Thursday, 30 June 2011

Queen of the fields

Queen of the fields

Application of given in the section of recipes, remedies, tinctures of medicinal plants and other dosage forms, as well as any other treatment is possible only after discussion with the physician. So, Corn. She not only "the queen of the fields, she is also popular healer! In medicine use beams of the columns with stigmas - the so-called "corn silk". They contain sistosterol, stigmasterol, antigemorragicheskoe substance - vitamin K-3, fatty oil, essential oil, phyquinone, pantothenic and ascorbic acid. Receiving corn stigmas increases the secretion of bile, lowers its viscosity, specific gravity, reduces the solid residue in it, reduces the content of bilirubin, increases urination, increased blood clotting. Corn silk is used as aqueous extracts in cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, gallstone disease, enterocolitis, renal diseases. Long-term supplementation of corn stigmas promotes dissolution of stones in the ureter, kidney, bladder. Corn oil lowers cholesterol in the blood used in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, has choleretic properties. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases. Glutamic acid, which is produced from waste corn, used for diseases of the central nervous system (depression, psychosis, and reactive state, etc.). Application: · Infusion: take 4 tablespoons of corn stigmas and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Wrap up and for 2 hours, after which the filter. Take 2-3 times a day for 100 ml (half a cup) for 2 hours before meals for kidney disease, as a diuretic, for cystitis, edema of cardiac origin, liver and biliary tract infections (cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, delayed biliary excretion ), as well as sclerosis of cerebral vessels. Contraindications to the use of drugs made from corn stigmas: increased blood clotting, low body weight, decreased appetite. · Unrefined corn oil to 75 grams per day taken in order to regulate blood cholesterol levels in people with a high content of it, in obesity, diabetes, liver disease, as well as for the treatment of skin diseases (a course of treatment - 2 weeks).



Another way is offered as a "reasonable" alternative to all other methods. At first glance there is nothing better than to wear shorts of a special fabric (say neoprene or other), which will create a sauna effect to the "problem" areas - the thighs, abdomen, waist and buttocks. Under the influence of heat through the microscopic pores of fabric stretched excess moisture and fat from the skin. The word "superfluous", again from the category of subjective - pacifier. In other words, for a certain area of ??the body are the living conditions of the additional relevant factors. This factor will naturally affect the thickness of fatty tissue under the shorts. But we all know, the number of fat cells depends on the level of insulin in the blood, and not by the presence of your relevant figure devaysa. By this we can conclude that the action termoshort on certain parts of the body are very real. Indeed we can observe the decrease in body fat in specific areas. But the total body weight did not change. That is redistributed fat, cell mass throughout the body in relation to insulin levels in the blood. To this we must add a few words about the hygiene of the body and skin. To wear, some things that the naked body is quite likely to cause skin problems - eczema, etc. moreover, that such use causes sweat shorts. Consequently, this correction method, in principle, does not harm the body, but its effect briefly and ineffectively. It remains only to lost time and money spent on "Shorts for losing weight." From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Lilacs bloom

Lilacs bloom

Many people are trying to find a tiny little asterisk of lilac with five petals - for good luck! Syringa vulgaris - its all well know. But few know that the plant is poisonous! Homeland lilac believe Iran, but probably to our plant came from China, where already in the XI century, knew about the healing properties of the bush. Lilac flowers contain essential oil. In the bark, branches and leaves contain a bitter glucoside - siringin, tannin and some trace elements. Flowers Syringa vulgaris possess diaphoretic, anti-malarial and analgesic and is widely used in folk medicine as infusions, extracts, teas, as a diaphoretic for colds, whooping cough, and kidney disease, pulmonary tuberculosis. Infusion of fresh leaves of lilac used in fever, malaria, decoctions of bark and leaves svezhetolchenye used to accelerate maturation of abscesses and cleaning of septic wounds. The flowers are lilac ordinary brewed as a tea and drink with the flowers of yarrow, tansy, limes. Application form: Infusion: Take 1 tablespoon of lilac flowers (preferably white) and pour 250 ml boiling water, infuse 1 hour to filter. Take 30-40 ml 3-4 times a day for a protracted bronchitis, catarrhal symptoms in the upper respiratory tract. Tincture: Take 1 cup of flower Syringa vulgaris and pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist within 10 days; strain. Take 30-40 ml 3-4 times a day with whooping cough, and kidney diseases, as a diaphoretic and anti-malarial drug. In addition, applied as compresses for the deposition of salts in the joints and is especially effective for heel spurs. Ointment: Take 2 tablespoons of flowers Syringa vulgaris, rub with 2 tablespoons unsalted butter or petroleum jelly. Apply for rubbing against rheumatism, rheumatoid polyarthritis. In addition, the crushed leaves of Syringa vulgaris is applied to wounds for their speedy healing. It must be remembered that the internal use of Syringa vulgaris requires caution! Source: Journal of Planet HEALTH "at 

Herself in prison, spit on the street

Herself in prison, spit on the street

Carrot crop (Ogorodnaya) Daucus sativus Rochl. Umbelliferae. There are many cultivars of carrots. Birthplace of carrots is the Mediterranean. Cultivated everywhere. Root vegetables contain sugar (15%), fatty oil (up 0.7%), nitrogenous compounds, mineral salts, asparagine, umbelliferone, flavonoids (up to 0,13%), enzymes (amylase, invertase, protease, linazu, peroxidase, catalase), pigments (carotene, phyto, fitofluen, lycopene), vitamins (provitamin A, B1, B2, C, PP), acid (folic and pantothenic), as well as iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, copper, magnesium, silicon , cobalt and other trace elements. Carrot Ogorodnaya improves digestion, increases lactation in nursing women, promotes release of sand and small stones with urolithiasis and has tonic, laxative and diuretic effect, and reinforces the work of the sex glands, activates intracellular redox processes, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, promotes epithelialization, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing effect. Seeds have anthelminthic and protivobrodilnym action. Carrots as vitamins and mineralsoderzhaschee plant is very widely used in anemia and beriberi, chronic fatigue syndrome and loss of strength. From carrot seeds daukarin receive medication that dilates coronary arteries and has antispasmodic effects. It is used in atherosclerosis, angina. It should be noted that, to use every day for 80-100 grams of fresh grated carrots in the form, the patients gain weight and become less susceptible to infectious complications and diseases. Improves the color of skin. Carrots are not recommended for use in inflammation of the small intestine, acute gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Therapeutic use Infusions 1. Take 1 tablespoon of parsley and carrot tops (1:1) and pour 250 ml boiling water, for 2 hours in a sealed container (not metal). Drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals with kidney stones and hemorrhoids. 2. Take 1 tablespoon of carrot seeds sowing and pour 250 ml boiling water, infuse 12 hours in a closed vessel in a warm place; strain. Take the form of heat with 10 ml 5-6 times daily before meals with nephrolithiasis and as a carminative. Juice of fresh carrot juice with honey (in water) 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day to take for coughs, and hoarseness, and kidney stones, hemorrhoids, vitamin deficiency, anemia (anemia). Children are encouraged to take 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening on an empty stomach with diarrhea and as a anthelminthic (for pinworm). Carrot juice has long been rinsing the mouth and oropharynx with inflammatory diseases and grease cavity oropharynx in children with thrush. Dressings with freshly grated carrots or carrot juice makes for a long time in thermal skin lesions (burns and frostbite), and long-term healing of purulent wounds and ulcers, inflammatory lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Carrot has a property to clean the wounds and sores of pus, reduces inflammation and answering rebuked the pain, promotes more rapid healing of wounds. Paste of grated carrots: 3 tablespoons grated carrot seed pour 250 ml of milk and boil. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily before meals in the same cases as in the use of carrot juice. By the way, carrot face mask: when the dry skin of the face make carrot mask. For this, 2.3 taproots were washed and Grate, mixed with one egg yolk and applied a thin layer on the skin. After 20-25 minutes wash off a lot of swab moistened with warm water. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week. Author: doctor Source: Journal of Planet HEALTH "№ 55, September 21, 2005 on the site

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

What is so useful in seafood?

What is so useful in seafood?

The high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in shellfish Rakushechnoye very helpful for the cardiovascular system. Not to mention the fact that a small salad of crustaceans and molluscs provides daily rate of iodine, zinc, selenium, iron, copper and magnesium. And it is at a minimum the absorption of calories. But not everything is rosy, of course. Superb nutritional value of seafood slightly marred by the fact that some of them too much cholesterol. Therefore, a most zealous not worth it, but twice a week to include seafood in their menu - it was good. Especially if you know who is who and what it such a useful. Understand all these marine reptiles helped us Chef Polo Club (Hotel Aurora Marriott Royal), Mark Fontenelle, who knows about the seafood all or almost all. Him for that special thank you! Krabi, 100 g: 85 calories, 16 g protein, 2.5 g fat, 0 grams of carbohydrates. Enhance immunity, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Effects on the body: a high content of copper and zinc will help actively to resist infection. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which include crabs in small quantities, will benefit sufferers of cardiovascular disease. Cholesterol is found in the head and shell crab. Omar in 100 g: 85 calories, 19 g protein, 1 g fat, 0 grams of carbohydrates. In the cold season they should have in order to protect themselves from infection, at any time of year - to avoid premature aging. Effects on the body: the lobster a lot of protein and micronutrients, especially zinc, copper and potassium, and in the neck of all these "goodies" than in claws. Cholesterol-containing head, carapace and legs of the lobster. Scampi (and crayfish), 100 g of product: 90 calories, 17 g protein, 2 grams fat, 0 grams of carbohydrates. Stimulate brain activity due to the high phosphorus content (183 mg/100 g). Effects on the body: 100 g langoustines satisfy 10% of your daily requirement for calcium, 20% - in magnesium, 33% - in the copper and iodine. At the head of langoustines much cholesterol. Prawns 100 g: 114 calories, 24 g protein, 2 grams fat, 0 grams of carbohydrates. Contain virtually no carbohydrates and fat, but perfectly quench the appetite of its high protein content, which is particularly suited big (literally and figuratively) fans to eat. Effects on the body: a lot of vitamin B12, necessary for the production of red blood cells (hemoglobin) and maintaining the nervous system. Much cholesterol in the head and shell shrimp. EDIBLE MARINE SNAILS 100 g of product: 100 calories, 10 grams protein, 32 g fat, 5 grams of carbohydrates. Help cope with stress. Effects on the body: the best source of magnesium, since other foods rich in these trace elements are too high in calories. High content of vitamin B6 promotes easy digestion of snails. Trumpeter in 100 g: 135 kcal, 26 g protein, 1.2 g fat, 5 grams of carbohydrates. As well as edible sea snails, helps to overcome fatigue and stress. Effects on the body: Very high magnesium content (something that simply must be in times of stress), high-quality protein and vitamin B12. SEASHELLS VENUS (VENERKA) in 100 g: 47 calories, 10 g protein, 0.5 g fat, 1 g carbohydrate. Excellent dish for dinner, thanks to the low energy value. Excellent option low-calorie diet in the cold season. Effects on the body: little fat and carbohydrates and high protein - both will not recover and preserve the shape. Oysters in 100 g: 110 kcal, 12 g protein, 3 g fat, 7.5 grams of carbohydrates. Strengthen the skeletal system and increase libido. Effects on the body: a small amount of protein is compensated by a high content of vitamins B12 and D, which ensures the supply of calcium in bone tissue. Very high zinc content (100 g of product contains 165% RDA), due to the lack of which is reduced immunity. And oysters are an aphrodisiac and support the function of reproducing the organism, are particularly useful for men. SEASHELLS COCK in 100 g: 168 calories, 18 g protein, 10 g fat, 1.5 grams of carbohydrates. Compensate for the lack of iron. Effects on the body: high iron content (14 mg per 100 g) and vitamin B12 helps produce hemoglobin - both helps to stay in shape. Despite the high fat content, they have a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, very good for the heart and blood vessels. Mussels in 100 g: 119 calories, 20 g protein, 3 grams fat, 3 grams of carbohydrates. What is the benefit: If you will be hard to eat mussels, great complexion you provided. Effects on the body: little fat and lots of vitamin E (100 g 25% RDA), by which mussels may be considered a natural antioxidant - it protects against the destruction of the cell walls, helping to maintain skin in good condition.

Gus under the tree

Gus under the tree

Like all the same great that our ancestors came up with this warm, tasty and fun celebration among the cold, dark and snowy winter! And not even one, but a whole series of them, this Christmas vacation. Suppose they then attacked in a different sequence: Christmas - Christmas Eve, New Year and Epiphany, but carried the same mood - festive and joyous. Especially it was inherent in the large cities, residents who took over the European manners. But small, hold the provincially-patriarchal, showed their ingenuity and lightness. In the archives of those times there are numerous signs, describing the celebration in the counties and provinces. There are, for example, a description of Christmas "rampant" in Kiev - the mother of Russian cities. There is already a Svyatka in homes decorate Christmas trees, and charitable organizations, and society began to "holiday marathon to raise funds. For the simple inhabitants these days means a debt trouble and hassle associated with numerous shopping for holiday feasts and gifts. Not accidentally Kiev police chief in his traditional disposal have given the pre-trade, as an exception, even on the last Sunday before Christmas. And issued a special order of the "special supervision over the quality and sanitary condition" products available in the bazaars. In addition, authorities have warned the townsfolk of the danger of "holiday theft, prescribing wipers are not only cleaning up the facades, signs and houses, but also" in every possible way to help the police. " For disobeying the order, as well as for thefts and robberies in the subordinate houses "janitors involved in the strictest responsibility. But such cases are, unfortunately, were not uncommon - not all townspeople "Merry Christmas" roused the best feeling: the police stations were filled with drunks. A city public vividly discussed next daring Christmas covetousness, for example, in 1894, when the church Rubezhovskoy colony for juvenile delinquents were stolen two valuable icons in a silver frame. But these cases were exceptional. Actually, these days were all busy household chores. Where to find the goose thicker and cheaper (1,5 rbl.) Duck fatter (75-85 kopecks.) Paired caviar, fresh fish - trout, salmon, sturgeon starlet yes, these ham Belotserkovsky? And for the audience poshikarney cook bought pheasant and grouse, sweet candy, cakes and marmalade, the Crimean and Astrakhan grapes yes pineapples in banks 1 rub. In stores briskly walked endless "giveaways." At Khreshchatyk shops were closed after midnight. Lured by torzhischa, Kievites meekly gave money for the whole carts "Present" - because it was necessary to bestow not only close, but the governess and the cook and waiter with the janitor. Emerged as the then joked satirists, a special kind of commodity - "for gifts." These "strange little things" commonly sold in the perfume and stationery stores, and often no one knew what they were intended. Overjoyed such bagatelle guest then long puzzled over how to apply it. The morning after a feast or party nightlong prayer service, each distinguished master crowd crammed janitors, floor polishers, governess, and all they had to "Hello treats. And when the Lord comes to himself, and it was time to make their own for the visit. It was a firm rule that was raised during Peter's Christmas celebrations, when the Emperor with a huge and noisy drunken arranged by approximate detours noble houses of merchants and nobles. When Peter I took on the role of the deacon during the meetings and vseshuteyshego vsepyaneyshego Cathedral, the Russian tsar loudly declared that he was a slacker who is on such a joyous occasion not drunk drunk! It is clear that after many lunches for most participants pretty loaded feast turned out under the table, and a group of special servants endured guests in the room where they slept. Although it should be noted: By the end of the reign of the breadth of these feasts is clearly weakened, and Peter himself was the attitude to drinking is very cool. Nevertheless, representatives of the world encouraged to continue in the course of this admission not only to eat meals and drink laughing drinks, but also to take part in conversations, take care of the ladies, invite them to dance ... Special diligence in this displayed a young people go abroad and know the level of a civilization. Surprisingly, these traditions are actively fought "an intelligent young people, unanimously rejecting mandatory, as a sign of respect and reverence, visits. Instead, they agreed to pay a special fee to the cashier of a charitable society. But for most citizens to visit relatives and famous friends, ample table at the elegant tree was lovely and burdensome tradition. Just before Christmas, bazaars and just in the yards of homes appear "freshly cut green trees, which were delivered from suburban villages or specially grown in the garden facilities. A procedure for decorating Christmas trees, as satirists wrote, was "sanctified by centuries." "At the very top - a star. On the lower branches hung all sorts of rubbish - there is no one except the kids, nothing is visible. Best, select a number of decorations hung so high that children are lacking. Here are placed bonbonniere and other objects, which give owners the opportunity to show his wit. Higher hang nuts, beads and things that give others a pity the children "- so described the Christmas tree is very popular if the writer Nadezhda Taffy. In addition to sweets - sweet paste, nuts and apples, Christmas trees were loaded with stars, candlesticks, lamps, beads (200 pcs. - 22 kop.) And silver rain (tutu - 7 cop.). Glass toys were expensive and often sold at a price of sets from 3 to 50 rubles. A special supplement was chic tree live plants and flowers. Also an elegant gift lady was considered a bouquet of fresh flowers, the benefit of their cost was quite affordable middle-class townspeople (Rose - 15-20 kopecks., Cloves - 10 kopecks., Violet - 20-40 kopecks).. Of course, your favorite New Year's events were the Christmas bazaars, raffles, followed by masquerades and balls. Most of the popular ploys suited not only for the amusement of the audience, but also to raise funds for charity. The organizers showed unusual ingenuity - pavilions are processed in the form of ships, huge snow caves, kegs of beer ... It sold champagne, flowers, gifts, toys with surprises ... Christmas trees were popular, and masquerades in the Merchants, Commercial and Nobility Assembly. There were going to all sectors of society - from printing compositors to clerks and engineers. All they wanted to chic to outdo each other. So, once in the Noble Assembly of Kiev was drunk, as reported later in the local newspapers, lots of champagne, only officially at 2 bottles for my brother. " A slew of engineers in the audience "wild tropical vegetation to the decadent taste." And yet the province was not in any way to keep up with the capital, where the scale of the celebrations downright amazed. Curiously, in particular, the description of court ball, given on Jan. 2, 1751, placed in the "St. Petersburg Gazette. This evening, "as distinguished guests of both sexes and foreign ministers, and all the noble gentry with the names, from 6 th to 8 th hour were coming to the court on a rich masquerade fancy dress and going in the great hall, where the eighth hour of music began at the two orchestras, and continued until seven o'clock in the morning. Tables were meat, and sweets Especially in peace, and for the other is in the masquerade of persons in the state rooms at three tables placed great number of pyramids with candy, and hot and cold food. In one large hall and parade in the chandelier and candles burning kragshteynah to 5000, and was a masquerade of both sexes up to 1500 persons, who are at the request of each different vodkas and the best grape wines, and coffee, chocolate, tea and lemonade and other drinks relieve . Add some juicy details of those New Year's Eve, in contrast to Europe, where the administration of natural needs at balls and receptions were quite arbitrary, and guests can pee in the fireplace, behind doors and curtains, or even just a balcony, Russia began to actively use special pots. In the second half of the ball waiters literally going to extreme lengths to publicly spreading the pots that guests can take refuge with them installed in the corners of rooms screens. Such a procedure is not considered indecent, and quite fit into the mores of the time. Christmas Gift elegant night vase was a natural. Moreover, such a gift could boast, it exhibited in a prominent place. There just shapes and colors were not among them: in the form of lotus or water lily leaf, blossoming flower or outlandish vessel with numerous decorations ... Nevertheless, throughout Russia places of entertainment staged masquerades with the rain of confetti, beauty contests, special programs and "serpentine flowers and butterflies." Prices for tickets on average were low: 1 rub. for adults and 50 kopecks. for children (including the obligatory gift). The script was the standard of children's parties - the songs in chorus, play balalaika, recitation of poems, celebratory march, dance, games and "vague pictures." Although "adult" masquerades were the object of constant criticism of the inhabitants of the "stereotype scenario." Despite the fact that before the festivities opened numerous "rentals" costumes and wigs, they could write even from abroad in the catalog. Homemade masks, claiming to be a prize for originality, and fabricated "by news of the day." Thus, the gossip column has recorded two masks-winner, called the manufacturer as "I think riding a horse-tram and sanitation" and "Electricity." New Year's portrayed more often than any "pretty fat girl in a white dress." Novelty differed only in the children's evening "Christmas Star". On them was made timid attempts to legalize a popular holiday Christmas time, because then special order the police chief "the boys are strictly forbidden to go from house to house and sing Christmas carols." People easier within three days of Christmas went partying in circuses, zoos and cinematography. Were arranged in squares and roundabouts are different booths "with foci, dynamometer and puppets." In contrast, a family holiday - Christmas, New Year, most Russian inhabitants rushed to the guests, theater, restaurants and balls. It is interesting that this style adopted (of course, pereinachiv in his own way), "leaders of the Soviet people." The wife of Marshal Katukova Ekaterina recalled that in the late 40's wives and children of military leaders generally welcomed the New Year at the dacha Budyonny. But at first the men were driving on New Year's to Stalin (it was a constant tradition). Everything, as usual, sat on their seats, munching gloomily magnificent meals and surreptitiously glanced at his watch. After twelve congratulated each other and passed all a drink. And when the chief let them go, almost ran to personal vehicles, which are already waiting for the frozen drivers. And at high speed went to relatives, wives and children, gathered at Budyonny. There's always wonderful atmosphere prevailed: the laughter, dancing to the gramophone, draws ... Baked cakes, prepare delicious home cooking. Santa Claus arrived with gifts for children. Rejoiced in their hearts' content until the morning. What to do in this time of the leader - is unknown. But this - incidentally. Before the October Revolution as in many cities held tradition of celebrating the New Year prayers in temples. Cathedrals and churches that night were full. However, not all citizens were distinguished piety, and the morning of January 1 large portion of the population would find not only at police stations, but also in hospital beds. So, in other provincial capitals of the statistics recorded the sad fact: the number of people applied for medical assistance at the station an ambulance on Jan. 1, 1910 was two times greater than in an ordinary day. New Year's Eve was a "time of great expectations" for all the officials, since his first day of the awards were announced orders, dismissals and appointments. As sung in the Christmas song, not all of the new year brings the same thing, but "who rank - who pancake". But the celebrations, which lasted until Epiphany, brought comfort and joy, even bypassed officials. People are having fun. We do not break the same and we are fine tradition ... Basil MENYALIN

Monday, 27 June 2011

Which is useful for health: wine or beer?

Which is useful for health: wine or beer?

Perhaps, only one representative of alcohol, we can say exactly what he represents for the health damage - it is about technical, denatured alcohol. But to call this a substitute drink would probably be an exaggeration. As shown by serious research, wine, beer and other imperfect alcohol consumed in moderate quantities, have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. The ancients would not dispute this assertion, but here is to obtain evidence and uncover the specific mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, we were able to recently. They found in the wines natural antioxidants - bioflavonoids, which help to preserve the structure and tone of blood vessels, supplying the heart. Of course, one should not think that the exclusive supplier of flavonoids in the body is a good wine. As demonstrated by recent work by researchers, these substances are found in chocolate and many other products. In the case of chocolate discovery, we are obliged to marketing policy, the world famous manufacturer of chocolate bars - the company "Mars". Funded the scientists, the company has made them what she wanted: the thesis, which can serve as an excuse for the millions of sweets around the world. Suppose that on chocolate and get fat, but it is useful for the heart. Specialists have also not gone over the fact that the imperfect spirits cause an increase in the synthesis of high-density lipoprotein, which is also called "good" cholesterol. High levels of these substances in the blood as opposed to "bad" cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis, which can lead to stroke and myocardial infarction. Wine, of course, is good, but what about those who prefer him not less ancient drink: a good dark ale or amber light sparkling wines. A team of researchers from Denmark believes that beer is almost equally useful to the human body. It contains vitamin B6, which reduces the protein levels of homocysteine ??in the blood, this substance increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Researchers measured blood levels of vitamin B6 and homocysteine ??levels in 11 volunteers for 12 weeks. During the first 3 weeks, these men savor sparkling wines in the next 3 weeks enjoying red wine, then place a source of good health took a Danish gin. The last three weeks for the subjects must have been the most difficult. Inviting them to quench their thirst with mineral water only. At a time when volunteers were drinking beer, indicators of homocysteine ??in their blood were the best: drop reached 30 percent, and wine and gin and half did not live up to this record. Researchers concluded that vitamin B6 is a good effect on the cardiovascular system, and the beer they are true Danes, recognized a major source of this vitamin in the body. One can imagine that if this study was conducted in Germany, the results would have been even more convincing. Carrying out the dividing line between the amateur wine and beer leads to one interesting conclusion. Glass of beer has more to cigarette smoking, as well as a rich fat food, such as a favorite of all pistachios and potato chips. Perhaps the "beer" belly does not paint a man. If we talk about wine, then to him more suitable cigars and a date with a beautiful woman. Thus, we do almost equal exchange. I have a high probability of lung cancer in those who prefer a cigarette, the risk of cancer of the lips and throat of those who prefers a cigar or pipe. But once zhirok in this system is equivalent to a little adventure with the risk of "catching" venereal disease. Be that as it may, the decision is yours. Source: Medical Center at kulichikah Source: Internet publication "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site



There is nothing worse than attempts to solve "the problem of excessive weight gain, with advances in pharmacology. As I said earlier, yes, and you probably know yourself that that modern industry is the production of drugs (if not the mafia), has achieved tremendous results in production of chemicals (as well as pumping money). She is able to offer you virtually any chemical compound, if you are able to pay it. Unfortunately, people's desire to have a slender body is expressed in an effort to get something in the nearest drugstore to drink this potion for the night and morning rise to new forms of the body. Once there is a demand, and demand is just huge, but the states spend on average $ 260 a brother / sister in the year, will offer. Of course, there are just terrible cases, the manufacture of blanks containing caffeine or that worse. But also the "powder" that "tested by clinical trials" in principle does not bring desired. Since efforts were not there: appetite suppression, "burning" fat "acceleration" of metabolism and other nonsense. Let us briefly consider the proposed pill category effects on the body of its host. Nutraceuticals. Their name is derived from the Latin word nutricium, signifying power. Nutraceuticals are usually equated with food, since they contain a minimum of medicinal ingredients, they can be taken independently, without fear that they harm health. The essence of the use of nutraceuticals for weight loss lies in the fact that these drugs (low-calorie, but contain all the necessary vitamins and elements) is replaced by one or more meals a day, thereby reducing, the total caloric intake. By nutriceutical includes all meal replacement. That is, it again is actually about fasting. Nutritional - usually used to facilitate low-calorie diets (again hunger strike). These preparations contain a certain amount of swelling of cellulose (the same as that inserted into the stomach balloon with silicone or cut off part of the stomach) and substances that reduce appetite, and a suspension of amino acids, proteins and vitamins, mimicking the normal full-fledged food. These drugs are only slightly adjust the shape, while treating them to be very careful - if they seize the usual food, you can not lose weight and get better. Parapharmaceuticals. According to its properties parapharmaceuticals closer to the drugs can be used as auxiliary therapeutic agents for various diseases. They have a fairly strong therapeutic effect, and to take such drugs should be on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor (you can even take heroin, just be aware of the consequences). By parapharmaceutics include controls feelings of hunger (anorektiki), fat burners, cleaning and ballast substances. Anorektiki - drugs that suppress appetite. The main purpose of anorektikov lies in the fact that they, blunting hunger, helping to sustain the necessary diet (again, we are talking about the regulation of metabolism by the hunger strike), but get rid of stored fat without exercise is not in the state (yeah aerofitnosheyping). Currently, the most well-known anorectic drugs on the Russian market, are "Meridia" (Knoll AG BASF Pharma, Germany) and "Slim Mercana (LLC Kurortmedservice, Russia). It should be noted that all anorektiki should be taken only under medical supervision (do not understand why poison your body, in principle). Ballast substances - are able to swell in the stomach, thus creating the illusion of satiety and reducing the amount of food eaten by man (again, fill the stomach balloon with silicone). By the ballast substances include microcrystalline cellulose ("Ankir-B, produced by LLC" Evalar and MCC-229 of "The shop lives") and preparations Series Nutrikon "(Argo), which are based bran. Cleaning agents - diuretics and laxatives. Diuretics components are integrated in almost any drug for weight loss, including the widely known "supersystems 6. Typically, this group of drugs are almost all teas for weight loss - "Kankuro (" Cancura Interna ", China)," Flying Swallow "(SINV, China)," Red Slim Tea "," Lose Weight "(" Eland , Poland) and others. This is the most dangerous substances, of all proposed as a means to reduce weight, since the state does not emulate the diabetes, "washing out" of the body protein mass. Of course there is a reduction of fat cells due to changes in the proportions of the cells muscle / fat cells, but only until such time as the client begins to gain muscle mass he needs to perform daily work. Notice the word about the content of these substances in all the preparations for the "weight loss".'s pure quackery.) fat burners . This group of drugs for weight loss can be divided into two groups depending on their actions. The first subgroup breaks down fats entering the body through food, not allowing them to be postponed. The most famous representatives of this group of drugs are drugs such as "chitosan" (whose composition Chitin is derived from shells of shellfish). Preparata second group - it burners, fat or splitters that already exists in the body. Most of these drugs are based on bromeline - an enzyme extracted from pineapple, as well as through the South American herb guarana. (In other words, once we impose a false hypothesis about the possibility of metabolic regulation.) Drugs for external use, they include a variety of adhesives, soap, slimming, cellulite gels and creams, massage, and various termopreparaty that are applied to certain parts of the body and promote fat splitting under the condition of active sports. (And we do not know that sport, the only way to change the cellular composition of adipose tissue, just where do the pill.) presented some imaginary line under all proposed drugs. All of them are built on the old hypothesis of idealists. Naturally that the use of quack medicine makes no results, at best, and harmful to the body at worst. From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St.Petersburg, 2004.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Genetic weight loss

Genetic weight loss

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the great desire of people to have a figure Olympian translates into demand for the free market for services, drugs or books devoted to this subject. Unfortunately, errors in thinking, made during the analysis and synthesis problems have led to the development of the same erroneous methods. The last hope remained for the development of genetic research. Somehow, no one believes that truth in the understanding of the principles of the body generally someone in a position to describe, instead of helping to guide the construction of the theory, and attempts to produce "the pill" from everything. Huge market attracts and stimulates work to promote the "genetic" address the issue. Drugs are not yet ready, and promoting them on the market is already advertised. Naturally mafia is interested in pharmacology, especially the money that they can discourage the unsuspecting citizens. Just imagine, to make statements about the imminent decision, in which people can "eat what they like and do not get fat." And it does not even say the townsfolk, and people with university education. Formulation as a goal to meet the demand and profit and generates the result as questionable methods and drugs, just dangerous for your health. In this series stands still being developed, "the methods of the twenty-first - the criminal manipulation of the genetic set of rights. Exclusively for pumping the money. Why am I saying. Yes, simply by the fact that nothing in these figures will not work. I mean, do not manufacture the drug and the development of techniques, but the end result. It is likely that genetically engineered products really will be able to reduce the number of fat cells. But what if this happens, nobody talks. So, what we offer. American researchers have discovered a way to convert fat cells of rat in original incinerator surpluses. For this purpose, the DNA of rat leptin gene is introduced - the protein responsible for the metabolism and appetite. Now, instead of massing the fat cells begin to burn, and the rat loses 26% of their body weight in just 14 days. Study report was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Scientists, in the end of the article, researchers have expressed hope for "rapid and guaranteed solution to the problem of obesity", reports MIGnews. In other words, they expect to change the cells of adipose tissue in such a way that the new modified fat cells as little as possible involved in the metabolism and metabolism. And the exchange of specific substances - insulin. Trying to solve the problem on the basis of false assumptions that have fat cells, and they supposedly have the main function - the accumulation of fat. But in reality, of course not. As a result of genetic manipulation you get hyperinsulinemia caused no ability of new fat cells to respond to the increase in insulin level above a certain value. Which in turn affect the synthesis of muscle cells. Split ratio increase in cells with a relatively smaller number of insulin receptors and decrease with a relatively large. All this will lead to very dire consequences. That is, to reduce the functionality of the muscles. Which in turn will increase the number of fat cells with reduced function. From then sought leave to the same and come back. From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

How to get rid of the winter pounds?

How to get rid of the winter pounds?

Of course, with the onset of heat in the diet and sedentary life, we can easily return to its original shape. But it takes some time. FROM "WINTER" pounds with the right approach you can get rid of just a few days and without prejudice to health, says dietician Lev Savin. It's enough to change your lifestyle, nutrition, and on some days a bit limited in the food. In fact it is quite easy. And the result will exceed all expectations. Get rid of toxins, "Winter" pounds consist mainly of slag. This is due to the fact that "bad" foods are often not fully processed and deposited in the folds of the colon. The most simple, affordable and effective way to cleanse the body is clean drinking water or mineral water without gas. Fluid plays an important role for the leaching of harmful substances from the body. She also facilitates more rapid digestion. Doctors nutritionists recommend a daily basis to drink 1 - 1.5 liters of clean drinking water. In this case, the first glass to drink on an empty stomach, but after the last not to eat anything. Only if you feel unwell, or there will be swelling, you need as quickly as possible to see a doctor. Will likely have to check kidney function. Also do not forget about the purgation by enema. Only need to consult with your doctor. Some confuse the fasting days fasting and hungry days. In the fasting days, we simply move to a less high-calorie foods and bystroperevarivaemuyu. But in the hungry days are not allowed anything to eat. With the coming of spring and the body so exhausted, and starvation - a huge load. So now it is desirable to arrange a few days of unloading. The most common are fasting days, the name which corresponds to the drunk that day products (eg kefir, apple, etc.). But this food bothers their monotony. More efficient and gentle handling are considered low-calorie days. For example, it is possible for three or four days to go for salads with olive oil, fruits (except bananas), yogurt and mineral water without gas. Healthy food order food to fully digest, it is desirable to have frequent, but small portions. And in order that the body had time to rest, try to make the gap between the last evening, and the first meal of the morning, was at least 10-12 hours. In the spring has practically no fresh, vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits (except citrus). Most products, though, and look appetizing, does not actually contain sufficient nutrients, but rich in calories. The greatest amount of vitamins is now available from the frozen vegetable and fruit mixtures that do not require long cooking. So try to bring them into your daily diet. When it is impossible to provide a complete, varied diet is necessary to minimize those products, which bring only harm (acute, smoked, pickled foods, canned meat, etc.). WALK winter, we practically do not go walking: first, slippery, and secondly, it is very cold. But with the first sunlight much more pleasant to walk a few stops on foot than push on public transport. The most convenient way to make such a walk after work, when you do not have to rush anywhere. Incidentally, it is also a very good holiday. Just to go hiking for the benefit of your figure, you must fulfill three basic conditions. First, you should not be heavy bags. The best option - it is a small backpack behind, or the same weight and size bags in both hands. Secondly, it is necessary to monitor posture and breathing. You have to go with your back straight and breathe smoothly. And, thirdly, you must be comfortable shoes. If you walk on his heels, the load on his back and legs are uneven. This can lead to quite opposite results. Subject to the above conditions are employed virtually all muscle groups. But the main burden is on the gluteal and calf muscles. It is estimated that one hour of intense walking burns as many calories as two hours in the gym. By the way, after you get rid of the "winter" pounds, it does not necessarily return to their former way of life. Source: AIF (Natalia Baurova) Source: the Internet edition "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site

Saturday, 25 June 2011



At its core, diet, limiting admission of products for the recruitment or calories, there's nothing like starvation, but in a more delicate cycle. We can say that the use of any diet is an attempt to take on the challenge "head on". As well as refusal of food, the use of diet as a method of reducing body fat, mistakenly double. First, an attempt to influence the fat cells first factor of cell division. Secondly, the recognition of a priori a person's ability to regulate food intake, which is simply ridiculous. A mere attempt to calculate the daily calorie food intake is doomed to failure. What can we say about the entire set of necessary nutrients the human body. It is basically impossible. Ongoing efforts to count calories, some 'advanced' citizens always end in failure. Unfortunately, from the result, even the negative does not draw any conclusions. A complete disgrace. What is glaringly low culture of thinking! To date, there are more than 25,000 different types of diets. Benefit from their use is highly questionable for those trying to lose weight, and very materialistic, in terms of money, for those of their offering. It's time to bring these charlatans to clean water. Since diets are written by people, then the example of one of them, I'll show you what they look like. As an example, I took one, published in the weekly "Arguments and Facts" in February 2004. "The French Diet: Day One Breakfast: orange, 2 slices of bread with tea without sugar or sweeteners. Lunch: boiled beets (100 g), olive oil, boiled rice (100 g) with soy sauce or ketchup, tomato juice. Dinner: fish stew (100 g), yogurt or a glass of nonfat yogurt. Day Two: Breakfast: 2 tablespoons of muesli with tomato juice, banana, black coffee. Dinner: vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber, lettuce, green onions, parsley), seasoned with vegetable oil and vinegar or lemon juice, stewed with carrots and beets, prunes, fruit juice. Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), a slice of cheese (50 grams), yogurt, a glass of warm milk. Day Three Breakfast: hard boiled egg (or a slice of lean ham), fruit yogurt, tea (coffee) without sugar. Lunch: a salad of boiled mushrooms (100 g), olive oil, lemon juice and sprinkle with green onions, boiled potato with cabbage, orange. Dinner: boiled chicken meat (100 g), a slice of cheese (50 grams), a glass of nonfat yogurt. Day Four: Breakfast: 2 tablespoons of cornflakes with milk, fruit yogurt coffee. Lunch: a salad of boiled shrimp (100 g), olive oil, sprinkled with dill, boiled beef (80-100 g), or beef, yogurt without the filler. Dinner: salad of fresh cabbage, dressed with olive oil and sprinkle with parsley, a piece of bread with 2 kiwis, tea with sugar substitute. And so on. End it is just a stroke of genius: "Once you LOBBYING (emphasis added), these seven days, you will not be too difficult to collect the remains of a fist of willpower and stay on the diet for another week, echoing the encore his gastronomic experiment." We now consider this example in more detail. Should not be too difficult to understand that given the composition of products for daily use written by a man, the body that is in the operating mode of the first postulate. I draw this conclusion based on the fact that the lists of products are coffee and tea, stimulants, heart activity. The need for caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, people experience cardiac muscle have been weakened by prolonged time required to develop an appropriate reflection. Trying to compile a list of products for regulation of substances taken by the author of this diet has given himself away. Without knowing it, the author of the diet, made a bust of cholesterol in 1,2 times. A figure for the person doing the large daily volume of work. And for the person on a diet, simply fester, take my word, this figure is even higher, because a hungry, so limited in physical activity. Hence, this figure can be safely brought to 1.5. An attempt to use such a diet will give you a weekly increase in weight to 100 grams. You do not how to cut calories, reduce the number of its motor activity. It's funny how reflections regulate not only the consumption but also try to plan weight loss! The conclusion comes by itself. There is no need for regulation of substances consumed. Your cerebellum makes it much more efficiently! Once we figured out with the diets. We need to "give the gate turn" those of us slips. It must be done on a very simple reason. Applying a diet, you lose time and health. And health is lost from the decrease in concentration of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas under the influence of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. Such changes can be prevented rather simple way. Not to mention the lost money and emotions. From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

Efficiency of food assimilation

The digestive system consists of the following parts: mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine. Involved in digestion and salivary glands, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. ROTH process of digestion begins in the mouth. When chewing food mixed with saliva released by the salivary glands of the mouth. Saliva softens the food and facilitates swallowing, begin to decompose starch to dextrin. If containing much starch products (white bread, rice, potatoes) has not been thoroughly masticated, enzymes do not have time to decompose starch, and the food enters the stomach intact. This not only prevents the stomach, but it often leads to stagnation of food before the start of fermentation and causes flatulence. Vegetables that contain cellulose, also need to chew. Otherwise, there is fermentation, flatulence. ESOPHAGUS Esophagus is a thin 25 - centimeter-muscular tube, pushing the food to the stomach undulating movement (called peristalsis). Peristaltic movement occurs throughout the digestive tract and is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The work of the nervous system is not controlled by a person consciously, but it affects mood, emotional state and stress. Therefore it is important to eat slowly and in a relaxed atmosphere, as the mood affects the enzyme secretion of the intestine. Stress, anger, anxiety, agitation cause palpitations, indigestion, bloating and cramping or pain in the stomach. Stomach is a slightly curved muscular pouch where the food is under the influence of a powerful mixture of hydrochloric acid and enzymes into a mush called chyme. In this type of food enters the small intestine, which is essentially the main digestive organs. The first to leave the stomach, carbohydrates, then proteins, fats linger longest. Small intestine Small intestine reaches a length of 6 m. It will stretch from the outlet from the stomach before the start of the colon. It is here that is extracted and absorbed by the bloodstream bulk of nutrients. Through the thin walls of the stomach can enter the bloodstream only small molecules. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are a huge molecule. They should be split into smaller pieces, easier to assimilate to the body. For example, proteins - the largest and most complex molecules - broken down into amino acids, which is easy to penetrate into the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. Coming from the blood into cells, the amino acids used for synthesis of essential proteins. Duodenal ulcer - HOME Small intestine fluid, called bile flows into the duodenum from the gall bladder. It promotes lipolysis. Pancreatic secretion also falls into this intestine, participating in the cleavage of proteins into amino acids, the transformation of fats into fatty acids and glycerol and starch - into maltose. SMALL INTESTINE - PART TWO small intestine absorption of intestinal write, contribute to, and friendly''bacteria (flora) and tiny elongated protrusions (villi true, villas), located next to the intestinal wall: thus increasing the area of ??absorbent surface. As we move food by peristaltic action of the nutrients absorbed by the intestine. It is important that the bacterial flora was maintained in a healthy working order. ,,''Friendly bacteria are essential for health. Unfortunately, any type of bacteria destroyed by antibiotics. Therefore, if you can not do without antibiotics for serious reasons, we can restore intestinal flora yogurt, acidophilus supplements with and brewer's yeast. Large intestine digestive process ends in the colon. The large intestine receives what is left after digestion and prepares to removal from the body. The process involves the absorption of water from the liquid mass, as a result it becomes dense and printed. Contain masses of unabsorbed food: cellulose, inorganic substances, toxic substances, dead bacteria, sediment digestive secretions. Cause unpleasant gases and odors usually undigested, rotting squirrel. Diet rich in fiber and healthy intestinal flora accelerate the process of digestion and prevents bad odors. Some interesting information average time of passage of food from the typical North American diet ranges from 65 to 100 hours. In the large intestine may be contained immediately prior to 8 servings of undigested food and waste. The average transit time of food rich in fiber - 20 to 45 hours. In this case, can hold up to 3 servings of undigested food and waste time. Fiber, fruits and vegetables play a central role in any special diet, designed to prevent cancer Source: Internet publication "MED + info" see "Tips specialists" on the site

Friday, 24 June 2011

Have to lose weight

Have to lose weight

 How many people - so many ways to slim figure! Read all about diets and diet pills and open your way to weight loss. Source: Journal of Health "№ 1 2003 on a site 

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Cabbage soup and porridge - our food, or gout on a diet

Cabbage soup and porridge - our food, or gout on a diet

When first mooted attack or exacerbation of gout, it is first necessary to completely eliminate from the diet of meat and fish broth, soups, fatty fish and meat, the meat of young animals, the internal organs of animals and birds move mainly in liquid foods (milk, lactic products, fruit drinks, jelly, fruit and vegetable juices, especially citrus juices are shown, vegetable soups, thin porridge). It is important to remember observing the extended drinking regime, the total amount of liquid should be about 2 liters, if no contraindications to the cardiovascular system. Recommended therapeutic tablespoons of water with an alkaline reaction: Slavyanovskaya, "Smirnoff" Novoterskaya, Borjomi. Light diet is shown as sick and because they often occur dyspeptic symptoms which are caused by massive drug therapy. Without exacerbation patients also should not relax because Gout - chronic disease. Those who once suffered an attack of gout, remembers him with horror, that the pain is really hellish. And in order to prevent a recurrence, it is necessary to monitor the power supply. Meat and fish dishes is desirable to use no more than twice a week, and only boiled. The need for animal protein provided by milk and dairy products low fat. In order to alkalinization in nutrition administered citrus juices (paradoxically, despite the sour taste, they also contribute to changes in acid-base balance towards alkaline) and alkaline mineral water. You can also use tea (green, herbal), fruit drinks, fruit and vegetable juices, kvass. Diet - a fractional, 4-5 times a day between meals - drink. Featured products and dishes Bread and flour products: bread, wheat and rye, pita, pita, pasta from durum wheat flour, biscuit. Excluded articles of fancy and puff pastry. Meat and Poultry: lean, 1-2 times a week, boiled. Boiling meat and poultry leads to transfer the stock to 50% in products of purines. Fish: lean, 1-2 times a week (perch, pike, perch, pollock). Dairy: low-fat milk, dairy products and low-fat cottage cheese, dishes of cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of cheese. Eggs: two eggs a week, in any form of cooking. Fat: vegetable oils - olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil (0.5 tablespoons per day), a piece of butter (size of no more than a hazelnut, a day). Cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal. Vegetables: any cooking, except for peas, beans, spinach, cauliflower. Limited intake of pickled vegetables. Excluded marinades. Soups: vegetable, dairy, fruit. Fruits: diverse, except raspberries and figs. Patients with overweight should be aware of the high caloric content of grapes and melons. If gout is not recommended to eat: liver, kidney and meat of young animals, deli meats, canned meats, greasy, salty, smoked fish, canned fish, chicken, mushroom broth, beans, spinach, cauliflower, raspberries, figs, chocolate, cocoa, strong tea and coffee. Purine content in 100 grams of food high (150-1000 mg): Chicken Liver Veal Kidneys Language Broth Smoked Sardines Anchovies Smoked Moderate (50-150 mg): Meat Fish Brains pig lard mussels, crabs, Soya Beans Peas Cauliflower Spinach Sorrel Mushrooms Low (0-15 mg): Milk Cheese Egg Eggs Fish Bread Cereals Vegetables Fruits Nuts Honey patients with gout, overweight, recommended to carry out unloading days. It is helpful to use a contrasting diets low in purines, such as cottage cheese, kefir (400 g low-fat cottage cheese and 500 g low-fat yogurt), milk or kefir (1,2 l / day), vegetables (1.5 kg of vegetables in any set except the forbidden), fruit (1.5 kg of apples and oranges), if there are no contraindications. However, treatment of hunger in such patients is contraindicated. Fasting in the first days leads to increased concentration of uric acid in the blood with the subsequent development of a gout attack. Below is an approximate one-day menu with a lower energy value for a patient suffering from gout and overweight. First breakfast: Baked cottage cheese salad with beets and apples with a vegetable oil tea with milk Snack: orange, banana Lunch: Vegetarian Borscht with sour cream 10% fat bran bread (1 piece) Zrazy potato jelly fruit juice Green tea Snack: A glass of 1% Two buttermilk bread "Elizabeth" with fruit jam Dinner: Macaroni and cheese (low fat), Chinese cabbage salad with cucumber and tomato, seasoned with vegetable oil tea with lemon Integrated use of dietary and drug therapy, physical therapy and physical therapy can usually , to achieve relief of attacks of gout or weakening it, as well as reducing the frequency of exacerbations of the disease and improve motor function of the joints.

To not had a headache!

To not had a headache!

New Year ... friends, colleagues, the men, hitting New hours and, of course, plenty of alcohol ... the idea that such a night is a once in a year, we are not thinking about the growing concentration of alcohol in the blood, and drink all all the time ... for love, for friends, for health ... for a cute cat owners, a man who's singing from the screen for future holidays - while there, what to drink, the number of toasts is inexhaustible! Yeah, the night may have failed ... But the first morning of the new year, overshadowed by some unhealthy feelings favorite organism, such as some not so drunk as moose, and all have at least henna. You should not envy them. Very low or very high sensitivity to ethanol - a symptom of impending alcoholism. For most healthy people, the effect of intoxication is uniquely associated with a blood alcohol concentration. If you drink slowly, and alcohol will be absorbed into the bloodstream too quickly, the liver will have time to do the job. The rate of absorption depends on what the full stomach. Ideally, it would be necessary to fill it in advance, and not anything, but useful, slowly digestible food. If you believe in folk wisdom, it is best to eat something fatty. But believe it should not: fat, of course, replace the intake of alcohol, but will create an additional burden on the liver. Getting ready for a serious banquet, it is best to fill his stomach in complex carbohydrates (such as potatoes, rice or spaghetti). During the celebration is better not to eat crisps and nuts - salty food causes thirst, which usually begin to extinguish the alcohol. Any alcoholic beverage causes dehydration. Supplies of water necessary to fill. Better to use the least strong of the substance and alternate them with fruit juices and mineral water. Juices are good because they contain vitamins. Their stock of the liver will spend for that to cope with alcohol. If you think that the morning will still be gloomy, have a drink before going to sleep for another 2-3 cups of water. No need to drink alcohol carbonated beverages, they enhance the absorption of alcohol gastric mucosa. A weak alcohol intoxication can be neutralized by drinking a glass of milk or any milk products. Well, as always! It seems that all rights to be respected, slowly drank and drank, and morning is still gloomy and unhappy ... Well ... doctor ourselves from a hangover!

1. Should drink plenty of water, preferably mineral, with ions of sodium and potassium. Yoghurt drink will help revive "dead" stomach .. 2. To restore the supply of vitamins, drink juices (orange, tomato, grapefruit - they have a lot of vitamin C). 3. Eat some honey, fructose accelerate the neutralization of alcohol. 4. To help the liver, take a tablet of N-acetylcysteine. Or eat eggs - eggs that matter quite a lot. 5. Take aspirin or analgin to avoid a headache. Paracetamol (Efferalgan and others) should not drink, because it creates an additional burden on the liver. 6. Drink two cups of coffee - it will narrow the advanced vessels of the brain and reduce the headache. 7. Copious warm drink with honey, hot tub or sauna whip up the metabolism and kidney function and toxic trash with the liquid quickly leave your body exhausted. 8. Several glasses of water on an empty stomach and a small dose of a purgative is very help emptying the intestines, and along with anti-hangover. 9. Immediately after the feast drink 2-3 cups of strong green tea, and in the morning going straight from the tin as a cucumber. 10. In Haiti, invented the method of dealing with hangovers, based on the principles of voodoo magic. In the cork of the bottle, which is guilty of a cataclysm, it should stick 13 pins with black heads. Recipe questionable, but if the previous nine did not help, nothing more remains.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Angry vegetables

Angry vegetables

Everywhere sounded the call for raw food - yes, vegetables are actually better to consume raw, then all their rich composition is guaranteed to get into the body (when properly stored in solid and powdered form). However, not everyone can eat vegetables raw. Who something is categorically prohibited by the doctor (in some types of esophagitis, gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the digestive system), someone does not allow oral health (gum disease and tooth decay), and someone just does not like raw food, and prefers "HOT ". In dietetics used dish of raw vegetables as well as from heat-treated - boiled, stewed, baked, steamed, browned - every kind of cooking creates its combination of nutrients and fiber in the finished dish. Some nutrients (nutrients) for heat cooking becoming more affordable, because the cells are better destroyed long polymer molecules break down into smaller and minerals are released, "of hidden" in organic complexes. But the molecules of other nutrients while losing their physiological activity. Consider everything in order. vegetables 75 - 95% consist of water and a diuretic that promotes the active excretion of metabolic products. When cooking vegetables, water composition varies greatly, so that it is appropriate to speak of "diuretic" already finished dishes, considering how much liquid it contains. Ballast substances plant foods are divided into insoluble and soluble. The most important are insoluble lignin, cellulose and insoluble hemicellulose - substances under the title "fiber." They bind relatively little water, very slightly expanded human intestinal bacteria and provide the mechanical action (create a feeling of satiety by filling stomach, provide peristalsis and increase stool volume). ballast These fillers are also sorbents toxins and to some extent, combined with pectin helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. soluble ballast substances - is pectin (soluble hemicellulose), which actively bind water and swell. As a result, they significantly influence the body's metabolism and protects the intestines from damage and tumors. With heat treatment of ballast substances partially change its structure. As a result of hydrolysis decreases the length of the molecular chain of cellulose and hemicellulose, pectin and the amount of swelling increases even for by the fact that protopectin goes into pectin. All the valuable properties of ballast - Sorbent, safety and mechanical - are stored after treatment and storage of finished product, and even when frozen and thawed. Vegetable proteins in cooked partially decompose into peptides and individual amino acids in by thermal hydrolysis in weakly acidic medium. That's good, because the body needs is not entirely vegetable proteins and their constituent amino acids. Vegetables - this is an important provider of simple sugars (mono-and disaccharides - "quick energy sources), the content and the ratio of which varies greatly. When cooking a large portion of sugar goes into the broth, sauce, broth, jelly, but they remain chemically unchanged. Here we must consider what components are going to eat, and what pours out or starts to cook other dishes, and it is extremely important when counting calories in the diets for the stabilization of body weight and weight loss, especially in the diets of number 8 and 8a (obesity treatment). When cooking vegetable dishes wanting to lose excess body weight is desirable to avoid vegetables with a high glycemic index (above 55) - potatoes, carrots and beets. The same thing happens when cooking and fire-and mineral composition of plant products: the majority of potassium, magnesium, iron and partly of calcium that is so rich in vegetables, leaves in a liquid phase, as part of the vitamins, but this liquid phase is also successfully used - for soups, sauces, compotes and syrups. Most of the macro-, trace elements and vitamins in vegetables is in boiling them in their skins. Minerals in the cooking process can form insoluble salts, but some of these salts, once in the stomach, are capable under the influence of hydrochloric acid is converted into biousvoyaemye cations and anions. Bioavailability of cations is not always better if they are floating in the solution, sometimes they are better delivered at the point of action and rather "work" in the form of complexing agents (compounds of organic compounds with metal cations). To make hot soups and can be used saltworts and vegetable pickles, particularly valuable brine from the olives. The brines also contain simple sugars, organic acids and useful macro-and micronutrients. Some vegetables and fruits at their absolute value is not useful to everyone. For example, pears, apples, grapes, cucumbers may to cause indigestion. The strawberries are sometimes the cause of allergies. Pomegranate juice can be irritating to the stomach lining and damage the tooth enamel, so it is advisable to dilute with water. Beet juice can cause severe spasm of blood vessels, so it should stand for 2-3 hours, to volatilize harmful fractions. Radish is contraindicated in diseases of the heart, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Listen carefully to your body and watch his reaction.

The price paid for dinner

The price paid for dinner

Especially dangerous is that most people eat the foods listed in significant amounts mainly at night. In fact, if a person ate and slept, then in the body simulates the situation of type 2 diabetes: a huge amount of glucose enters the blood, but the muscles - the main consumer of glucose - does not work, so the glucose remains in the blood and causes excessive production of insulin. In order to save the sleeper from glucose toxicity, insulin directs the flow of glucose in the liver and at the same time activates the enzymes that convert glucose into fat, then raznosyaschiysya blood through the body and leads to obesity predominantly male pattern. In this case, fat is stored in the abdomen that is most dangerous. That obese male pattern provokes the development of diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis. Late dinner adversely affect the endocrine system. Nature is conceived so that the day a person draws the basic energy from carbohydrates, and night to maintain body temperature, heart, lungs and other internal organs consumed energy from fat depots. To this end the day with a meal the pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which helps the combustion of carbohydrates and saves the fats are deposited in fat depots. At night, an endocrine gland - pituitary gland - produces growth hormone, which provides burn fat. Organism sparingly spends its fat stores. In the case of a late supper is produced, as already indicated, a large amount of insulin, which "indicates" the pituitary, that the food in the body arrived and there is no need to spend a night on the energy needs of the precious fat stores. Therefore, the pituitary gland at night will not produce much growth hormone. But this is a very unfortunate situation. And not only that night a person does not lose weight a bit, as it should be by nature. Do growth hormone many other functions. Its receptors are found on almost all body cells. And if the night the growth hormone produced by little, the whole body suffers. However, he rapidly grow old. Growth hormone - a hormone of youth. When the pituitary gland produces a lot of growth hormone, the teenagers grow up and tend to feel good. But usually, after 35 years of growth hormone is gradually reduced and parallel to the body is withering. Late dinner, reducing the secretion of growth hormone, dramatically accelerates the natural aging process. Late supper is dangerous and that it is often disturbed sleep. According to recent research conducted in Sweden, a chronic lack of sleep plays in the development of obesity even bigger role than obesity. And the reason is in many ways, again, is to endocrine disorders. When a person sleeps poorly, the pineal gland (epiphysis) produces little sleep hormone - melatonin. A vicious circle. Late dinner disrupts sleep and melatonin production, and insufficient production of melatonin further disrupts sleep. Usually slept badly people tend to overeat. And what happens directly in the gut late dinner Rights, in particular in his duodenum, which opens the duct that carries bile from the liver and enter proenzyme of the pancreas? At night, the duodenum, as well as the brain, "sleep", and the stomach continues to work. Therefore, if a person has eaten shortly before bedtime, the stomach is reduced and a portion pushes the bolus into the duodenum, which "sleeps" and move the food farther can not. As a result, it is stretched. But once the food entered the duodenum, then it goes signals to the liver and pancreas, which in response produce and direct "in the duodenum bile and corresponding enzymes. However, the bile can not really get into the duodenum stuffed with food and stagnates in the gall bladder. Over time this leads to the formation of gallstones and inflammation of the gallbladder (calculous cholecystitis). Even more dangerous when the zymogen pancreatic fall into the duodenum, there are activated, turn to the enzymes, and then thrown back into the pancreas. This leads to the development of pancreatitis, diabetes, and even necrosis (necrosis) of the pancreas. Impaired night digesting food helps reproduction of putrefactive microflora, the emergence of dysbiosis, allergies, intoxication. So, have dinner early. But how to restrain himself from eating at night? Here are some rules: Keep a food diary and fill it immediately after dinner, put on the plate all you need to eat, and then do not add anything, eat slowly, and after returning home, be sure to dinner it off stress (hot or cold douche - to whom that soul) Follow the program: walk the dog, playing with children, a fascinating detective story, a fitness center, swimming pool, sauna, videos, computer games, internet. Many people, especially with a big imagination, or is seriously suffering from various ailments, is pleasant in itself thought that by abandoning the late dinner, they will help your endocrine system to produce the magic hormones (growth hormone, melatonin), they will slowly grow old, become more slender, attractive, healthy. If you treat the evening as the hunger for beautiful sverhusiliyam that will help change the health and lives for the better, then transferred it will be easy.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Goodies in the service of passion

Goodies in the service of passion

There are many ways to entice the girl to young people. Many have resorted to the method of Don Juan. That is, give roses, chocolates and champagne treat. On a par with seafood, as well as some other dishes, dessert, especially chocolate, form the so-called aphrodisiacs - substances that cause sexual attraction. Curiously, as far as true? According to the notorious Casanova dozen oysters even capable of nuns to make a passionate woman. And the whole secret of the fact that this dish contains zinc and other substances that stimulate and enhance sexual desire. Also recommend adding lemon juice to oysters and eat them alive. Similar characteristics expressed the French and the followers of French cuisine for snails, as with shell and peeled. They can add frog legs. Perhaps these products are also able to enhance arousal. Just do not open teammate mystery of what today is cooked dinner. In India, known as the birthplace of the Kama Sutra, an aphrodisiac to include garlic, onions and other spices. Indian food in general contains an abundance of spices and herbs. One has only to remember to stock up on breath freshener. However, no matter what the substance is not used, yet there is nothing better than just a healthy diet. Today, nutritionists emphasize the milk, eggs, honey, nuts, seafood, garlic, onion. Surprisingly, the ancient love potions and drinks prepared on the basis of these products. It seems logical that the absence of problems with sexual desire is associated with a healthy diet. Not such a great importance has the effect of a particular product on the libido. Healthy eating in principle contributes to physical health. A healthy person possesses greater sexual power. It is no secret that the egg yolks, goat milk, sesame seeds - all of it is useful to man. However, studies have shown that these products contribute to the improvement of reproductive and endocrine glands and reproductive system. Sex glands can not function without zinc, which is present in abundance in the seeds of pumpkin and nuts, which are recognized health benefits. Has similar properties honey and other products, the representatives of "healthy eating". Think about it: our ancestors were deprived of a special pills and pornography, the more sex shops. However, their food does not contain concentrates and cholesterol. But humanity still exists today, so that our ancestors obviously did not have any problems with desire, nor childbirth. Maybe we should change something in their approach to life!

Eat apricots and honeysuckle chew

Eat apricots and honeysuckle chew

Hawthorn blood-red. Berries - into food. Broth: 20 g of dried fruits per 200 ml of water to boil for 30 minutes, bring the volume to the original, drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Cherry. Infusion: 10 g of dry leaves or peduncles per 200 ml of boiling water infuse for 30 minutes, drink up to 1 day. Kalina. Infusion: 5, Art. l. fruit crush in a mortar, pour 600 ml boiling water, 4 hours to drink 100 ml 4-5 times daily before meals. Black currants. Fruits - for food. Infusion: 5 g of crushed leaves, infuse 10-12 min in 200 ml boiling water, to drink 100-200 ml 2-3 times a day. Raspberries. Berries - into food. Broth: 10 g of dried leaves in 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes to drink up to 1 day. Rose. 1 tbsp. l. dry fruit crush, boil for 10 minutes in 400 ml of water, to insist for 3 hours, drain, drink a 75 ml 3-4 times a day. Honey with beetroot juice. Svezheotzhaty beet juice mixed with honey in half, to take on 1-2 tbsp. l. 3-5 times a day for high blood pressure and insomnia. Honey, mineral water and lemon juice. In 1 glass of mineral water to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. honey, add the juice of half a lemon and drink at one time in the morning on an empty stomach with hypertension, as well as increased irritability, insomnia. Honey and cranberries. Cranberry mince, mix with equal quantity of honey and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating. Honey, lemon juice, horseradish, beets, carrots. 1 glass of honey, beet juice, lemon, carrots, horseradish and mix well to combine. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals or 2-3 hours after eating. Course of treatment - 1,5-2 months. The mixture was stored in tightly closed glass jar in a cool place. Source: Journal of Quality of Life. Prevention. "№ 10 October 2004

Monday, 20 June 2011

Individual responses biochemical reactions

Individual responses biochemical reactions

Research shows that some people need double or triple the amounts of certain substances, others may require forty times more than most people. Ration of 97% of people balanced, most experienced a significant lack of vitamins and minerals. Recall that the RDA standards were set as a minimum to ensure nutritional diseases such as scurvy, characterized by extreme exhaustion. However, with this spread needs, as outlined above, the average amount of nutrients (RDA) are useless. Individual biochemical response also will vary among people with different abilities of mastering power. For example, with age, gradually deteriorates the secretion of digestive juices and digestion in the intestine. Even with a best quality products to efficiently absorb incoming nutrients in them. Some people need extra nutrients to compensate for the weakness of digestion. Need for some power due to several factors, including: activity level, age, sex, stress, genetics, illness, and other factors. LEVEL OF ACTIVITY: The need for adequate nutrition in humans, leading a physically active life, higher than those whose lifestyles slow-moving. Inactivity has its consequences: contributing to the deterioration of the circulatory system, which reduces the efficiency of feeding cells. Physical exercise increases the need for good nutrition and improve the efficiency of metabolism. AGE: Growing children need different than adults, the structure of power. During the period of growth requires more fatty acids than adults, when the rate is calculated by weight. The boy on the verge of puberty will need much more zinc than a young man of 20 years. With aging, changes need for certain substances. The process of assimilation of food and drugs affect. Many elderly people are unable to absorb the nutrition they need from food. PAUL: different needs of men and women, girls and boys. For women, such as the need for some nutrients is determined by different periods of life: menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause. Stress: physiological or emotional stress can have a significant impact on appetite, food choices and consumption of food. Stress increases the need for B - vitamins and minerals such as zinc and magnesium. Lack of magnesium is usually the cause of cravings for chocolate. In the confusion of our lifestyle and the piles,, little stress''is important to provide the body with additional nutrients, as these external factors substantially increase the need for good nutrition. GENETICS: Differences in requirements of nutrients (more or less than average) to a certain extent due to heredity. Unhealthy: Certain diseases significantly increase the level of nutrients the body needs to recover. Other factors: Many permanent habits affect the need for some food. Alcohol increases the demand for zinc, magnesium, vitamins B and C; smoking in vitamins C, B6, and zinc. Lovers of tea and coffee making facilities need more iron, vitamin B1 and zinc, as these drinks impair the absorption of iron and zinc, as well as the utilization of thiamine. With these bad habits are associated lung, pancreas, liver and digestive tract; they interfere with recycling of vitamins, minerals and trace nutrients. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs - laxatives, antacids, painkillers, antibiotics and oral contraceptives - often deplete the body, because they block, suppress and prevent the full utilization of food by the body. Source: Internet publication "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site

The truth about chocolate

The truth about chocolate

Like-something like it. And even, it seems useful. It already knew the ancient Aztecs, who many centuries ago believed that xocolatl, as they called it, has the ability to "banish fatigue." Not accidentally scientific name plant-bearing seeds of cocoa, - theobrome cacao, which means "food of the gods." However, this was highly valued throughout the ages all ages, gourmet product in the seventies label pasted the main culprit of tooth decay, acne, cholesterol, and extra pounds of weight. This accusation is based sometimes on a completely baseless arguments. Today, experts on nutrition rehabilitated a favorite children's sweets, chocolate voznescya the Olympus useful products. So, is it true that chocolate ... contributes to overexcitation? Yes. Cocoa contains theobromine - a substance belonging to the same group as the caffeine in coffee, though, and having ten times smaller stimuli. That's why some people who eat chocolate at night, you may be insomnia. And the children? Naturally, too. To avoid this, it is important not to eat chocolate in large quantities and do not give it at night for children, especially those who are restless, easily excitable, and who does not fall asleep for a long time. ... Rich in fat? Yes. Suffice it to say that chocolate bar for 50-60% consists of carbohydrates (like sugar and starch) and by 30-35% - from vegetable oils. Hundred grams of bitter (black) chocolate contains about 540 calories, and chocolate milk - 565 calories. But the most calories - 618 calories per 100 grams - is not containing cocoa powder white chocolate, that is, cocoa butter, fatty substance, extracted from cocoa beans through the spin cycle. All this, however, does not mean that chocolate should not be given tolstyachkam and fatty, it is possible, but only in very limited quantities (for example, one square tile). ... Gives energy? Yes, because chocolate is rich in sugar and fats, and also contains magnesium and potassium, two minerals necessary for good functioning of the muscular and nervous systems, as well as small amounts of protein. In dark chocolate there is a small amount of iron: about two milligrams per hundred grams. Consequently, the use of chocolate is very useful to kids, as well as more adult children dealing with any kind of sport: it gives them energy, impeding digestion. ... Increases the formation of cholesterol? None. Chocolate actually contains many fatty acids, but only those that are considered useful, ie do not raise the level of harmful cholesterol (the so-called cholesterol, which is delayed by the excessive accumulation on artery walls, eventually causing heart disease). In fact, fats are divided into saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. The first of them contribute to the accumulation of harmful cholesterol, second, although they are required by the body in case of excessive accumulation can reduce the amount of good cholesterol. Third, in contrast, reduce bad cholesterol without harming the useful (called the polisher of the arteries, because it purifies the blood vessels from excessive deposition of bad cholesterol). ... Cause constipation? None. On the contrary, the chocolate may have a laxative effect, since it contains tannin, a substance that regulates the bowels and stimulates the removal of toxins from the body. That is why it should not be used for an upset stomach. ... Hinders digestion? Yes and no. Chocolate - a product that does not cause any problems with digestion. Therefore, it can be safely included in the diet of the child, of course, provided that you do not give him too much. The only exception is children who suffer from allergies. In this case it is better to wait until the child turns two years, because cocoa may cause allergies and intolerances to chocolate. ... Destroys teeth? None. On the contrary, it seems that cocoa powder has the property prevent the dental caries (tooth enamel fracture), in any case, this research has shown some scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States). Naturally, this applies to the bitter cocoa: sugar is used for making chocolate candies and bars, really bad for your teeth. To avoid exposure, enough to brush your teeth every time after you sing something sweet. Children often prefer the sweet taste of chocolate milk, which among other things, contains a small amount of calcium, a useful substance for building strong bones and teeth. ... Causes a headache? Yes, it's probably because the tannin contained in chocolate (a substance also present in red wine) can cause people headaches. The fact that the tannin - it sosudosuzhayuschee substance, that is, it constricts blood vessels, thus causing a twinge. Naturally, this problem affects mainly adults, not young children. So what if the mother exposed to these attacks, she should choose for themselves white chocolate, which is not causing a headache cocoa, or have only cocoa butter mixed with milk and sugar source: "Nanny" Source: Internet publication "MED + info "to" expert advice "on the site

Sunday, 19 June 2011

GURMANichnoe food: tasty, cool and useful!

Talking about healthy eating, first of all we have in mind a diverse diet, the right balance in its fat, protein and carbohydrate, sufficient vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber. It is this power, and people tend to gray hair preserving physical and mental health. After all, no wonder a large number of studies devoted to the diets of centenarians. Scientists are sent to the Caucasus, Tibet, Japan, to understand what people are eating there, the remaining work and continued clarity of mind in very old age. But, of course, there are certain food components that are characteristic for certain long-lived people. That's what these tasty "secret material" to me today and I wanted to tell you. The most interesting thing is that healthy food, it turns out very tasty ... and even fashionable. Numerous restaurants are Japanese and Chinese cuisine, the fascination with the Mediterranean diet, nutritionists inspire confidence in the longevity and health of this generation. A large number of fish, seafood, vegetables ifruktov, green tea - this is just what you need. That fish, not meat should be the main carrier protein component for the older age category. The amount of protein in fish is approximately equal to that in the flesh of warm-blooded animals, it contains all the essential amino acids with a well-balanced relation. The protein of the connective tissue of fish is about 5 times smaller than in warm-blooded, and elastin (the protein defective muscle tissue) is virtually absent. Proteins of fish compared to meat protein significantly better digested by enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract and well digested. Polyunsaturated fatty acids found in oily sea fish and salmon, hinder the development of atherosclerosis. Previously it was thought that strengthening the cardiovascular system of men need to eat fish almost several times a week. However, studies have shown that for the prevention of stroke, the stronger sex should be included in their menu fish at least once a month. This is very encouraging news for those who are seriously worried about his health, but at the same time experiencing the fish sustained hostility. But "fragile" women's bodies as fish need air, and to reduce the risk of stroke, they need to eat fish more often than men. Studies have shown that those of the fair sex, who ate 115 grams of fish 2-4 times a week, the risk of stroke was 48% lower than those which included fish in their diet only once a week and less. In addition to stroke prevention, eating fish helps to elevate mood, because fish is very rich in trace elements: phosphorus, calcium, zinc and magnesium. With a lack of magnesium people are particularly acute beginning to react to stressful situations, irritated and become aggressive, or, conversely, tearful. In turn, the nervous tension promotes the "washout" of magnesium from the body. A vicious circle and prevent this from happening, you must include in your diet foods that contain magnesium. In addition to fish (especially salmon), high magnesium differ peas, almonds, figs, coarse-grained bread and chocolate. Chocolate also contains substances that are responsible for good mood and being natural aphrodisiac (increases sexual desire). French nutritionists recommend that their patients consume 1-2 chocolates a day, or 1 / 4 chocolate bar. But not only with the "amorous" goals. Chocolate contains bioflavonoids, which protect against cardiovascular disease. Apparently, the French carefully listen to the advice of their dieticians. Annual consumption of chocolate in France reached 403 thousand tons per year. This represents 16% of the total European market and put France into third place in the passion for this sweet goods after Germany and the UK. Every resident of France, eats an average of about 7 kg of sweets, 94% of French people consume chocolate at least once a week, and 44% - every day. Contrary to popular belief, men are far ahead of women in this area. In percentage terms, the most sweet-toothed seen among the engineering staff. France is known not only as a country of high fashion, but also as a country of haute cuisine. The famous French cheeses, fatty goose liver foie gras is not only tasty, but dense. How did the French gourmets have managed to avoid various cardiovascular diseases, which must be faithful companions of dietary excesses? Indeed, in France a lot of long-lived and low mortality from cardiovascular diseases. This fact was called "French paradox". Truth, as it turned out - at the bottom of a glass of red wine. In the city of Nancy and its suburbs from 1978 to 1995 were surveyed 36,250 people aged 40 to 60 years. Of them died in 3600, and basically it was the absolute non-drinkers. Here I want to touch the slippery for a Russian theme: to drink or not drink, but if you drink, then to what extent. It is no secret that in our country any publication of the beneficial properties of alcohol gives the drinker the opportunity gladly cover it as a shield, their vices. I believe in you, the reader is "prevention" - do not like that! That is to Homo sapiens are turning their words and cite the facts. And they are: how scientists have found William Harvey Research Centre at the London School of Medicine, the key to the "French phenomenon" is the presence in red wine special compounds - polyphenols. Under its influence the peptide is formed, which strengthens the inner walls of arteries, preventing blood clots and have powerful antioxidant effects, reducing the risk of cancer. Simultaneously reduces the formation of polyphenol another peptide - endofelina-1, which negatively affects the vascular wall. Studies have shown that polyphenols contained in red wines, so popular in France. It is also present in grape juice, but in very low concentrations. It is the fermentation process leads to increased levels of polyphenols. The richest polyphenol wine made from grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon. Red wine is popular around the Mediterranean coast. Favor of the "therapeutic dose" of red wine from household drinking and alcoholism, it separates the "culture of drinking." Exceeding the daily dose of 55 grams of pure alcohol, which is 350 grams of beer, or 100 g of wine, or a stack of liquor, leads to serious consequences. French winemakers believe, the most severe test for the body - is the use of alcoholic beverages in the evening. The results of the Dutch scholar, published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, also suggest that daily consumption of this dose of alcohol significantly reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in old age and other mental disabilities. This is especially effective for people over 55 years. According to the group of researchers, moderate alcohol consumption promotes the development of a particular protein in the body in charge of the active brain cells and better assimilate information, memory and attention. At the same time, large amounts of alcohol can trigger a backlash and to prevent the provision of an adequate brain substance. And finally: more than 70,000 nurses aged 25 to 42 years for a number of years, reported about their way of life for researchers. Established that for women the most beneficial in preventing the development of hypertension was beer, although this issue still needs further elaboration. However, as acknowledged by the scientists themselves, it might be in a healthy way of life, so that small doses of alcohol are not a hindrance. Established that the hops (the basis of beer) and wine (the base wine) contain plant hormones, that is, substances that act like female sex hormones, but lack the side effects of synthetic hormones. Thus, in the hop plant contains estrogen, which protects the skin from wrinkling and maintain the elasticity of the chest. Hops can be used as part of herbal mixtures (remember that it also provides a soothing and hypnotic effect). Drinking grape juice brings in a woman's active ingredients, which occupy a place on the receptors of hormone-dependent cells, designed to estrogen. Thus, lacking the activity of estrogen can not stimulate the growth of tumor cells. Moving toward lowering the degree of drinks for longevity and talk about yogurt, which contains from 0.2% to 0.6% alcohol. But at the dose of yogurt debate among nutritionists is not observed. Here scientists are unanimous - drink as he wants. Kefir - a fermented milk diet product produced by fermentation of milk to ferment, which is prepared on the kefir grains, causing lactic acid and alcohol (hence the degree) fermentation. The secret to making yogurt purchased from us, even the Japanese. Proved that the bacteria found in this valuable product, falling into the intestines, greatly reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, yogurt contains lecithin, which has a positive effect on memory. Another milk product, which enjoys a well-deserved title of "healthy products" - it's yogurt. This title is clear to all residents of Western Europe, Turks, Greeks. In our country most of the Turkic-speaking peoples - the Tatars, Bashkir, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Azeris and Turkmens-Tekintsi - call it "katyk. The Armenians, he is called "matsun, the Georgians -" sour milk ", the Tajiks - churgot. In Egypt, you will be offered "Leben" in Iran - "Suit" in India - "dahi", Sicily - metsorad. However, wherever this product is identical in composition and taste. Its formation involves specific microorganisms that bear the name "Bulgarian bacillus", and some thermophilic (heat loving) streptococci. Yogurt as yogurt, improves resistance to infections, prevents putrefactive fermentation in the gut. According to cosmetologists, the daily consumption of cups of yogurt or kefir strengthens nails and hair, as the biotin contained in these products plays an important role in the formation of keratin. With pride I want to bring to your attention one more drink of longevity derived from fermentation. It's about kvass. Doctors in Austria have proposed lovers of coffee, wine, beer and Coca-Cola to introduce into your diet kvass. Value kvass that it contains useful enzymes, vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system. Present in kvass copper enhances the work of the liver cells that produce bile. The beneficial properties of magnesium have already mentioned. Calcium is essential for bones and nervous system. Renowned Austrian specialist on healthy lifestyles, "Mr. Health" H. Bankofer argues that living in kvass bacteria very quickly "to straighten out" with the mushrooms. When buying kvass sure to pay attention to the label, there must be the words "fermented beverage" and part of kvass necessarily include sugar. Another drink that gained national status - it is tea, though he came to us from China. Tea not only quenches the thirst well and gives a good mood, but it causes appetite, has beneficial effects on the stomach, has anti-inflammatory properties. Tea contains a variety of alkaline minerals, which contribute to normalization of metabolic processes. He brings in vitamins C and P, contributing to the enhancement of the vascular wall. Tannin, the specific substances contained in tea, helps to remove excess amount of melanin, the pigment normalizing metabolism and improves intestinal peristalsis, helping to cope with constipation. In Japanese and Chinese provinces, where consume a lot of green tea, are practically non-cancerous diseases of the skin. A moderate amount of caffeine contained in tea, also stimulates metabolism, reduces fatigue and improves concentration. Another component of tea - flavonoids. They prevent the development of atherosclerosis and the beneficial effects on heart muscle. Tradition of drinking tea is famous for not only the East, but also good old England. London newspaper Independent published an amazing facts on the study involving nearly 2000 people. All these people have suffered a myocardial infarction, and immediately after discharge from hospitals were extensively interviewed physicians about their diet, in particular, it was about tea. It turned out that 1019 people do not like this drink, 615, eat moderately and 266 "cores" have declared their "tea" passion. The second survey was carried out in four years, and by this time of the surveyed earlier patients from recurrent myocardial 313 people died. As a result, found that the smallest losses were aficionados of tea, and mortality in moderate fans of flavored drink was 3 times lower than people who do not drink tea. Every second in the world consumed 15,000 cups of tea. And until recently the French have made a small contribution to this number. But after the evidence of joint use of chocolate and tea and France went into their "new tea to know." Although, unlike the eastern tea fans who believe that the tea does not seize up (it kills the taste), the French went the other way (and this way closer to the Russian tradition) - drink tea vprikusku. According to J. Broshar, chairman of the French club tea drinkers need to rely on food traditions. Please note that virtually every one of products that contribute to longevity, has a positive effect on mood. This is no accident. The research, conducted by the British Food and Mood («Food and Mood"), showed that recovery diet 80% of respondents said that feel better, while 25% reported disappearance of depression, anxiety and mood swings. The greatest positive effect was noted in those who reduced their consumption of sugar and coffee, increased consumption of fish, vegetables and fruits. Japanese scientists from the University of Kanazawa found that frequent in old age, dementia, and glaucoma are due to circulatory disorders, such as a result of atherosclerosis, which leads to the death of nerve cells. The mechanism of this process is still not fully understood, but they believe that the blame for everything excess enzyme to facilitate cleavage of proteins. Vitamin B6, according to the researchers, blocking the activity of these enzymes, protecting neurons. Experiments in macaques have inspired scientists, and they recommend to use bananas, beans, cereals, egg yolk and cod liver oil, rich in vitamin B6. As already noted, useful product necessarily has a positive effect on mood. And foods that contain vitamin B6, are no exception, since this vitamin is involved in the synthesis of natural anti-depressants - dopamine and norepinephrine. Talking about the benefits of fruits and vegetables can be infinite. Give preference to one and not to mention others - constitutes a crime. Fiber, vitamins, mineral plant pigments, flavonoids, carotenoids, catechins, terpenoids, anthocyanins, glikozinolaty, saponins - all of these bioactive substances make fruits and vegetables welcome guests at our table. They oppose the development of cancer and cardiovascular disease, the body is removed from radionuclides and heavy metals, providing an antioxidant effect and stimulates the metabolism, improve immunity. They improve appetite and promote digestion. It is important not only that there is, but when there is. To maintain health and good shape should always eat breakfast. As a result of proper and regular morning feeding more than 3000 Americans (in this country obesity was close on the dangers of smoking and almost a threat number 1 for health) lost 30 pounds and maintained their body weight at that level. In the diet of people who participated in the study consisted of dishes with low fat and rich in carbohydrates. According to experts, breakfast at the forefront of daily intake of food by man. A full breakfast is good satisfies hunger and helps prevent overeating during the day. Recommended to make a breakfast of three product groups: complex carbohydrates (bread, vegetables, fruits, cereals), protein (milk, yogurt, fish, eggs), a little fat (eg cheese, low fat). It is important not only to the inclusion of the right and the right products in the menu, but the pleasure of food and beverages. The country in which to really know how to please your taste buds - France. It is in this country was widely supported international movement to promote gastronomy and culture of winemaking and wine consumption, "Slow Food" ("slow food") as opposed to "fast food" ("fast food"). Movement founded in the 80 years to resist the pernicious habit of eating hamburgers and hot dogs. Gradually, the problem of motion expanded, and now his motto - "to strive for the full development of food culture, production and consumption of wine, as well as the biological diversity of the product." I am pleased to join this noble movement. Want to make one more rule: do not have in front of TV. Established that 2-3 hours per day spent watching television, twice the propensity to obesity and increase the risk of diabetes. This is explained by the fact that overreliance on television entails a trail of negative eating habits. The more time a person (usually female) spends in front of a blue screen, the more it absorbs chips, sandwiches with sausage, sweets and other foods containing fats or carbohydrates bystrousvoyaemye. But fruits and vegetables, health benefits, among inveterate viewers popular for some reason do not enjoy. Harvard researchers believe that watching television should be less than 10 hours per week and free time is better spent on a walk. Keeping these simple rules - a balanced diet, including "longevity products", not smoking, mandatory physical activity for the body and "fitness" for the head (collecting, reading, writing a family chronicle, tours and travel), you will not only extend life, but also to feel a fresh taste it. That is what me and would like to wish all our readers in the new year.