, a three-time Olympic Gold Medallist in 1956, a vegetarian from the age of two, and Bill Pickering, who has set a world record in the intersection of swimming the English Channel. Vegetarians from all continents at different times, won gold medals in wrestling and boxing, set world records in cross country and marathon. How can vegetarians make the same "correct" diet to get the full spectrum of amino acids and a sufficient amount of protein? It turns out that the traditional menu of most nations of the world and so exemplify the ideal combination of products of vegetable origin, having an optimal combination of complementary amino acid components. Many indigenous peoples of North and South America existed for centuries, including in your diet simple dishes from the maize and beans or rice and beans - these combinations provide a complete protein profile. The population of Japan and China have traditionally prevailed in the diet of rice and soybeans. Speaking of soy. The protein content in soybean (100 g) - 34 grams (more than meat and fish), and soy protein digested by almost 70%, which is almost the same as the protein of animal origin. In this case, soybeans contain no cholesterol and contains a large amount of dietary fiber (4%), magnesium, calcium, iron, and substances that prevent the development of hormone-dependent tumors such as breast and prostate cancer. With regard to palatability of soybean and products thereof, it is known to every man to his own taste. But I highly recommend to try tofu - soy cheese: you will not only enrich your desk, but the pass for "the modern and advanced", since the passion of Japanese cuisine has become universal. A word of advice, caution themselves experts on vegetarianism Although plant foods in general are much richer in vitamins and minerals than the fish and meat, but vitamins D, B2, B12 and zinc may be lacking in the diet if it is not completely thought out. Vitamins B2 and B12 are found in abundance only in animal foods, so the "strict" vegetarians should pay attention to herbal products that contain these vitamins even in small amounts ("lacto" and "laktoovovegetariantsam" do not worry about it). Sources of vitamin B2 - wheat germ, yeast, bread, mushrooms, chanterelles. Vitamin D is in the mushrooms. Range is small, and vitamins are less than the appropriate number. Therefore, you must either take the form of a dietary supplement yeast (containing vitamin B2), or use the tablet form of vitamins B12, B2 and D. There is a danger and a lack of zinc in the body due to the fact that a vegetarian consumes a lot of cereals and legumes that are rich in phytin substance that binds zinc in the human digestive system. A role of zinc in the body is very important: it is necessary for normal growth, development and puberty, reproductive function and maintain adequate immune status, the maintenance of normal blood formation, taste and smell, the normal course of wound healing. Often it is associated with zinc deficiency decreased sexual desire in vegetarians and semen quality. "Dopoluchit" zinc can, using food crops that have passed the fermentation process (as are the yeast in the dough), as well as eating germinated grains, which neutralize the phytin. Those who are included in your diet eggs, milk, bran, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts, that is, foods rich in zinc, no need to take it further. Well, armed with a variety of pros and cons of a vegetarian diet, will feel at some time members of the experiment on a new power supply system, the benefit of the court of autumn and the choice of fruits and vegetables is great. The Roman poet Ovid said: "O death! Afraid to defile their bodies with this food profane, Look - your cornfields filled with grasses and branches of trees laden with fruit stooped, you are given vegetables and herbs that taste better when cooked skilful hand, very rich cluster of the vine, And the honey gives a sweet-scented clover, indeed, Nature The mother is generous, giving us an abundance of these delicacies, I have it all for our table, all ... order to avoid killing and bloodshed. " The first thing that comes to mind is the mistress who wants to surprise your guests or family vegetarian menu - a salad. And indeed, this is so, and a flight of fancy is unlimited. At first I wanted to share with you the recipes of their "brand" of salads, and then decided that it was better to invite your attention ... different charging for them. And as constituents of fruits and vegetables combine themselves. Mix the yogurt dressing cup yogurt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons light mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. chopped green onions, black pepper to taste. "Thousand Islands" Mix 1 tbsp. spoonful of orange and lemon juice, chopped parsley and shniit-bow, add 1 teaspoon of ground pepper, 4 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, salt and black pepper to taste and a few drops vorchesterskogo sauce (sold in large supermarkets - surprisingly flavorful seasoning). Lemon-honey dressing whip (with a fork or electric mixer) 1 / 4 cup lemon juice with 4 teaspoon of liquid honey and 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider or wine vinegar. Continuation of the meal - a cold soup. Let this be a vegetable okroshka or vegetable soup sorrel and nettles or ... Bulgarian trator. At 4 cup 1% buttermilk - 1 large cucumber, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp. tablespoon vegetable oil, 100 grams of peeled nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts), 2 tbsp. finely chopped dill, black pepper to taste. Peeled cucumber crush on a vegetable grater, slightly sunflower and put in the cold. Chopped garlic and nuts, vegetable oil and yogurt thoroughly beat with a mixer. Prepared cucumber mixed with whipped the masses, add salt to taste and spices, dill and a few large pieces of crushed nuts. Serve in large cups. Well put in every pair of ice cubes. Or maybe you're interested in Spanish gazpacho soup. To cook it you will need 1 cucumber, 1 tomato, 1 liter of tomato juice, 300 g of yellow and red bell pepper, 1 small onion, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 jar of sweet corn, 2 tbsp. chopped greens, 100 g of white bread and 1 tbsp. tablespoon red wine vinegar. Cut the cucumber, tomato, pepper. Crumble the bread and sprinkle with water. All components are mixed in the blender. Add salt and vinegar. The soup is served cold, with toasted white bread. For the soup you can apply not just bread and sandwiches, "the first leaves. For their cooking needs sorrel, green onions, garlic, feathers, fresh nettle, scalded with boiling water, leaves, young sprouts. The proportions do not matter and composition can be varied to suit personal tastes. All this greenery to crank through a meat grinder, mix, sunflower to taste, add hot red pepper and cream. And on a hot, if someone has a desire to have such a hot weather, I recommend the cabbage rolls. Prepare cabbage leaves, for both ordinary stuffed cabbage, - par-cook, beat off, cut the thicker part of the foundation. Need to mince parsley roots, celery, carrots, onions, Bulgarian pepper. All the cut strips and lightly fry in vegetable oil. You can add chopped straw and lightly spasserovannye apples, sliced ??tomatoes and chopped nuts. Stuffing mix and sunflower. Then starting them cabbage leaves, each leaf roll tube, put in oiled shape, top oil cream, can be sprinkled with grated cheese. Bake until golden brown. When a table sprinkled with chopped greens. In the famous book for housewives of the last century E. Molokhovets has wonderful lines: "If you suddenly came to visit, then send the cook in the basement of the ham." So if to you at the cottage suddenly have guests, then send the children (and themselves can and guests) to collect ... quinoa. Hit the vegetarian table - roast quinoa. Cygnet (about 3 kg, because the green is greatly reduced in volume), rinsed, pour in a pan of hot water and cook until it becomes soft. Then discard the mass in a colander and tolkushkoy and better blender, turn it into mashed potatoes. Then put in a deep frying pan on the bottom of which pour a little vegetable oil. Finely chop the dill, green onions and garlic young hands, simmer, stirring occasionally. When the onions and garlic are soft, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and raw egg. All thoroughly. "A dessert where?" - Surely will be heard children's and women's voices. However, men too can be pampered berry pudding. Three cups of different berries (red and black currants, raspberries, blackberries, etc.) to lay down in a pan, fill 0.5 cups of sugar and mix gently. Heat over medium heat and cook for 3 minutes, then wait until cool. Of the slightly stale white bread without crusts cut a circle and put on the bottom of a deep baking dish or bowl. Other pieces of bread vystelit wall so that the sides of the forms were completely closed. For adults in berry weight, you can add liqueur or vermouth. Add 3 tablespoons of berry juice. Half of the berry mass lay out a form, cover with a piece of bread, put the rest of berry weight and pour the juice. Cover with bread pudding. Surplus on the edges trimmed. Cover the form of a shallow dish, top it with the load and remove in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, pry the edge of the pudding with a knife and turn it into a serving dish, pour the remaining juice to the bread soaked. Very tasty with whipped cream. Create your own recipes! Store them in the long winter in a special "notebook" to attach to a new surrounding, with your light hand become fashionable "vegetarianism." Be Healthy!

In our view such a methodology ...

In our view such a methodology ...

In our opinion such a methodological approach is fundamentally flawed. Firstly, in this case will detail the distinction between types of medical activities in health care and medical services that are not always clearly, and one of the criteria to determine the economic component of the differences, that is, apparently, did not initially match the category of "medical care "with the marketing features that immediately eliminates market contradictions of these categories. Secondly, with mandatory objective decision by providing economic aid as compensation for material and resource losses, it will be impossible to identify any qualimetrical criteria of necessity and sufficiency of the given volume of medical procedures. With this approach, the competitive advantages of species and methods of health care is fundamentally excluded. Thus, the category of "medical care" to consider only legally outside of a marketing relationship between doctor and patient, as soon as these relations in the market - start to operate other laws under which such elements of the marketing system as needs and demand for the patient (client) medical supply medical services and doctors' actions as a medical procedure - is universally and uniquely characterize the target function of the market's health. Must clearly recognize that in marketing health care systems do not place such a thing as health care, and there is an element of the market - medical service. Medical care - a category not of market relations between doctor and patient. In the best case, a set of medical services and adequate other elements of the marketing system can generally be described as aid. When providing medical services in the marketing segment of the disease, in which the needs and demand for medical procedures are determined by the needs for temporary deviations in the psychosomatic state of the client (the disease) - the economic factors are beginning to play a certain role. The task of researchers to characterize this market nature of health care, to justify the place, the degree of influence and dominance factors of marketing relationships in the other elements that characterize the "nonmarket" relationship between doctor and patient. Finally, medical services, aimed at the needs to improve "quality of life in a modern civilized society, the market's health can be characterized by a high degree of profitability. In modern terms, the tariff structure of health services, in essence, must be included economic production costs of medical services that are possible in the other two segments of the market's health - "the marketing segment of life" and "marketing segment disease." In addition, the complete satisfaction of consumer needs in this market segment of health, largely due not to medical care activities, as determined by other individual, natural and socio-economic factors.

That is, the market of medical services ...

That is, the market of medical services ...

That is, the market for medical services can be logically divided into segments. Thus, the system of medical marketing (offers medical care) at the highest level of market segmentation of medical services lawfully divided into three main areas with specific forms of supply of medical services and meet the health needs (it is understandable that the boundaries between these segments of the market to some extent, conditional) . Medical supply medical services to preserve life. Let's call this segment of the market's health - "the marketing segment of life." Medical supply medical services to returning health, rehabilitation and preservation of a certain level of disability in its temporary loss. Itemization of medical services in this segment by the following directions: a) health services aimed at preventing and treating acute exacerbations of chronic diseases, and b) medical services aimed at preventing the transfer of temporary disability in the rack (disability), and c) medical services for conservation and maintain some degree of chronic conditions and disability. This market segment of health conventionally call "marketing segment diseases," Health services, preserve and maintain state about a healthy body (immunoprophylaxis, dispensary, etc.). This segment characterize as a "marketing segment of health." Based on a similar methodological approach, it seems rational to relate on the one hand, a certain segment of the market with specific features of medical (medical) work, on the other - to characterize these functions are not only in terms of the humanitarian mission of health (healing), but also betray a certain species and package of health services and economic characteristics corresponding to your specific market segment. Such segmentation of the market's health seems reasonable from the viewpoint of economic efficiency, some unification and, in particular, forward-looking calculating profitability of medical care activities, thus, the provision of health services aimed at preserving the patient's life, the humanitarian mission of health and ethical side of medical practice in modern society is much preferable to economic feasibility. Although any type of activity should be expressed in economic characteristics, if the activity is considered in the framework of a marketing relationship. It is in this market segment much become bare the contradictions of entities defined categories of "health care" and "medical services". Search for permission objective of the internal contradictions between these categories leads the individual authors, it would seem a logical conclusion: the payment is subject to medical service, and no medical assistance. And as part of the medical assistance reimbursable losses under aggregate of certain physician (medical) actions.

Spender: What is and as it is. The food pyramid

Spender: What is and as it is. The food pyramid

Eating How much and what a meal eaten Place Cause meal intensity of feelings of hunger 0-3 Breakfast 2 slices of white bread with butter and fatty cheese, coffee with cream + 2 tsp Sugar Kitchen, a TV Habit 1 Between breakfast and lunch, tea + 2 tsp sugar, 2 sandwiches with pate and cream cheese; a bag of chips workplace BOREDOM 0 Lunch salad (with meat), mayonnaise; Fried chicken (leg and thigh with skin), fried potatoes, 1 cup sokastolovaya, at work, hunger 2 between lunch and dinner, tea + special syrkovaya weight with dried apricots, chocolate halva 1 pc. workplace upset TIRED 0 Dinner 2 Boiled Wieners, tomato salad with cucumbers, mayonnaise, tea + 2 tsp sugar, 2 FOLIATIONS cake with jam kitchen, a TV hungry, tired 2 Cream yogurt biscuits Kuraby + 4 pcs. At the TV BOREDOM 0 Now go to your blog. Most of my patients, bringing their diaries, they say the same phrase: "Of course, I wrote, but the doctor, generally I do not eat, just this week was atypical." But understand, my life in general is precisely from such non-standard weeks, months, and so on. Therefore, try to honestly look at someone else's blog (it's nicer) and draw conclusions about your diet. Current views on nutrition have changed dramatically over the past 5-10 years. But the stereotypes of the past is very tenacious. Even my colleagues who are overweight, getting me to accept, say something like: "I do not eat bread. I do not eat pasta. Potatoes do not eat. And still gain weight. " Nutritional science evolves, and what seemed firm, questioned, and then completely refuted. So, of course, have a balanced attitude to the advice, listen to your body. However, what we say now, already stood the test of time. People who practice good nutrition, keep normal weight and do not feel at this discomfort. But it is the quality of life. The diet of modern man, more engaged in mental work should be about ... kilocalories. And here I propose to leave the dots. And what will counted on a complex formula of these mysterious calories? In my opinion, an attempt to adhere to a certain caloric great complicate your life. You just need to remember that calories should not be less than 1000, because the diet with fewer calories is not complied with the physiological balance of the necessary components of food. For us, knowledge workers, the range - from 1200 to 2000 calories, depending on the age, the amount of additional physical activity. There are, of course, the fanatics, it is easy to count in mind the amount of absorbed every bit of calories. But fanaticism is dangerous in any business, including ours. Especially that discrepancies in the tables of calories are important, and why would you weigh each piece in the home dining room? But that should still remember: 1 gram of fat - 9 calories, 1 gram Alcohol - 7 calories, 1 g protein - 4 calories, 1 g carbohydrate - 4 calories. Armed with these uncomplicated figures, it will be better and more fun to understand and learn the basic principles of proper nutrition. The most important thing in a balanced diet - a variety of food. A full daily diet should include seven basic components: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, coarse-fibered food and water. Is of great importance not only qualitative but also quantitative ratio of components. It is easiest to focus on the food pyramid. Look at it: Fat Alcohol Sweets Milk Cheese Chicken Meat Fish Cheese Eggs Seafood Vegetables, fruit, bread, cereals, pasta, start from the top: that the most taboo, the most seductive. And it is quite understandable. Fat food smells good, because it contains aromatic substances, and its easier to chew, therefore, to swallow that a quick snack is also important. But think about the number of calories, which brings our food, this top of the pyramid. According to the norms of the World Health Organization, fat should not exceed 30% of total caloric intake. That's about 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil or a piece of butter the size of a matchbox on a daily basis. "Yes, I do not eat so much and" - you shouted. Of course, boxes of butter is unlikely to include in your menu, but certainly consume more fat than you think. Our main enemy is the food - so-called "hidden fat". They lurk literally everywhere. Our task: "Search and Destroy!". Thus, the hidden fats are found in: sausage, sausages (sausages, sausages, stuffing, etc.) whole milk and milk products manufactured at its base (curd paste, glazed cheese curds, cottage cheese is a miracle "); fatty Cheese and processed cheese, mayonnaise, baking (especially puff pastry), chocolate (uvy-uvy!), halva, semi-finished products from meat, especially in the batter, batter, in all that is fried in deep fat (french fries, donuts, cookies -firewood) and a pan; production of fast food (hamburgers, cheeseburgers, etc.). As you can see, and in the reducible sample diary, and in your food diary is likely to present many of these carriers' hidden fats. Alcohol, of course, the calories per se, but it still weakens the control over the amount of food eaten. After drinking, we snack, eating and often it is fatty foods. Folk wisdom says: "In order not to get drunk, you need to eat something fatty," and we will gladly snack salsa. Sugar is a carbohydrate bystrousvoyaemym its nutritional value seems to be small, but he quickly disposed of the body. We get a taste pleasure, first quickly increases efficiency, but just as quickly loses it. A tired brain requires more and more sugar feedings. The result: a low energy value multiplied by the number of receptions is increasing enormously. The next floor of the pyramid - the protein food: chicken breasts without skin, white meat turkey, fish (1-2 times per week for prevention of cardiovascular diseases and please the taste buds - or fat sea red fish, fat, these rocks contain necessary for us to polyunsaturated fatty acids, preventing formation of plaque); lean meats, seafood, eggs (not more than two pieces per week), low-fat dairy products. We go down to the bottom of the pyramid. Here are the fruits and vegetables. Vegetables are rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. The fibers act as a very real brush, sweeping out toxins and other harmful substances, including excess cholesterol. A number of legumes contains a significant amount of vegetable protein without any hidden fats - beans, lentils, green peas. There are vegetables that are rich in starch: potatoes and corn, they should be present at our table, not more than three times a week. But the zucchini, eggplant, various kinds of cabbage, lettuce, peppers, turnips, cucumbers and tomatoes - without any restrictions. Fruits are also a necessary component of our daily diet. Just be a little careful in the use of grapes, dried fruits, sweet citrus (tangerines, oranges) and starch-rich bananas. At the very bottom of the food pyramid are the noodles made from durum wheat, without the addition of eggs (or "paste," as Sophia Loren, a big fan of this dish). Here is the bread and bread made of flour, meal, or with added bran, whole grains: buckwheat, paddy rice (brown, wild, etc.), oatmeal, millet ... Using each floor of the food pyramid, we bring in food all the necessary components, referred to in the beginning of the conversation. It remains the seventh element, which is not a word was said. This is - water! To maintain the proper balance of metabolic processes is very important that we drink at least two liters of fluid a day. And for those who are actively involved in sports, the volume can be increased to three liters. Accounted for, and soup, and tea (preferably green or herbal). If you have observed elevated blood pressure or other chronic diseases, should consult with a physician. You need to reduce consumption of salt, but gradually expand drinking diet. Try to keep the liquid released gradually throughout the day. If you decide to use the entire volume of fluid after 18 hours, the swelling under the eyes are guaranteed. We all agreed: to set realistic goals and see to their implementation. Physiological weight loss of about 500 g per week. To do this we must try to introduce the following changes to the food the whole family. 1. Try to avoid such a way as cooking, like frying, replace it with: baking (in foil in a microwave oven, grill, barbecue) cooking, stewing. 2. Reduce the percentage of fat content of dairy products. What if our mind is not yet ready to buy 0.5% of the milk, but will buy milk 2,5-1,5% fat. Kefir 1,8-1%. Sour cream 20-15%. Even ryazhenka appeared 2%. Milk, rather than creamy yogurt. Pay attention to the cottage of the minimum or "zero" fat. We study the range of your favorite shop for low-fat products. It is ironic, but, unlike Western countries, in Russia such products cheaper. Substantial savings will allow more money to spend on fruits and vegetables. 3. When buying something, try to make 100 g of the product accounted for no more than 10 grams of fat. We will always look for a sticker indicating the nutritional value and composition of the product. 4. Mayonnaise. If you do not imagine a day without it, then tasting all the new low-calorie types of this sauce. For creative solutions to problems offer new types of salad dressings: a little (!), Vegetable oil, lemon juice, spices (Italian dressing), low-fat sour cream, milk yogurt without fruit, 1% kefir. If relatives are not yet ready for radical change, then going to meet them, can add zest to a little familiar mayonnaise. Recommended reading books by J. Darrell, he's very funny to describe a process of gradual replacement of one product to another in the diet of their wards. 5. Will avoid products that contain hidden fat (see the article in the list). 6. Let us not neglect the winter frozen vegetable mixes. They are frozen on the day of collection, ie, vitamins, minerals and fiber in them no less than in fresh vegetables of winter, but there are no preservatives. Yes, and cook them simply. 7. Breakfast - be! This morning meal - start the metabolism for the day. 8. About the size of servings. Serve fish, chicken, meat - the size of an audiocassette. Serve a side dish - your clenched fist. 9. When he wants something sweet, low-fat sweets spoil yourself - marshmallows, candy, fruit candy. A bit of dried fruit, a thin layer of jam or marmalade on bread meal will help raise the performance and mood. Summing up today, very busy with different information call, I would urge you to action words Molchalin (remember, a kind of negative character Griboyedov): "The moderation and orderly!". No need to put unrealistic goals, we still do not reach them, and frustration and despair will bring "out" all the good intentions. Homework: 1. Rest of the food diary. Return to him in 3 weeks again and test myself again. 2. Consider questions a doctor, given the characteristics of the food and taste preferences, decide that you can choose in the dining room or cafeteria at lunchtime. Frequenters of fitness clubs, fans play football and volleyball, tennis and diving aristocrats - thank you! How much do you make it easy my work! Gentle attitude towards young mothers, and dog owners. And they are both moving and very active. Prove to them the benefit of motion is not necessary, and this is a significant relief to the doctor. Slow-moving most! For you legkovypolnyaemyh few tips: watch the balance coming from the energy intake (decreases) with the flow of this energy (yes, it is necessary to move). Reasons not to move our darkness. And this time, our domestic reasons and the reasons Americans are identical: no time, tired, need to help children and grandchildren, we must paint the fence, etc. You know, they say the American "obezidiologi" (specialists in treatment of obesity)? Guess? Correct: "Tell that to your grandmother!". In our opinion, something like: "Do not hang noodles on my ears." And I am pleased to join in the opinion of colleagues. Increase the locomotor activity without a significant amount of time it is possible both at home and at work: walk one or two flights of stairs to stand rather than sit during the telephone conversations, not being lazy classified document colleague in person, rather than asking someone to do it on the road; zasidevshis, stand up, stretch, around his chair a few times, using a motor vehicle every day, go as far as possible from the transport stops earlier, the apotheosis: two walks for 15-20 minutes in a brisk pace. Here are the first steps, very simple and affordable even for very busy people. Try 2-3 times a week, so buck up, and soon you will feel - need more physical activity, while others simply join this mini-program of dances to fast music. The next lesson we will invite one of the instructors fitness club of our Cabinet. We examine features of sets of exercises. Discuss what to eat and drink before, during and after your workout. Offer to your attention the options "healthy breakfast". Be Healthy!

Friday, 29 April 2011

MD, Head of ...

MD, Head of ...

MD, head of the Vladimir regional fund of compulsory medical insurance, professor of BMI, Vladimir State University, adaptation of traditional health systems to the market conditions, the study of medical care activities in terms of production and sale of medical services, the disclosure of economic laws in organization and implementation of diagnostic and treatment process - the objective reality of the current stage of medical end of the XX century. Despite the modern technocratic approaches to the assessment of medical activities and viewing of health systems as one of the productive sectors of the state of the economy - based on methods and techniques of healing, as in the past, are manifestations of the fundamental contradictions of the relationship of the human body and environment. That environmental factors and the internal state of a person generate a certain range of needs and lead to the formation of appropriate proposals to meet the needs. As is known, the social significance of medical problems the person may be examined from multiple positions, the three main ones are: mortality, loss of health and disability (sickness, temporary and permanent disability), restrictions of freedom of an individual's life (loss of "quality of life"). In accordance with these conventional levels of medical and social problems in an individual appears to lack a sense of something: the ability to live, work, be healthy, etc. These feelings in the marketing system is characterized by the term "need" and, according to the individual and cultural level of the individual, generate a certain individual or collective needs. Specific medical needs lead to the need for medical care, some of these needs, getting the essence of marketing demand, generates market health with its objective functions and the relevant medical suggestions and actions. Human needs, conventionally referred to as medical, lawfully correlated with marked above three positions. With this approach, three groups (complexes) of the basic needs and requirements, one way or another connected with the necessity of purchasing medical services: the need to live, need to be healthy with preservation of disability: a - a desire to return to normal with a temporary disability, b - a desire to maintain some "niches" in the presence of disability disability need the highest degree of freedom of life (physiological, psychosomatic, and social), ie In this case, the state needs is characterized by a desire to achieve the highest degree of "quality of life." The above logic allows you to delimit a kind of socio-economic field and the doctor patient relationship, in other words - the mark although conditional, but it is quite certain limits the medical services market, and within these boundaries is natural to relate the natural human needs and requirements of the categories of marketing health care system.

The type and power

The type and power

You are puzzled over why the neighbor LYUSKA, never engage in any sport, and rejects any diet, has a magnificent figure, and you regularly exhausting myself in the gym, instead of at least a little bit to lose weight, contrary typing those extra pounds, and not somewhere in the right place, and the pope (and without that delicious)? The mystery is simple. It turns out that the type of shape any woman depends entirely on the amount of hormone, metabolism and psyche. It is believed that all the female figures are conditionally divided into 4 types: elegant, lean, tasty and creative. And if you know what type you belong, you can try to get rid of "problem" areas, and thus how to adjust the figure for the better. So, if your body you remind teenagers (you have narrow hips and bones, and buttocks are like two little apple), then clearly you are the owner of the elegant type. For a more convincing this can add that you never worried about a problem with cellulite and weight gain. And at the same time you are experiencing serious dissatisfaction with the little tummy and poorly marked waist. I must say that the women of this type for quite some time look slim, although the time comes, and they also begin to gain weight. So, to avoid future similar problems and does not seem like a plump pig, try to reconsider your diet. Namely, the larger strain at the protein (beans, meat, fish, eggs) and smaller "pamper" themselves in carbohydrates (bread, pasta), limit itself to the use of such favorite foods, like milk, sweets, biscuits and fizzy drinks. A substantial part of the meal must fall within the breakfast, and what concerns supper, it being said, not sorry to give to the enemy. Seriously workouts elegant women are not worth it, though some endurance exercise does not interfere. If your upper body is larger (broad shoulders, nice chest) bottom (small buttocks and strong legs), then you lean inherent in the type of shape. Not having any problems with cellulite, you are at the same time tend to the fullness in the chest and abdomen, which visually makes the figure look like athletic. Do not let this happen will again diet. Try to limit itself to the use of sharp and salty foods, meat and alcohol, as well as all sorts of sauces, butter and chocolate. Your diet should be more fruits (especially melons) and vegetables. And even better "change seats on a vegetarian diet. As for exercise, if you're already doing aerobics, skiing or jogging - keep up the good work. If we do still wondering over what would be so you have to do - sign up for swimming. Tasty Type - a classic body of a woman with narrow shoulders and wide, a little heavy buttocks. Women of this type, as if they were not tried, is almost impossible to recover in the upper body, but it's very easy to have them get in your lower body with all its attendant problems (take all the same boring cellulitis). And if so, then a delicious female (not by chance that just such women have always inspired our men) ever should forget about all kinds of biscuits, pasta, butter, cream, sauces and chocolate. And instead, fill your table with vegetables (especially cabbage) and fruit. If you do not know what kinds of workouts to do, then endurance exercise - it's just something you do not have enough. In the event that and after you can not even throw another couple of unwanted pounds, grab a dumbbell or any other weight and try to do everything you know about exercise, but with them. And, considering what a delicious woman, as a rule, are "larks", then start the exercises recommended in the first half of the day. Creative type - is the one that called the 90 x 60 x 90, so the owners of such a proportionate body can only be envied. However, these women eventually have problems, mainly related to the accumulation of excess Zhirkov in the abdomen and thighs (hands and feet at the same time continue to be thin). What to do and how to keep their perfect shape for years to come? Again, an emphasis on proper nutrition. For women and creative figures, experts recommend a diet to include in their diets-fat dairy products and lean animal proteins (poultry, fowl, fish, eggs, white meat), allowed all sorts of nuts, and most importantly - eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and greens green . It turns out that for them it is extremely helpful. The best sport for this type of women are dancing, aerobics and step. Moreover, physical exercise and creative women to be in the afternoon, when they sleep enough and well rested. Now you know how to try to cheat nature and make the figure change for the better? Then go ahead and make sure that success is within reach.

In accordance with the available electronic ...

In accordance with the available electronic ...

In accordance with the existing e-card, possible redistribution of challenges, from "A" and "B", etc., according to the number of vehicles and crews to substations, the scale of the accident. To increase the effectiveness of the CDS must equip all ambulances with modern radios, which will save time and costs of fuels and lubricants. To improve the efficiency of the CDS must conclude an agreement on joint activities to provide emergency medical care to patients in all medical and hospital outpatient clinics. The second step for the success of CDS in case disaster should be established operational link with the police department, traffic police, Emergency, National Security Council and firefighters to create a unified emergency services and to establish direct communication with each of these governments, which will increase the speed and mobility of permanent readiness brigades in cases of emergency . In the third stage of CBC provides integrated into the sphere of influence of CDS all district units ambulance, ie subfilialy Samarkand region, which will regulate the activities of all structures of the ambulance at the regional scale. In the fourth phase is planned to introduce DTP in all branches of the Centre also has sub, which will coordinate the activities of the structures ambulance emergency medical scale of the Republic of Uzbekistan. For all steps necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the status and effectiveness of emergency medical services, taking into account medical and demographic situation in the region, carried out the structural reform of outpatient and inpatient care, to develop regional programs of development of emergency medical services by providing them the following main areas: - development of network and logistics agencies and departments, ambulances, and air ambulance - the training and retraining of medical personnel for emergency medical services - learning the basics of emergency medical self-help and mutual aid workers of state traffic police on road safety movement, fire, police, drivers of all types of transport and other groups - optimize use of available resources of outpatient clinics to free emergency medical services from her unusual features - a gradual expansion of emergency medical assistance paramedical teams, with preservation of medical teams as the teams of intensive care and, if necessary, other specialized teams - the introduction into the practice of agencies and departments ambulance control systems work, including operational and statistical departments - providing emergency medical care using the approved standard regulations and standards for paramedical and medical staff emergency medical services; also necessary to develop: - scientifically - based standards of quality emergency ambulance services, to improve the health statistical service - to develop new job descriptions for all categories of workers to emergency medical care - establish a system for personnel and advanced training for ambulance and emergency medical assistance - to develop and implement a comprehensive automated control system for emergency medical assistance to the population of a large city (KAFU) - to develop long-term target development program for emergency medical assistance.

To the question of market segmentation Health

six destiny IA

Medicine with honey

Medicine with honey

Among these antioxidants found vitamin C, enzymes (catalase, glucose oxidase and peroxidase), as well as phenolic compounds. Although oxygen free radicals are a natural product of metabolism in humans under certain conditions they can cause cell damage and even disrupt the structure of DNA. Contained in honey substance able to bind free radicals, rendering them harmless. Our scientists have also conducted such surveys, however, the Russian scientific interest, as opposed to overseas, often caused by lack of funds for expensive medications. Thus, in one of the peripheral hospitals physicians spent enough scale research application of honey in the form of eye drops of conservative treatment of senile cataracts. As a result, concluded: "Use fresh honeycomb at a dilution of 1:2 surpassed by the impact of the action of vitamin drops and it was no less effective than expensive imported drugs." This is the latest (though not single!) Communications relating to research the healing properties of honey. Given the millennial practice of therapeutic application of this most valuable product (see last issue of "Prevention"), it seems inappropriate to give another proof of the usefulness of a sweet "medicine", confirmed by official science. Villagers easiest way to purchase honey right on the apiaries beekeepers in: Who, if not expert, are better than others advise what med to take and for what purposes. Muscovites also should be thankful addiction current mayor of beekeeping: people can buy delicious and high quality honey at specialty shops and pavilions. Many places offered at the same time several dozen (!) Of healthful goodies. How to understand such diversity? Honey can be divided along several lines. Firstly, in its origins it is monoflernym (built with honey plants mainly one species) or poliflernym (compiled from various honey plants). The quality of honey is affected by many factors: in addition to ecology of area honey harvest, health, bees, skill and diligence beekeeper and others, the healing qualities of honey depend on honey plants themselves - in fact, to some extent the healing properties of plants, with flowers which the bees collect nectar, carry over into the final product. It is believed that the darker varieties of honey contains more minerals, phenolic compounds, and therefore have the strongest protective effect. Because the amount of honey to the number of honey plants (plus various combinations poliflernye), then tell all is not possible. Let us dwell on the most popular. Acacia honey. One of the best varieties. The fresh product has a watery transparent color. Crystallizes very slowly, after crystallization becomes milky-white color. Refers to the so-called "light honeys, different low content of mineral components, but has a high taste and mild antimicrobial properties. Exerts an expectorant action. It is used for insomnia, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, eyes, and as a fortifying agent. Sweet Clover Honey. Refers to top-notch. Has a light amber color, and has high taste, very subtle pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of vanilla. It is recommended for heart diseases and disorders of the nervous system. Linden honey. Refers to the most high-quality varieties. It has a pleasant aroma of lime, sweet taste. Color varies from white to pale yellow. Has severe nutritional and medicinal properties. High content of antimicrobial substances. Used as a tonic remedy for liver and kidney, and effective in skin lesions. Have long known that honey is well established in the treatment of colds, but if there is a choice, should prefer white honey. This is an excellent treatment for tracheitis, bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses, as it gives demulcent, expectorant, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is also important that white honey has a soothing effect and improves sleep. Sunflower honey. Contains large amounts of glucose, compared with other varieties, there is little fructose. Light amber color, fragrance weak. Crystallizes both large and small crystals. It has good nutritional and medicinal properties. Field honey. High quality honey. Color ranges from colorless to light yellow. Composition depends on the plants growing in the vicinity of the apiary. Most often in a field dominated by collecting honey from a large quantity of honey plants - plants such as sweet clover, clover, chernokoren, dead-nettle, sow thistle, valerian, cornflower, willow-herb, and others sumochnik crystallizes quickly, small crystals. Has a delicate aroma and sweet taste. Due to its composition are widely used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, nervous system, heart and digestive system. Buckwheat honey. One of the best varieties. In liquid form has a dark red or brown. Crystallizes rapidly, both large and small crystals, thus acquiring a dark yellow or brown. Has a specific pleasant taste and a very strong aroma. Compared with other varieties contain a large number of macro-and micronutrients. Particularly rich in iron ions, magnesium and copper. It is used in various blood diseases, including those with anemia, diseases of the nervous system, as a fortifying agent. Clover honey is colorless, transparent, has excellent taste, is considered one of the best light varieties of honey. During the crystallization into a solid white mass. Has a strong expectorant action. Beneficial effect on colds give padevye varieties of honey - from fir, pine, fir and other conifers. They soften the cough, have a marked anti-inflammatory, antispasticheskoe and soothing effect. Forest honey. High quality honey. Colour - from light yellow to dark brown. Crystallizes slowly, with small crystals. Has a delicate flavor and a strong pleasant aroma. It consists of a collection of maple, willow, buckthorn, raspberries, limes, acacias and other plants. Very useful in diseases of the nervous and digestive systems, respiratory organs. In ancient Russian handwritten medical manual contains dozens of recipes, which include honey in combination with chamomile, nettles, onions and other herbs. In these sources, for example, you can find many indications that the honey treated wounds. In the future, traditional medicine is much enriched by knowledge of the miraculous properties of the wonderful gift of nature. And today honey is increasingly used to treat people suffering from a variety of diseases. The use of honey in many diseases can reduce and in some cases even stop taking the drugs and chemicals to achieve the therapeutic effect within a shorter time. Honey nourishes easily digestible glucose weakened heart muscle, lead to increased coronary blood vessels and this improves the coronary circulation. In hypertensive patients showed a mixture of honey with equal amount of cranberries, passed through a meat grinder. Take it one tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. Angina recommend another mix: aloe juice - 100 g, honey - 300 g, chopped nuts - 500 g, 2.1 lemon juice. For the treatment of hypertensive patients, traditional medicine also recommends to apply the honey with the juice of vegetables. For example, a glass of beet juice, carrot juice as much, horseradish (grated horseradish previously insisted on the water 36 hours) and the juice of one lemon mixed with one cup of honey. Take this mixture for two months, one tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 1 hour before or 2-3 hours after eating. Another recipe includes the following components: one glass of carrot juice, horseradish (grated horseradish also insist on the water), a glass of honey and juice of one lemon. All this is thoroughly mixed and take the same pattern as the first mixture. Store such a mixture is necessary in a well-sealed glass container in a cool place. Beneficial effect of honey on the body of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, no doubt. However, these patients should not still use honey in large quantities of hot tea, as it leads to increased perspiration during vigorous work of the heart. And the additional load on the diseased heart is not desirable. Temperate and long-term use of honey (at 50-140 g / day for 1-2 months), patients with severe heart disease tends to improve the general condition, normalization of the blood, high levels of hemoglobin, as well as cardio-vascular tone. In tuberculosis, traditional medicine recommends the use of honey and milk, different fats (butter, goose fat, lard) and other high-calorie substances. Often when this is added the juice of aloe (agave). As can be seen even from this short review, honey can help with many ailments, strengthen weakened body, promote the general improvement. And can you imagine anything more delicious medication?

Thursday, 28 April 2011

All these teams are subject to the manager ...

All these teams are subject to the manager ...

All these teams are subject to the manager service specialist team. In accordance with this structure we have developed the following new states (until the approval stage): Chief of Staff of the CDS and the ES-1 rate, the head of the service specialist team - 1stavka, control and linear Brigade - 6 bets, dispatchers "03" -24 rates, managers CA - 5 bets, head nurse DPT - 1 rate, the head nurse CA -1 rate, nurse dispatching "03" -8 rates, nurses CA - 5 bets, a doctor specialized recycling brigade - 24 bids, the nurse specialist team - 24 bets doctors CA -25 bets programmer CDS - 1stavka, the operator -12 CDS rates. Created such a service as DTP enable centralized management of four structures: ambulance, air ambulance, emergency staff and a specialized team. Further development of the CDS includes several stages: The first step in creating communication DPT order of the Director of Samarkand branch of the Centre also has sub № 139 dated December 6, 2002, for coordinated activities of the "03", air ambulance and emergency staff, attached responsibilities responsible physician to lead not only control station "03", but dispatchers air ambulance and emergency staff. Job dispatching heads responsible physician shifts. He must assess the quality of care, supervise the work of dispatchers to receive calls, timely service call, the validity of hospitalization, the discrepancy between diagnoses, ambulances and hospitals. If necessary, the responsible physician shift can listen to any conversation manager 03, to rise for 15-20 seconds to any call for any period of time. All personnel dispatcher for a short time must master work on personal computers to fill all these calls from the population of Samarkand. Receiving calls and management teams is carried out in CDS. Means of communication CBC has: 4 input 03 for receiving calls from the public. Necessary to establish a direct connection with the services of 01, 02. Inside the CBC needed intercom for instantaneous communication with branch offices and teams of permanent readiness. Establish a permanent record of all round the clock telephone dispatchers to receive calls. The records are stored for 6 months. Help desk, connected to a local computer network, where the search will call no more than 15-20 seconds. In the automated system includes terminals SFRNTSEMP Director and Head of CDS. Constantly monitors the operational situation, evaluate the quality of the duty of the responsible physician shifts, as well as assessment of every doctor and ambulance dispatchers individually. By 2004 it is necessary to upgrade the computer terminal of the responsible physician change and to establish an electronic map of the city of Samarkand, which will provide information on all city streets and facilities, up to detached houses, as well as state teams in the city in real time.

Inspection of the external form

Inspection of the external form

Excess weight, mental depression, usually indicate a deficit problem and an excess of damp phlegm. Thinness and dry skin suggests a lack of blood, and rapid and severe weight loss during prolonged or chronic illness indicates that damage to Yuan Chi. The patient's position and its movements are external manifestations of the disease. In general, high activity of the patient said about the syndrome YANG, low - about the syndrome of Yin. For example, lung patients with excess reflux is usually seated, craning his neck, and patients with deficiency of qi, which is manifested by shortness of breath, and reluctance to talk, sitting head bowed down. If a patient with difficulty turning in bed, wraps in a blanket, then this indicates the symptoms of cold, empty, or syndrome of Yin. If the patient is stimulated half-sitting position and can not lie, it indicates a deficiency syndrome CHI heart. Involuntary limb movements usually occur in diseases caused by pathogenic wind, such as tetanus, stroke. Weakness, disorders of motor function and muscle wasting syndrome characterized by limb Wei. Pain, feeling of heaviness and fullness in the muscles and tendons, which are accompanied by edema and a violation of the mobility of joints showed Bi syndromes. Hemiplegia refers to disorders such as "blow wind."

Source: Encyclopedia of acupuncture on the site 

The responsibilities of the Centre ...

The responsibilities of the Center to improve emergency medical assistance to the establishment of the Coordination and Control Service (CDS), as the parent structure in the management of the ambulance, "Sanitary Aviation", teams of Emergency Situations and Civil Defence is a measure to improve management. For them, this new activity, but all of these structural units are interconnected one ideological purpose - to provide emergency medical care in accordance with Presidential Decree IA Karimov on November 10, 1998 № UP 2107 "On state program of reforming the health system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" in 1999 established a system of emergency, emergency medical care to the population with an educated Republican Scientific Center of Emergency Medicine (Centre also has sub), and regional affiliates. The annex number 8 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on "10" November 1998 is given a schematic structure of Centre also has sub. In this structure, indicated on the coordination and monitoring service (CDS). However, what is its purpose, objectives and structure of the highlights are not enough. Therefore, we in 2002 based on the Centre also has sub Samarkand would elaborate on this service. To create a coordinated traffic control is the organization at the present level and the coordination of emergency medical services in the provision of timely population of skilled and specialized emergency medical care. CBC challenge is: 1. centralization of control 2. reducing the number of unnecessary calls 3. improving the quality of care 4. reduce the time crews arrived 5. Ensuring continuity in the treatment of patients 6. automation and process all calls at all levels. The structure of CDS consists of the following structures: the substation ambulance service (MPS), dispatch "03", air ambulance dispatch (CA), based emergency (disaster), special teams, a warehouse with emergency medical supplies. In the scheme number 1 represents the structure of CDS Centre for Emergency Medicine. The scheme number 1. Structure of the coordination and monitoring service center for emergency medical assistance for structural activities CDS with the Chief of Staff of DPT and emergencies, which, in turn, to the Director of the Centre and the deputy director for the organization of first aid and emergencies. CBC chief subject of control-linear service, as well as under its control is a warehouse of emergency. Control-linear brigade needed to control the exits and the quality of linear and special teams. In stock disaster has all the necessary medical supplies, dressings and medical kits (antishock, trauma, burn, etc.) in case of emergency. Head of CDS manages and coordinates the activities of the substation ambulance dispatching "03", dispatching air ambulance service and a specialized team. If the substation ambulance to the present time there are teams like cardiology, psychiatric, pediatric and intensive care team that we at the Center for the creation of such new brigades as cardiac resuscitation, toxicology, neyroreanimatsionnaya.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Organizational and methodological work ...

Organizational and methodological work ...

Organizational-methodical work of CDS has resulted in the number of repeated calls to the patients decreased (amounting to 0.9% of total calls). For comparison, in 1999-2000. the number of repeat calls increased by an average of 1.8 times compared with 2003, 2001 - 2.2 times in 2002 - 1.5 times (Figure 1). Chart 1: Equally important in the activity of the SMP is the number of hospitalized patients in the hospital. Prior to the discovery in 1999 SFRNTSEMP gospitaliztsiey patients otsuschestvlyali in Samarkand: City Hospital № 1, Regional Hospital, the Republican hospital, clinic Sammy № 2 and Gormedobedinenie № 4. After the opening SFRNTSEMP most urgent patients began to bring in TSEMP, where they were concentrated necessary expertise for emergency specialist care. If the hospitalization of patients in TSEMP 1999-2000. amounted to an average of 14% of the total number of calls, then posleduyushie years, their number was growing (in 2001-18, 2% in 2002 - 20% of the total calls). With the establishment of DPT increased hospitalization of patients in the hospital, which was very high compared with previous years and amounted to 29,7% (digaramma 2). Figure 2: When teams SMP by hospitalization of patients in hospital is of great importance SFRNTSEMP stay linear and specialized teams of SMP in the waiting room TSEMP as how much longer will stay in the NSR waiting room, so much more to be late for other calls and fewer will be served following the call . In 2001, the ambulance doctors were in a waiting room for hospitalization to an average of 30 minutes, and in 2002, about 20 minutes. This is due to the fact that they had to wait for inspection of the patient fit specialist (physician, neurosurgeon, a pediatrician, a traumatologist, etc.) for a definitive diagnosis, and in some cases, the patient transported back home. Thanks to the CBC organization in 2003 while staying brigades SMEs in a hospital emergency room has been reduced to 5 minutes. Thus, the organization of CBC increased the quality of the MSP on all of the above basic parameters, ie, decreased the number of repeat calls, stay NSR teams in the reception room TSEMP increased hospitalization and emergency patients.

Ways to improve the efficiency of emergency medical services

Bakiyev SS Samarkand branch of the Republican scientific center for emergency medical care (Director Sadykov RA), Samarkand Ambulance (SMP) is one of the hardest parts of health. Over the past decade, organizational forms, structure and content of the institutions of SMP at different stages of development have changed and improved. Status of service SMEs in the city of Samarkand today placed the administration of service SMEs faced with the need to carry out its technical re-equipment, train staff and continuously improve their skills, change management, leadership.

The principles of good nutrition

The principles of good nutrition

There is a need just enough to cover the costs of energy, not forgetting the daily biorhythms - "Owl" will drink a cup of coffee in the morning, and the "Lark" prefer breakfast stouter. Well to start the day with a "health elixir" - 0,5 liters of broth of vegetables (potatoes, carrots, parsley, dill). Do not forget that the food eaten without appetite, and less useful. For appetite - this is a habit and instinct. Since it can not be ignored. However, as with its internal biological clock. For example, if at 8 o'clock in the morning you take alcohol, the liver brought down a crushing blow. But if you sit at the table in 15 hours, you get the most pleasure from food, because in this time of day senses are sharpened to the limit, especially smell and taste. When there? Ideal snack every two hours, and preferably every day at the same time that the body automatically generates the necessary components for digestion to certain hours. Particular attention should be paid to the first breakfast. But why do we just have to eat breakfast the first time in the summer of up to 7, and in winter up to 8 o'clock in the morning? Imagine the dawn. Remember, as an overnight nature wakes up: a colorful cast a diversity birds enlivened flora, your dog or cat, as soon as you wake up, impatiently rushes into the kitchen, looking ahead. Begins a new day, new life. Do not listen to those who say that the body has to "earn" your own breakfast. Believe me, it you do not have to. And once you have it. For what he endures all the abuse on themselves and still manages to run smoothly. Therefore, have breakfast at a specified time to discard toxic bile night to benefit from the negative results of yesterday's food and many other "exploits". On the compatibility of products. Most compatible with each other vegetables, fruits, honey. While the sour and sweet fruits together better not to drink. Vegetable food, seasoned with vegetable oil, only reinforces its therapeutic properties. Nothing can only combine the melon, as a kind of "orderly." It must have a separate dish, so as not to cause a strong putrefactive processes in the intestine. Beans, peas, beans, lentils, combined only with herbs and vegetable oil. EGGS can eat with greens, vegetables. They are better to eat after 14 hours and reduce the amount in the summer diet. It is not necessary to combine them with butter, because they contribute to an excessive portion of the body of cholesterol. MEAT combines well with green and red vegetables. Does not hold water with the meat of the test: dumplings, pies, pasties. Incompatible protein foods of different origin: meat - milk, milk - eggs, meat - cheese, meat - nuts. Protein foods (meat of all kinds, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, nuts) and starch (bread, flour products, cereals, potatoes) to eat at different times of day. Even the birds pecking at grain and catch insects at different times of the day. Fresh milk is not combined with anything and generally poorly absorbed by the adult organism. It is only useful for children and the elderly. Sugar does not fit well with the protein and starchy foods, because they do not require digestion in the stomach, and immediately absorbed in the intestine. And the use of sugar with protein or carbohydrate diet leads to turmoil and delay her in the stomach, and as a consequence - sour belching, heartburn. Under normal circumstances, salt is better not to use because the need for it arises only when the depletion of the adrenal glands. Fans of plant foods need to be aware that vegetables is better to cook in small amount of water. The main thing - do not connect in one of those eating the fruit that grow on trees, those that grow on the ridge. The exception is a lemon, it can be added to any vegetable dish. Each product has its energy supply. And if a bad mood, it is better to take a shower, listen to soft music and was happy to start cooking, so do not take energy from food. Otherwise, instead of living vitamins and other essential substances, our bodies will receive a lifeless mass. And, perhaps, have yet to cook the dishes that are like family members. Because if a mother makes the child have what it lighter and easier to cook, not what he likes, then to 15-16 years he may have chronic gastroduodenitis and cholangitis. Food preferences are formed not capricious nature, and kind of genetic memory. Svetlana Ilina - How should I feed

Source: HudeeMtut site 

However, the existing system ...

However, the existing system ...

However, the current system of organization of emergency medical care, focused on providing patients with the maximum amount of aid prehospital not provide the necessary efficiency, being to the same high cost. The analysis shows that in many cases the ambulance service is unusual for it performs the function, replacing the responsibilities of outpatient services to home care and transportation of patients. A significant number of trips ambulance crews to the victims at the scene running out of time. Extremely inefficient use specialized medical team, idle most of the time, or performing non-core challenges. The situation is compounded in ever-increasing fiscal deficit problems equipping service sanitary transport, modern communications, providing medicines and medical equipment. There was a rough strain of the ambulance. Brigade perform non-core functions: ECG monitoring, injections, including cancer patients, by a physician clinics, treatment of patients with acute colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases. At the same time load local doctors to help patients at home is generally the city poor. The aim of the study was a comparative study of the results of implementing the coordination and monitoring service (CDS). Materials and methods. For comparative evaluation of the activities of the emergency medical services (emergency medical service), we used the following parameters: callback hospitalized patients in the hospital, while staying ambulance crews (SMP) in the waiting room. Comparative analysis was carried out between 1999-2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. In evaluating the performance of first aid figures for the period 1999-2000, 2001 and 2002. characterized the work of the SMP at the Samarkand branch of the Republican scientific center for emergency medical services (SFRNTSEMP) to create a CDS, and in 2003 the period of the new service, CDS. Results of the study. During 4 years of operation of the SMP showed a trend to reduce the overall number of calls from the population of the city of Samarkand and the Samarkand region. If the total number of calls over the period 1999-2000. the average take of 100%, then in 2001 by teams of SMP have been served 90% of calls in 2001 - 86% and in 2003 already 79%. Such a reduction, especially with the very low value in 2003 is explained not only by the natural migration of the population of Samarkand and low uptake in the "03", but also the creation of CDS-based SFRNTSEMP, whose main objectives is to receive, analyze, and differentiation of all calls, screening incorrect false calls, calls to chronically ill and so on. Frequently observed in MPS repeated calls that are due to a lack in health care services for the patient, ie not meeting the standards in the delivery of primary health care, calls for the chronically ill, when you call the teams on a linear cardiac teams to ECG and so on.

Overweight inevitably leads to dullness

Overweight inevitably leads to dullness

Under the negligence of a medical ...

Under the negligence in medical practice mean the lack of inspection or failure of special studies, lack of organization of the therapeutic process, non-existing medical instructions and orders. Up to a third of writs and judgments in favor of the patient due to shortcomings in informing patients. The Fundamentals of Legislation on Health Protection of 22.07.1993 states that "patients are guaranteed the right to voluntary and informed consent to medical intervention and to refuse medical intervention." The Letter of the Ministry of Health and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation of 29.10.1999 № 5460/30-3 was given the explanation that "informed consent (disagreement)" means the patient made in written form solutions to the patient's medical intervention in the medical records (medical history, patient card), which shall be signed by the patient (his / her legal representative) and the physician. Informed voluntary consent of the patient should include substantiation of treatment, ie, prognosis of the disease without this intervention, the premises (clinical and laboratory indications) for the use of the recommended treatment method, the main expected outcomes of treatment and discussion of those moments (co-morbidities, patient compliance regime and the special rules, etc.) that may affect the outcome , the main risk of treatment, including the likelihood, severity and time of onset of possible side effects, discussion of alternative treatment methods. At trial, almost 70% of claims acutely the question arose of improper conduct by primary documentation. For Russian vessels gaps in registration records are an occasion for making decisions in favor of patients. Correctly as compiled medical records may serve as conclusive evidence of accomplishment full of the necessary manipulations and informing patients. Examples of such records can serve the following form 1 (filled by the appointment of treatment) and Form 2 (to be filled at discharge the patient). Thus, patients' rights in Russia attracts much attention. However, unfortunately, to date there is no effective system of protection of human health care worker. Form 1 Form 2 Summary of Remarks at a press conference on "Legal instruments for the protection of professional activity of the doctor."

The results of implementing coordinated traffic control system in a medical emergency

Bakiyev SS Samarkand branch of the Republican scientific center for emergency medical care (Director Sadykov RA), Samarkand Ambulance (SMP) is one of the hardest parts of health. Organization MSP population was constructed, starting from the first years of health development in accordance with the basic principles - state, free and public availability of qualified medical care, close connection with the practice of medical science.

Treatment of starvation

Treatment of starvation

Application of given in the section of recipes, remedies, tinctures of medicinal plants and other dosage forms, as well as any other treatment is possible only after discussion with the physician.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Unfortunately, there had been no ...

Unfortunately, there had been no profound generalization of this, in our opinion - the best experience of Vladimir territorial fund activities in this direction were not correlated developed and tested techniques and forms of scientific and information support of the territorial system of local self-government with the possible legal rationale for the and functioning of such structures. Experience, and simple logic dictates that the availability of specialized units within the territorial MHI funds can specifically and effectively address the task of ensuring and improving the scientific information and information technology activities of the MLA.

Problems of protection of human health care workers

Nikolay Kungurov Director of the Ural Research Institute Dermatovenereology and Immunology Member of the Coordinating Council of the Ural District Health Honorary Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, in 2002-2003. in the Russian Federation has increased significantly the number of cases involving health care workers to administrative and criminal liability. Increasing the number of complaints and claims from patients and their tendency to further rise due not only and not as much deterioration in the quality of care, but also the introduction of market relations in medical practice, patient awareness of their rights as subjects of law, as well as enhance law firms and lawyers doing business in claims against hospitals. In accordance with Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" patients first received the right to evaluate the quality of medical services and to claim up to lawsuits if they are not satisfied with this quality. In 1999, 2003. only in the territorial MHI funds received over 4.5 million applications and complaints on poor quality provision of medical care. Substantiated recognized only 58.7% of the complaints that indicates not so much baseless claims, but about the inability of most people correctly formulate and substantiate their claims. The main causes of conflicts, claims and statements were the following: inadequate quality of care (an unjustified, without sufficient evidence or if there are contraindications, conducting diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive or rehabilitative measures, which led to a diagnostic error, misguided choice of treatment tactics, the deterioration of the patient , complications of the disease or lengthen the period of treatment, use of medical technologies not covered by industry standards), non-deontological principles, lack of trust relationship with the patient; deficiencies in the conduct of primary documentation. When a criminal or civil proceedings as a primary pops up and subjected to a comprehensive test version of a medical error and negligence. The term "medical error" includes "the act or omission of a doctor who has contributed or could contribute to increased risk of progression or nesnizheniyu available to the patient's illness, emergence of new pathological process."

The benefits of vitamins

The benefits of vitamins

Vitamins - biologically active substances necessary for normal functioning of the body. They promote proper metabolism, increase performance, endurance, resistance to infection. They are not synthesized in the body and comes only with food. In contrast, proteins, fats, carbohydrates need for them does not exceed a few thousandths, hundredths of a gram. Vitamins are very unstable and are destroyed during cooking products. Lack of vitamins in the diet can lead to severe disorders in the body, which are currently rare. Often marked by deterioration of the body by certain vitamins (hypovitaminosis). Hypovitaminosis seasonal nature, are observed more often in winter and spring, and for them is characterized by fatigue, decreased work capacity, susceptibility to various colds. Increased need for vitamins occurs when heavy physical exertion, colds organism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis), in women during pregnancy, etc. Vitamins are catalysts (accelerators), the action of enzymes and hormones. For example, B vitamins form an active center of many enzymes and coenzymes. In the absence or deficiency in the diet of certain vitamins having hypovitaminosis. With a lack of vitamin A in the organism is disturbed visual acuity in low light (night blindness), marked dryness of conjunctiva and cornea, the expansion of the skin and mucous membranes of squamous epithelium. In rods and cones retinal inhibited the transformation of the light beam. Under normal conditions, the light rhodopsin contained in the sticks, absorbs light energy and decomposes into aldehyde form of vitamin A (retinol) and protein (opsin). In the dark, with the participation of vitamin A, and opsin rhodopsin is restored, which contributes to the perception of black and white image. When vitamin A deficiency in the body rhodopsin in the dark can not be restored, so black and white image is not perceived. In humans, pure vitamin A comes only from animal products. Much vitamin A is found in liver of fish (cod, redfish, flounder, pollock, halibut), in beef liver. A lot of it in the butter, egg yolk. Provitamin A - carotene found in foods of plant origin. A lot of carotene in carrots, pumpkin, parsley, red pepper, fennel, tomatoes, green onions, apricots, oranges, lemons, peaches, mountain ash, rose hips, apricots, raspberries. Due to the fact that vitamin A is fat soluble, it is much better absorbed with fat. For better absorption in the intestine of vitamin A and carotene is desirable to use vegetable oil or sour cream. Vitamin A is stable to heat, but unstable to oxygen and to the action of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, vegetables containing carotene, should be kept in a dark room, and when cooked grind just before use. The daily physiological need for vitamin A healthy person is 1.5 mg, carotene - 3 mg. Vitamin B1 For hypovitaminosis characterized by lesions of the nervous system, fatigue, the development of paralysis, impairment of gait. Vitamin B1 regulates carbohydrate, fat, water-salt metabolism, the activity of cellular respiration, nervous and cardiovascular systems, digestive organs. Underlying disorders with a deficiency of vitamin B1 are enzymatic changes. Vitamin B1 in the form tialindifosfata is part of enzyme systems, so if there is a deficiency of vitamin B1 enzyme deficiency, violated the combustion of glucose in the body, the formation of proteins. Lack of vitamin B1 leads to the accumulation of pyruvic acid, which irritates the nerve endings contributes to the development of polyneuritis, and other aforementioned changes. Vitamin B1 is found in rye bread, oatmeal, liver, kidney of cattle, ham, in the fruits of legumes, nuts, yeast. The daily need for vitamin B1 - 1.75 mg. Vitamin B2, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, lactochrome) causes cessation of growth of body hair loss, eye disease with itching and photophobia. Language becomes rough, purplish-red in the corners of your mouth moist cracks appear. Vitamin B2 is part of the enzymes necessary for cellular respiration, the regulation of central nervous system. Vitamin B2 is included in the composition of milk and other dairy products, meat, liver, kidneys, heart, egg yolk, mushrooms, baker's and brewer's yeast. The daily need of human riboflavin is 3 mg. Vitamin B6 Deficiency of this vitamin leads to changes in the nervous system (hyperexcitability, convulsions) and pellagropodobnym skin changes. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal) is part of many enzymes involved in the exchange of amino acids, fatty acids and cholesterol. Pyridoxal is used to improve the regulation of lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis. Vitamin B6 is found in wheat, rye, vegetables, meat, fish, milk, bovine liver, egg yolk, yeast. Daily requirement for pyridoxal adult - 2 - 2.5 mg. Vitamin B9 Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is involved in the synthesis of certain amino acids, has a stimulating effect on hematopoiesis, promotes better absorption of vitamin B12. With a lack of folic acid may develop anemia. Most rich in folic acid from foods of animal origin liver and kidneys, and from the plant - greens. The best sources of folic acid are salad greens food. Contained in it, and cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes, in many fruits. Vitamin B12 This vitamin is used in the formation of nucleic acids, amino acids (choline). It is necessary for normal hematopoiesis, maturation of erythrocytes, activation of blood coagulation, is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats. Hypovitaminosis B12 occurs in diseases of the stomach, intestines. Anemia, which is characterized by a sharp decline in the number of red blood cells in the peripheral blood, the appearance in the blood of young, immature forms of erythrocytes. Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) is found in liver, meat, eggs, fish, yeast, milk (especially sour). Vitamin C in acute lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in food developed scurvy. For scurvy characteristic swelling of the gums, loosening and tooth loss, bleeding in the muscles, skin, joints. If hypovitaminosis C appear cardiac weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, lowered resistance to disease. As a child, delay the process of ossification. Vitamin C is involved in many processes of life, and activates various enzymes and hormones. Ascorbic acid stabilizes the immune system, increases resistance to infections, colds, reduces muscle fatigue and increases efficiency. The loss of vitamin C can occur if improper food handling and prolonged storage of prepared foods. Preservation of vitamin C provides the correct culinary processing of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables should not be a long time to leave the air peeled and cut, when cooked they should be laying in the boiling water immediately after cleaning. Frozen vegetables should be lowered into the boiling water, as a slow thaw increases the loss of vitamin C. The vitamin C rich greens, vegetables and fruit (berries rose hips, black chokeberry, black currant, lemon). Potatoes are rich in vitamin C, especially in autumn, onions, cabbage, radishes, parsley. The daily requirement for vitamin C an adult is 70 - 100 mg. Vitamin D deficiency of this vitamin leads to rickets. Initial signs of rickets are changes in the nervous system. The child becomes irritable, often crying, sweating. He has long overgrown with springs, there is a softening of the bones of the skull, ribs, sternum protruding. At the junctions of ribs with rib cartilage appeared rachitic rosary. As a result, the chest is deformed. One consequence of chest wall deformity marked stagnation in the liver and portal vein, which lead to deterioration of intestinal absorption, the development of flatulence, enterocolitis. Increase the size of the stomach. Due to a deficiency of vitamin D intake is broken through the intestinal wall calcium. Reducing the level of calcium in the blood stimulates the parathyroid hormone secretion and enhancement of the gland, which contributes to the destruction of the protein framework of bone and the removal of bone calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and other elements. Bone tissue becomes brittle, and along with rickets in children and in adults arises osteoporosis (bone resorption). Large amounts of vitamin D is concentrated in the liver of marine fish in the butter, milk, egg yolk, fish roe. Rich in vitamin D yeast. As a source of vitamin D fortified cod liver oil is used. Currently selected endogenous (formed in the skin and kidney) form of vitamin D. Activity of endogenous vitamin D increases under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation. The daily need for vitamin D for children is 500 - 1000 IU (international units). Vitamin K When gipotaminoze there bleeding, bleeding in the skin even under the most minor injuries. There is also bleeding into joints, retina, nosebleeds, bleeding gums when chewing solid food, clean your teeth. In infants with hypovitaminosis K notes the development of skin, urinary, lung, umbilical and other hemorrhages. At the same time reduced the content of prothrombin in the blood, increased blood clotting time. Anemia. In children, vitamin deficiencies often lead to death. Vitamin synthesized by bacteria of the colon, so hypovitaminosis K may arise with diarrhea, chronic liver disease, medications that block the synthesis of vitamin K (sulfonamides, salitsilovokisly sodium, aspirin, etc.). Vitamin K is found in green leaf lettuce, spinach, in belokachannoy and cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, berries and mountain ash. The daily need of an adult in vitamin K - 1.2 mg. Vitamin P Vitamin P (bioflavonoids), referred to as vitamin compounds. Vitamin P is a group of biologically active substances (rutin, catechin), has kappilyaroukreplyayuschee effect, reduces the permeability of the vascular wall. P-vitamin deficiencies is usually combined with a lack of ascorbic acid. Are possible fragility of the walls of small vessels, petechial hemorrhages, fatigue. Vitamin P is contained in chokeberry, cherry, black currants, tea, green peas, oranges, lemons, rosehips, peppers, raspberries, strawberries, other fruits and berries. Vitamin PP When a deficiency of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) occurs pellagra (flaky skin). For the disease characterized by dermatitis (skin inflammation), diarrhea, and mental disorders. Hypovitaminosis occurs when single feed corn, polished rice, boiled peas, biscuits and other foods that do not contain tryptophan, which is synthesized from nicotinic acid. With a lack of nicotinic acid disrupted the formation of enzymes that carry out oxidation-reduction reactions and cellular respiration. For a more complete security vitamin PP is set to a sufficient intake of high-grade protein, which contains one of the essential amino acids - tryptophan, necessary for the synthesis of nicotinic acid. Nicotinic acid is in yeast, liver, meat, in legumes, buckwheat, potatoes, nuts. The daily need of adult vitamin PP 15-20 mg. Vitamin U Metilmetioninsulfony (vitamin U) has a beneficial effect on the state of the mucous membranes, promotes healing of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Vitamin U is contained in the cabbage, tomatoes, green tea, in the juices of raw vegetables (cabbage) and fruit.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

Flawed software that ...

Inadequate provision of this function, among other things, determines the largest share of the negative attitude of the population and certain social groups to the system of local self-government and its current status. Lack of organizational forms and concrete posts at the Fund's Executive Directorate CBOs can not implement this task in a complex, fully, effectively and efficiently. The experience of the executive management of the fund, Vladimir NMR showed that this function is successfully solved at the level of a specific department to specifically designated functions. Have used different forms and methods of the designated activities. For many years, has successfully implemented the project of a permanent two-month information-analytical agency of the executive directorate of the Vladimir regional fund of compulsory medical insurance, "Proceedings of the MLA fund" on the basis of regional newspapers. Employees of the department ensured contracts with a number of editorial boards of periodicals in the publication of Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Provide information and preparatory work for the placement of executive management of information in the newspapers. Organized presentations on radio and television. Is continually in-depth analysis presented in the media materials on MLA with experience publishing collections of these materials. Introduced into the practice of regularly making available to members of executive management and affiliates fund CBOs information and analytical materials, magazines, manuals, review articles, etc. Employees of the department liaises with the Scientific Research Institute, conducted the statistical, analytical, scientific and methodical work. In this regard the preparation and presentation of the relevant scientific and practical conference materials for speeches and publications, the ongoing supervision in the performance of scientific - research activities under the relevant treaties and so forth by the Executive Director, his deputies, members of the fund with the active participation of experts of the past five years, published in national journals and collections of scientific conferences over 70 scientific articles in the local press about 300 articles. Ensure the representation of the Vladimir regional fund CBOs to 28 scientific conferences territorial, federal and international levels. Unfortunately, the typical position of the organizational structure of the territorial MHI funds such units are not provided. And the current leadership of executive management of the Vladimir regional fund of compulsory medical insurance is not justified to maintain a similar structure, the more so since 2003, the organizational structure of the Vladimir regional fund CBOs say deputies of the local Legislature, and the decision on the number of staff positions of Executive Directorate of Territorial fund CBOs and their distribution by department signs the governor himself, Vladimir region. Beginning in 2003, deputies in the Vladimir region felt that such a structure in the executive management should not be.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Eat to live

Eat to live

Value of food is desirable to have such here: plant foods - 50-60%. And the more it will be in raw form - the better. Carbohydrate - 20-25%. But the rest of the food let it be a protein, if possible, with minimal heat treatment. You should not drink water, food or other liquid. The liquid should be used no earlier than 1.5 hours after a meal and no later than 15 minutes before meals. After the meal, it is desirable to rinse the mouth with water. Foods of plant origin - vinaigrette, salads - must be consumed within 10 minutes before taking a protein or carbohydrate foods. Do not combine protein foods with carbohydrates! You will do what is right, if you drink the melted water. And even more will be right if the refuse fat soups and fried foods, as well as products such as sausages, smoked meats, pastries, cookies, candy, white bread. Food should be chewed just enough until it disappears its specific taste. I should note that a feeling of fullness and thus comes much earlier, allowing food to eat 2-3 times less. Never sit down at a table in a rage and even more so in anger: from ingested in ferklempted food any good there - harm one. More harmful effects on your body than sleep after a hearty meal, think hard. Better after eating and even take a walk. Eat slowly 4 times a day. Bonus points if you skip a meal than restart the stomach - he's not made of iron and also needs rest. Evening meals should not be later than 20 hours. At nightfall you can eat some fruit or drink juice or yogurt, or sour taste. You acted very correctly, if once a week will do fasting day, say - the juice, or fruit. And the day that discharge will last from 24 to 36 hours. Or starvation with the reception of melt water. And if you are sick, for example, influenza or acute viral infection - something to normalization of body temperature did not eat, drink water and juices. Ate the food - immediately move. On such a mode of life and power must go for 3-6 months. Who wants - all turns out. And then you feel that you are coming to health and the desire to live. Now it's time to fruits and vegetables. Every vegetable is unique, as, indeed, and fruit. To be healthy (and, hence, vigorous, strong and lucky), but daily getting outside a lot of all nutrients. If you eat just any one vegetable, the right amount of nutrients can not get it. But if you eat different foods, including vegetables, then we will be able to keep myself in proper form. Vegetables - it's an amazing thing, they have all or almost all of what a man needs - and carbohydrates, and proteins, and a myriad of micronutrients, minerals and vitamins that are very, very important - they have a lot of dietary fiber . But are these dietary fiber - not more than a gut-bearers - that they derive from our body's toxic ingredients, and beneficial microorganisms dietary fiber - the most favorable habitat. And each vegetable in its own good, and in their irreplaceable. For example, beet red. About love people to say the beet set of proverbs and sayings. "Red velvet in the land of fire ..." or "round, but not a girl, with a tail, but not a mouse." Beetroot is necessary in the diet is always in the autumn and winter beets is particularly important. Who does not forget about beets - the one and sick less often. Doctors explain the amazing features of beet: it cleanses the body, strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis. And not for nothing that my colleagues are so strongly recommend the beets in the diet for people suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, dyscirculatory encephalopathy. I should add that beetroot is good and those who want to avoid all these diseases. Here's how it can be used: - beets and turnips garden to wash and clean, on a coarse grater grate, add chopped onions, garlic, dill, parsley and all of this to flavor oil. All of this mix. And here is a salad of beets, garlic and walnuts: - take the washed beets, boil, peel and grate, add chopped garlic and walnuts. All mix and sour cream or mayonnaise. You can add a chopped salad and a well-soaked prunes. Do not forget the plant food, and the sooner she gets from the garden to your table, the more health you will! Dr. Zemtsov Source: Online edition of "Planet Health" № 47 June 2005 on the site LTD "MediaRoom"