Ideally, the vegetarian lifestyle goes beyond the purely nominal renunciation of the use of the flesh of animals slain. It is a philosophy professing humanism and nonviolence. Many people immediately recall the names of the Buddha, George Bernard Shaw, Maurice Maeterlinck, Rabindranath Tagore, Sir Paul McCartney and, of course, LN Tolstoy. It is with these outstanding personalities associated notion of power "without killing." However, there is another "famous" vegetarian, which is not very fond of remembering those for whom the vegetable diet is part of the idea of ??"non-resistance to evil" - Adolph Hitler. He too was a fan of a vegetarian diet, although they say they gave up eating meat because of the panic fear of cancer. Therefore we can not consider a vegetarian lifestyle as a panacea for all ills or as a tool that can make moral monster into a beautiful altruist. By the way, before the Orthodox fasts father reminds his parishioners about the same: the post - it's not only food, but above all moral constraints, purification of the spirit. But enough philosophy, talk about vegetarianism "dry" the language of a nutritionist. Vegetable food is the source of many vitamins, macro-and microelements, organic acids and fiber. In addition, a low content of salts of sodium, purines and proteins in some cases it is necessary for the construction of certain therapeutic diets. Such diets prescribed for 3-5 days, patients with hypertension and chronic cardiovascular and renal disease, gout. They allow you to "unload" protein metabolism, eliminate intake of dietary purines, a preponderance of alkaline over acidic valences. However, they provide the intake of large amounts of ascorbic acid, potassium salts and other minerals. Therefore, the use of vegetarian diets contribute fairly rapid decrease in the level of the end products of protein metabolism in patients with renal insufficiency, as well as blood pressure, gives a pronounced diuretic effect, reduces the level of uric acid in the body. Vegetarian diets contain significant amounts of fiber, which stimulates peristalsis and ensure its regular emptying in chronic atonic constipation. In acute colitis with diarrhea, you can assign the apple diet. Sick during the day give 1-1,5 kg peeled grated apples (the best grade Antonovka). Raw plant foods reduces the putrefactive processes in the intestine, as contained in apples pectins contribute to the cessation of diarrhea. "Our food should be a remedy, and our remedy should be food" - these words belong to Hippocrates. The fact that plant foods - a source of vitamins and fiber, known to all. But on the macro-and micronutrients, plant pigments, and bioactive substances, which are rich in the gifts of Flora, often do not even know the doctors. A pity, since the role of these ingredients in the prevention and treatment of many diseases is obvious. Here are some of them. Carotenoids - sources of provitamin A. They help to strengthen the immune system, can destroy free radicals. The highest sugar content - in carrots, pumpkin, pepper, melon. Indoles - are also natural antioxidants and lower cholesterol in the blood. In large quantities contained in cabbage, zucchini, squash, pumpkin. Glikozinolaty - have a marked antimicrobial effect, reduces the risk of cancer, stimulate appetite and improve digestion. Contained in the radish and mustard. Saponins - anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the formation of blood clots, prevent the development of atherosclerosis. They are rich in beans and garlic. Anthocyanins - pigments of blue-violet color. Are good antioxidants, prevents the development of cancer. A lot of them in blueberries, plums, eggplant, black currants. Catechins - the derivatives, flavonols and anthocyanins. Strengthen capillary walls, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, improve immunity. Many baikhovi catechins and green tea, red grapes. Terpenoids - component of essential oils. Has a bactericidal effect, improves mood. Give the flavor of citrus, many spices and herbs. Perhaps after reading the list of these useful, and most importantly, delicious "medicine" you want to join the vegetarian community. By the way, call to become a vegetarian at least for the summer is, of course, to men. You can often hear the following explanation of the reluctance to give up eating meat: "I've been doing heavy physical labor, and the protein I need for the force." Indeed, the "protein problem" - the eternal stumbling block for proponents of foods of plant origin. From a chemical point of view of the protein molecule is a long-chain, whose links are the constituent amino acids. They are the building blocks for the body needed to fight infections, transmission of hereditary information. Although there are only 22 amino acids, only 8 of them (9 children) - the so-called essential amino acids - can not be synthesized by the body and must be obtained from food. Some of them are found only in animal proteins, and if the diet includes eggs, milk and cheese, all balanced. With regard to standards of the daily intake of protein, in different countries, they differ even for the closest populations. Thus, for males (average body weight 70 kg) aged 18-40 years, not engaged in heavy physical work and live in countries with temperate climates, the recommended protein requirements range from 55 g / day in Canada and 120 g / day in Bulgaria In Russia, they are about 87 g / day. Numerous studies have demonstrated a high endurance and fast recovery of strength athletes, vegetarians. There was a time when the British club for vegetarians, athletes and cyclists had assets of more than 40% of all national records in cycling, but the vast majority of winners in European cycling, and still are vegetarians. List of famous vegetarians swimmers on the right is headed by Murray Rose, a three-time Olympic Gold Medallist in 1956, a vegetarian from the age of two, and Bill Pickering, who has set a world record in the intersection of swimming the English Channel. Vegetarians from all continents at different times, won gold medals in wrestling and boxing, set world records in cross country and marathon. How can vegetarians make the same "correct" diet to get the full spectrum of amino acids and a sufficient amount of protein? It turns out that the traditional menu of most nations of the world and so exemplify the ideal combination of products of vegetable origin, having an optimal combination of complementary amino acid components. Many indigenous peoples of North and South America existed for centuries, including in your diet simple dishes from the maize and beans or rice and beans - these combinations provide a complete protein profile. The population of Japan and China have traditionally prevailed in the diet of rice and soybeans. Speaking of soy. The protein content in soybean (100 g) - 34 grams (more than meat and fish), and soy protein digested by almost 70%, which is almost the same as the protein of animal origin. In this case, soybeans contain no cholesterol and contains a large amount of dietary fiber (4%), magnesium, calcium, iron, and substances that prevent the development of hormone-dependent tumors such as breast and prostate cancer. With regard to palatability of soybean and products thereof, it is known to every man to his own taste. But I highly recommend to try tofu - soy cheese: you will not only enrich your desk, but the pass for "the modern and advanced", since the passion of Japanese cuisine has become universal. A word of advice, caution themselves experts on vegetarianism Although plant foods in general are much richer in vitamins and minerals than the fish and meat, but vitamins D, B2, B12 and zinc may be lacking in the diet if it is not completely thought out. Vitamins B2 and B12 are found in abundance only in animal foods, so the "strict" vegetarians should pay attention to herbal products that contain these vitamins even in small amounts ("lacto" and "laktoovovegetariantsam" do not worry about it). Sources of vitamin B2 - wheat germ, yeast, bread, mushrooms, chanterelles. Vitamin D is in the mushrooms. Range is small, and vitamins are less than the appropriate number. Therefore, you must either take the form of a dietary supplement yeast (containing vitamin B2), or use the tablet form of vitamins B12, B2 and D. There is a danger and a lack of zinc in the body due to the fact that a vegetarian consumes a lot of cereals and legumes that are rich in phytin substance that binds zinc in the human digestive system. A role of zinc in the body is very important: it is necessary for normal growth, development and puberty, reproductive function and maintain adequate immune status, the maintenance of normal blood formation, taste and smell, the normal course of wound healing. Often it is associated with zinc deficiency decreased sexual desire in vegetarians and semen quality. "Dopoluchit" zinc can, using food crops that have passed the fermentation process (as are the yeast in the dough), as well as eating germinated grains, which neutralize the phytin. Those who are included in your diet eggs, milk, bran, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts, that is, foods rich in zinc, no need to take it further. Well, armed with a variety of pros and cons of a vegetarian diet, will feel at some time members of the experiment on a new power supply system, the benefit of the court of autumn and the choice of fruits and vegetables is great. The Roman poet Ovid said: "O death! Afraid to defile their bodies with this food profane, Look - your cornfields filled with grasses and branches of trees laden with fruit stooped, you are given vegetables and herbs that taste better when cooked skilful hand, very rich cluster of the vine, And the honey gives a sweet-scented clover, indeed, Nature The mother is generous, giving us an abundance of these delicacies, I have it all for our table, all ... order to avoid killing and bloodshed. " The first thing that comes to mind is the mistress who wants to surprise your guests or family vegetarian menu - a salad. And indeed, this is so, and a flight of fancy is unlimited. At first I wanted to share with you the recipes of their "brand" of salads, and then decided that it was better to invite your attention ... different charging for them. And as constituents of fruits and vegetables combine themselves. Mix the yogurt dressing cup yogurt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons light mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. chopped green onions, black pepper to taste. "Thousand Islands" Mix 1 tbsp. spoonful of orange and lemon juice, chopped parsley and shniit-bow, add 1 teaspoon of ground pepper, 4 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, salt and black pepper to taste and a few drops vorchesterskogo sauce (sold in large supermarkets - surprisingly flavorful seasoning). Lemon-honey dressing whip (with a fork or electric mixer) 1 / 4 cup lemon juice with 4 teaspoon of liquid honey and 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider or wine vinegar. Continuation of the meal - a cold soup. Let this be a vegetable okroshka or vegetable soup sorrel and nettles or ... Bulgarian trator. At 4 cup 1% buttermilk - 1 large cucumber, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp. tablespoon vegetable oil, 100 grams of peeled nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts), 2 tbsp. finely chopped dill, black pepper to taste. Peeled cucumber crush on a vegetable grater, slightly sunflower and put in the cold. Chopped garlic and nuts, vegetable oil and yogurt thoroughly beat with a mixer. Prepared cucumber mixed with whipped the masses, add salt to taste and spices, dill and a few large pieces of crushed nuts. Serve in large cups. Well put in every pair of ice cubes. Or maybe you're interested in Spanish gazpacho soup. To cook it you will need 1 cucumber, 1 tomato, 1 liter of tomato juice, 300 g of yellow and red bell pepper, 1 small onion, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 jar of sweet corn, 2 tbsp. chopped greens, 100 g of white bread and 1 tbsp. tablespoon red wine vinegar. Cut the cucumber, tomato, pepper. Crumble the bread and sprinkle with water. All components are mixed in the blender. Add salt and vinegar. The soup is served cold, with toasted white bread. For the soup you can apply not just bread and sandwiches, "the first leaves. For their cooking needs sorrel, green onions, garlic, feathers, fresh nettle, scalded with boiling water, leaves, young sprouts. The proportions do not matter and composition can be varied to suit personal tastes. All this greenery to crank through a meat grinder, mix, sunflower to taste, add hot red pepper and cream. And on a hot, if someone has a desire to have such a hot weather, I recommend the cabbage rolls. Prepare cabbage leaves, for both ordinary stuffed cabbage, - par-cook, beat off, cut the thicker part of the foundation. Need to mince parsley roots, celery, carrots, onions, Bulgarian pepper. All the cut strips and lightly fry in vegetable oil. You can add chopped straw and lightly spasserovannye apples, sliced ??tomatoes and chopped nuts. Stuffing mix and sunflower. Then starting them cabbage leaves, each leaf roll tube, put in oiled shape, top oil cream, can be sprinkled with grated cheese. Bake until golden brown. When a table sprinkled with chopped greens. In the famous book for housewives of the last century E. Molokhovets has wonderful lines: "If you suddenly came to visit, then send the cook in the basement of the ham." So if to you at the cottage suddenly have guests, then send the children (and themselves can and guests) to collect ... quinoa. Hit the vegetarian table - roast quinoa. Cygnet (about 3 kg, because the green is greatly reduced in volume), rinsed, pour in a pan of hot water and cook until it becomes soft. Then discard the mass in a colander and tolkushkoy and better blender, turn it into mashed potatoes. Then put in a deep frying pan on the bottom of which pour a little vegetable oil. Finely chop the dill, green onions and garlic young hands, simmer, stirring occasionally. When the onions and garlic are soft, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and raw egg. All thoroughly. "A dessert where?" - Surely will be heard children's and women's voices. However, men too can be pampered berry pudding. Three cups of different berries (red and black currants, raspberries, blackberries, etc.) to lay down in a pan, fill 0.5 cups of sugar and mix gently. Heat over medium heat and cook for 3 minutes, then wait until cool. Of the slightly stale white bread without crusts cut a circle and put on the bottom of a deep baking dish or bowl. Other pieces of bread vystelit wall so that the sides of the forms were completely closed. For adults in berry weight, you can add liqueur or vermouth. Add 3 tablespoons of berry juice. Half of the berry mass lay out a form, cover with a piece of bread, put the rest of berry weight and pour the juice. Cover with bread pudding. Surplus on the edges trimmed. Cover the form of a shallow dish, top it with the load and remove in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, pry the edge of the pudding with a knife and turn it into a serving dish, pour the remaining juice to the bread soaked. Very tasty with whipped cream. Create your own recipes! Store them in the long winter in a special "notebook" to attach to a new surrounding, with your light hand become fashionable "vegetarianism." Be Healthy!