Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Recipe for cabbage leaves

Recipe for cabbage leaves

Cabbage cultivated in Kievan Rus. Currently zoned for more than 70 varieties of cabbage, but there are of red, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, savoy, broccoli, cauliflower. Cabbage is widely used in folk medicine: the leaves are applied to the aching joints, bruises, fractures, leaves, cooked in milk and mixed with bran - when weeping eczema, leaves, crushed in a mixture with egg white - to the festering wounds, slow healing burns and frostbite ; cabbage juice rubbed into the scalp, which promotes hair growth; sauerkraut make lotion on the neck, chest, back at adolescent acne. Fresh cabbage and its juice is helpful in diabetes, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic liver disease, gall bladder, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and obesity. But cabbage is contraindicated in kidney disease, following surgery to the abdomen and chest, with acute exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. In liver cirrhosis: a fresh cabbage juice to 100 ml 3 times daily before meals in the form of heat and radiation as antitoxic agent. Malignant neoplasms: fresh juice of 100-200 ml 2-3 times a day. As an expectorant: a fresh juice with the sugar of 100-200 ml 2-3 times a day. In pulmonary tuberculosis: a fresh juice with honey, 100 ml 3 times a day. Mouthwash in stomatitis: juice diluted with warm water (1:1). Gastritis with low acidity: sauerkraut juice to 100 ml per day. Hemorrhoids, constipation and accompanied by heavy bleeding, liver disease, indigestion, constipation brine from sauerkraut are inside. Enhance secretion of bile, gastric juice, and help in hepatitis, cholecystitis, holangiopatite juice and brine to 100 ml 2-3 times daily before meals in the form of heat. To strengthen the gums recommend brine rinse your mouth and chew sauerkraut. On the healing properties of cabbage Avicenna wrote in his book The Canon of Medicine ":" Ashes of the stems very dry and has an analgesic property. Wildlife, sea and garden cabbage promotes maturation of phlegmon and harden. Broth and cabbage seeds help to quake. Sometimes it is applied with fenugreek to treat gout, and out of the broth makes dousing with pains in the joints. A decoction of cabbage and its seeds are slow intoxication and help dandruff, and if it squeezed juice allowed on the nose, it clears the head. One of the properties of cabbage - dry tongue, in addition, it lulls and clean person. " Dioscorides said: "Eating cabbage helps with weakness of vision. If chewing cabbage and suck her juice, it corrects the loss of voice. " What you need to know about the cabbage. If the chopped cabbage pour white wine and mash, salad it will become an unexpected spicy taste. . Chopped cabbage for the salad lightly with salt and mash to give it juice, and then refilled. . Nitrate content in cabbage is significantly reduced when it is salted. . Longer to keep a strong head of cabbage, you should not cut it, and disassemble into individual leaves. . When extinguishing cabbage add a little vinegar or a few drops of lemon juice.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Forbidden fruit or some fruit and vegetables must not be used for specific diseases

Forbidden fruit or some fruit and vegetables must not be used for specific diseases

In gastric ulcer can not eat onions, garlic, pickles, red pepper. In diseases of 12 duodenal ulcer - gastritis giperatsidnyh - oranges, watermelons, grapes, pomegranates, grapefruit and viburnum, cabbage juice, walnut, lemon, garlic, radish, raw turnips, plums, horseradish, sorrel. In acute diseases, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract - turnip, cabbage, leeks, onions, garlic, radishes. When colitis and diarrhea - watermelons, grapes, cabbage, walnuts, horseradish. With pancreatitis, enterocolitis - oranges, lemons, radishes, raw turnips, radishes. In cardiovascular diseases - onions, pickles, sorrel. With heart disease with edema and a tendency to fluid retention - watermelon, grapes. Hypertension - grapes, garden purslane. When liver disease - onions, garlic, pickled cucumbers, chili peppers, radishes, horseradish, spinach, sorrel. When kidney disease - onions, garlic, pickled cucumbers, chili peppers, radishes, horseradish, spinach, sorrel. In chronic renal failure caused by a violation of potassium metabolism - the grapes. When Jade - raspberries, parsley garden. When cystitis - parsley garden. If cholelithiasis - tomatoes, beans. Gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis - beans, figs, raspberries, beans, spinach, sorrel. In diabetes - peaches, rice, beets, prunes. In chronic purulent processes in the lungs - the grapes. With increased blood clotting - corn. Epilepsy - garlic. Source: www.medicus.ru Source: Journal of Planet HEALTH "at http://www.rekicen.ru/php/content.php?group=0&id=1824 

A diet rich in fats, protects brain cells

A diet rich in fats, protects brain cells

A diet high in fat contributes to the formation of a unique protein that protects brain cells from damage. This is the conclusion of scientists School of Medicine at the University of California (USA). "As a result of hard work we have been able to explain how the immature brain cells defend themselves, - said the lead researcher, Professor of Neurology Tallie Baram. - Knowing this, we can understand the processes occurring in the adult brain." During the study, whose results were published in February in the online version of the journal "Annals of Neurology", Dr Baram and colleagues found very high levels of specific protein UCP2 (uncoupling protein 2 - UCP2) in the matter of the brain newborn rats. Previous studies have shown that eating foods high in fat stimulates protein UCP2. Rats meet their nutritional needs through breast milk, which contains a large amount of fat. According to researchers, high levels of UCP2 can protect the brain from damage in patients with epilepsy. Epipripadki lead to damage and destroy nerve cells by disrupting mitochondrial function. Neonatal and infant brain is protected from such damage is due to the large number of UCP2. Dr. Baram and colleagues suggest that the protein UCP2, found in the membranes of mitochondria, decrease the formation of reactive oxygen derivatives, and reduce the likelihood of damage to brain cells. Protective properties of proteins UCP2 may explain why the ketogenic diet or fat-containing beneficial for patients with severe, resistant to drug treatment, forms of epilepsy. "Our findings may be useful as a treatment for children and adults alike, but this does not mean that epilepsy should just eat a lot of fat, - says Dr. Baram .- This diet therapy is carried out only under the supervision of specialists. At the same time, we hope that the results obtained in the course of data will create diet foods and medicines, effectively activating proteins UCP2 ". http://medserv.no Medicus Amicus 2003, # 4 Source: Journal of Medicus Amicus № 4 2003 on the site http://www.medicusamicus.com/index.php?action=256-12-25bc-37-45 

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Journey for a slender figure

Journey for a slender figure

 If a Herculean effort to reduce weight or to no avail, then try to lose weight in a clinic, which we'll tell you. Source: Journal of Health "№ 1 2003 on a site http://www.zdr.ru/dgs_spr2003_01.php 

Fitness & Beauty's office

Fitness & Beauty's office

 There are many ways to do away with subcutaneous deposits - fat burn at the gym, uproot massage, drips out of the bath, crushed by ultrasound, sucked through a tube ... The more diverse methods, the less chance of surviving fat cells and the more you have - to lose weight to stay. Source: Journal of Health "№ 1 2003 on a site http://www.zdr.ru/dgs_spr2003_01.php 

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Kiwi save the human heart

Norwegian scientists from the University of Oslo found that exotic kiwi fruit may help fight heart disease. As established researchers, it has the ability to burn fat, block the arteries, which reduces the risk of blood clots. Based on their findings, researchers recommend a daily basis to eat two or three kiwi fruit. The effect of such diets, according to Norwegian researchers, is already apparent after 28 days. Over this period, 18% reduced risk of blood clots and 15% decreases blood levels of harmful fatty acids. "The kiwi is something that creates protivotrombozny effect", - said study leader Professor Asim Duttaroya. As suggested by a cardiologist from New Zealand Auckland, Harvey White, kiwifruit can be a useful alternative to aspirin, which is often used for the same purpose. Studies of Norwegian scientists who have been supplying fruit for the experiments in New Zealand, encouraged by the New Zealand kiwifruit producers. Local companies have already produced a capsule and chewable tablets of the kiwi and sell them in Germany, Norway and Australia. It is believed the producers, the capsule may be even more effective than fresh fruit.

Source: Journal of Medicus Amicus website http://www.medicusamicus.com/index.php?action=donor150 Source: cardiotechnika.ru

Syndrome in abundance

Syndrome in abundance

 Measure the waist, ladies and gentlemen! 80 cm for women and 94 men - the threshold beyond which lurks the metabolic syndrome. What is it - a new disease or scare us again? Source: Journal of Health "№ 10 2005 on the site http://zdorovie.ad/ru 

Friday, 27 May 2011

Sum ODE dairy products

Sum ODE dairy products

The very nature has created a product, a necessary and indispensable for feeding, maintenance of human life. Indeed, in milk has everything necessary to sustain life and health of not only children but people of all ages. Milk and dairy products accompany us throughout life. But nature, creating a product to mammals, has not considered some features of the human body. It turns out that every second person in the gut lacks the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose), so they instinctively avoid dairy products made from natural fresh milk. But the same fairy-nature does not leave people in trouble and found the perfect solution: to extend this work special microorganisms, which brilliantly cope with it. This allows the suffering part of mankind, carefully related to the fresh milk used in feeding dairy products. Research, first conducted by our outstanding compatriot II Mechnikov, showed that cultured microorganisms, namely the so-called little helpers of nature, capable not only of this work. They can live and grow in the human intestine, performing many different functions, daruyuschih us health: it is the fight against pathogens and maintain a normal state of their own intestinal microflora, and participation in the processes of digestion and absorption of trace elements, as well as the synthesis of essential vitamins and amino acids , stimulation of the immune system, etc. Thus, dairy products - is "living" foods with limited shelf life, require special storage (at a temperature of +2 to +6 ° C), composed of lactic acid bacteria. Milk products are a source of life and health of people of all ages. They are necessary and children and elderly people, healthy or sick. One of the most remarkable properties of dairy products - the presence of an irreplaceable building material for the body - full of protein and calcium (though the latter in an optimum ratio with other macro-and micronutrients). Lactic cultures are transforming the main milk protein casein, breaking down long chains of protein molecules into shorter, more easily assimilable peptides and amino acids. In addition, the protein in dairy foods easier to digest in the body due to the formation in the acidic environment of small flakes, which are rapidly moving from the stomach into the intestines. This property is especially important for those with atrophic gastritis, gastric motility disorders, and protein deficiency. These macro-and micronutrients of milk, such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc is easily soluble in dairy products, and therefore more bioavailable. A ratio of milk sodium and potassium separate ode - because it is lower than in the normal diet, this unconditional benefit for all hypertensive patients. Pasteurization of milk prior to fermentation can destroy some vitamins, but in the process of fermentation, lactic acid culture re-synthesize some of them, like B vitamins is especially noteworthy in yogurt, which compared to the original milk folic acid can significantly increase. But most importantly - being in dairy products, live lactic acid bacteria are very useful. Once in the human digestive tract in large amounts of dairy products, they improve the balance of intestinal microflora and stimulate the body's immune system, affecting the lymphoid apparatus of the intestine. They are also able to displace from the gut and suppress the proliferation of harmful putrefactive bacteria to prevent diarrhea. There are observations indicating an improvement of microflora in women who regularly consume live yogurt, and candidal vaginitis. For children of all ages dairy products - an obligatory and indispensable component of the diet, thanks to a better compared to other products, comprehensibility, ability to increase resistance against infections, as well as the ability to provide anti-allergic effect. Well aware of the problems today's children, grown on artificial feeding - it's allergies, food intolerance, atopy. Effectiveness of dairy products in the diet of these children proved unequivocally. So it is difficult to do in modern life without dairy products, unless you are a staunch vegetarian. But we must remember that dairy products are tasty and useful not only for us. Since most of them are not sterilized, then if not handled properly they will be exposed to foreign microorganisms, including pathogens that may be out there actively proliferate. An important task of the manufacturer - to create a product is absolutely safe, and modern technologies of milk production and storage of products we guarantee high quality. The consumer actually gets what he promised. To dairy products were only for the benefit, you must strictly observe a certain set of rules throughout the food chain. We must remember that even with the best raw materials and technologies, the most perfect system of control products may lose their properties if the fall in inappropriate conditions. Specific "live" products require special treatment not only for their own safety, but also to preserve those valuable functional properties they possess. Hence, not only in production but in the shop and home living products in need of attention. The first golden rule - keep all perishable foods at temperatures below +6 ° C. But we should not expect that the cooling process is endless. Microbes, both beneficial and foreign, continue to live at low temperature. Useful gradually weaken their action stops, and some outsiders may even breed in the product, including up to dangerous quantities. So do not buy or eat dairy products that have expired. Thus, a third link in the food chain - consumers themselves bear full responsibility for the proper conservation and use of products in the home. To do this, follow some basic rules: · buy perishable milk and milk products containing live lactic cultures, only in stores or departments, equipped with reliable refrigeration equipment, where you can give clear information about the product, the date of its formulation, shelf life, storage conditions and so on; · store dairy products in a refrigerator at a temperature specified on the label; · use the products within 12 hours after opening, continuing to deposit the unused portion in the refrigerator; • If the conditions for storage of food at this temperature, there is no use them immediately also, do not leave a reserve.

Source: Journal of Quality of Life. Prevention. " № 5, September-October 2002   


Tea with fruit, berries, flowers and herbs

Cholesterol - fat-like substances from the group of sterols of animal origin. It can hardly be argued that raising the level of cholesterol in the blood will certainly lead to atherosclerosis, although it is a risk factor of the plug. Moreover, along with the known negative positive aspects of the physiological role of cholesterol: it is a part of tissues and cells, regulates the permeability of cell membranes, nutrients and their degradation products, keeps moisture in the tissues and provides the internal pressure in the cell, participates in the formation and transformations of bile acids of adrenal hormones, vitamin D, sex hormones. Cholesterol is produced mainly in the liver - 1,5-2,5 g / day, with food as it goes about 0,5 g. Hence, the reason for the accumulation of excess cholesterol to a greater extent, the excessive formation of this compound in the body and slow its withdrawal, fueled by excess consumption of animal fats that are rich in saturated fatty acids. Cholesterol is found only in animal products. The largest of its contents differ (mg per 100 g edible portion of the product): eggs - 570, Dutch cheese - 520, kidney bovine - 300, beef liver - 270, pork liver - 130. When cooking meat and fish lost up to 20% of cholesterol. You should know that a sharp restriction of cholesterol in the diet leads to an increase in its formation in the body. During exercise products of metabolism of fatty acids and less glucose is used for the formation of this substance. In healthy young men excess cholesterol in the diet may even temporarily inhibit its formation. But in old age, sedentary lifestyle, decrease in metabolic processes excess consumption of cholesterol metabolism was more disturbed. However, even in these conditions can not be completely ruled out cholesterol from your diet, you only need to reduce consumption and make greater use of products in which the nutrients are well balanced: cottage cheese, sea fish and other seafood, rabbit, turkey. In cereal products, nuts and vegetable oils contain phytosterols, which reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine. In the cholesterol metabolism play an important role vitamins C, B12 and B6, folic acid, some minerals. Ascorbic acid stabilizes the physiological balance between the formation of cholesterol and its use in the tissues. Iodine stimulates the thyroid hormones that activate the collapse of cholesterol. Magnesium inhibits the formation of the body and accelerates the decay of cholesterol, contributes to its isolation from bile acids. At the same time lowering cholesterol below normal levels increases the risk of diseases such as hyperthyroidism (increased activity of the thyroid gland), the defeat of adrenal exhaustion. Thus, when the cholesterol content corresponds to the norm, it is useful and even necessary, and the deviations in one direction or another is certainly not favorable.

Source: HudeeMtut site http://hudeemtut.ru/ 

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Dairy products: counting calories

Dairy products: counting calories

In the minds of the average man and producer of milk there was an absolute dogma that the fatter the milk, the better. From the standpoint of economy it is so - than full-fat milk, the more of it you can get butter, sour cream and cream. But in terms of healthy eating the most valuable components of milk are primarily white, more lactose (milk sugar), vitamins, especially fat-soluble and, of course, minerals and trace elements. With regard to milk fat, its composition consists mainly of saturated fatty acids, which are not compulsory and indispensable. The human body is easy to synthesize this class of fatty acids from carbohydrates and other fats. In addition, milk fat and serves as a carrier of cholesterol that age-induced atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. But human nutrition and the role of individual products should be considered taking into account real-time and lifestyle. A meal of our contemporary over the last 30-40 years, ie within a single generation, has changed significantly. First of all, in connection with the mechanization and automation of work and life of human energy consumption declined sharply and are now in developed countries and in Russia for men 2500 kcal per day, and for women 2000 kcal per day. As a consequence, man is forced to consume less food, which leads to an apparent deficiency of essential micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements). Yet amid falling food consumption over the past 30-40 years, prevalence of overweight, obesity and, consequently, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes has not decreased. As it was in the 60 years over 50% of people who are overweight and over 30% of the population with obesity - and left. The reason is that for a set of excess weight is enough to eat in a day once a lump of sugar or drink extra 100 ml milk 3% fat. What to do? The first and important step - is to eat less and move more. But the man is so conservative, it was difficult to reverse itself. Nutritional science has found this path. Would you like dessert - consumes sugar substitutes and low-calorie foods containing them. Would you like milk and dairy products, including kefir, yogurt, etc. - Consume low-fat dairy products. Reduced calorie dairy products for at least 25-50% - a significant contribution to the prevention of obesity and other nutritional diseases. And it is only a partial withdrawal of the rich and not valuable in terms of healthy nutrition of milk fat. Everything Else - protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in low-fat dairy products stored. Consequently, the stored food value and benefits of health products. The developed world has long passed the predominant production of low-calorie, low-fat dairy products, and they constitute over 90% of all products. A person should have a choice and if there is the slightest problem with excessive body weight, use low-calorie foods. Over 85% of Russians almost every day, consuming about 600-700 ml of milk and milk products, get about 20-25 g of milk fat, and almost half the recommended daily amount of fats and oils. Modern nutritional science has proven that it is better to consume vegetable oils and fats from seafood. The yield on the best structure of the optimal and healthy eating - removal of most of the milk fat from dairy products. Abroad, these products are functional foods and valued many times more than the content of milk fat more than 3-4%. No accident that the traditions of long-lived, particularly the mountaineers, even low-fat cheeses are made and are basically support the protein and minerals, especially calcium. If a person feels the need to milk fat, good health and slim figure, it can consume butter and fatty cheeses. But the transition to a low-calorie, low fat dairy products - is dictated by time and the condition of maintaining health and in good shape. The proof of this - and many attempts to use instead of milk fat substitutes based on low-calorie carbohydrates or fats with low digestibility.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Tips Dr. Shelton

Tips Dr. Shelton

Dr. Shelton said that the work - life and stagnation - is death. If we do not use our muscles, we're losing them. To keep muscles strong and young, we must constantly use them. Activity is the law of life, the law of conservation of wellbeing. The use of each organ depends on its strength and development. When we train our body, we make it strong, renewed and viable, and when we lazy and do not use muscles, we arrive at the decay and death. Daily exercise makes livelier circulate our blood, and a lazy blood does not circulate freely, there is no necessary changes needed to maintain health. People who do not perform regular physical exercise, have a weak tone of life. Catching up exercise, we give free access secretion of sweat glands through all 96 million since our body. Skin - the largest excretory organ in our body. If you cover your body with oil paint and thus clog the pores, we can not live even for a short time. Exercises, we enable a healthy output of sweat and cleanse the body of poisons. Thus, we allow the skin to use cleaner natural role. If we do not do it daily exercises, the whole work done by cell foam, placing a heavy burden on the other excretory organs. Vigorous exercise also helps to normalize blood pressure, they help establish a healthy rate. Vigorous exercise is also an anticoagulant, which means that exercise protects the blood stream from the blockage, called thrombosis, which often leads to heart attack. Every creature, whether human or animal muscular activity helps to eliminate waste from the body. If you allow the muscles to be active, to become weak and flabby and fat, it can lead to serious consequences. Muscles lose their elasticity and strength, and the result is an internal blockage. As we accumulate waste that should be highlighted. This leads to self-poisoning. Sweating - a normal phenomenon in the classroom, where there is a sharp increase in metabolism. Sweating more pronounced at the initial stage of exercising, when you resume them after an illness or a long break, increasing the intensity of physical activity, increasing the ambient temperature. Sweating leads to a decrease in body weight. • In the future when regular physical activity reduces perspiration and body weight stabilized. The function of perspiration an important role in thermoregulation of the body. So, thanks to sweating the human body is capable of a long time to maintain constant temperature when performing physical work. The magnitude of sweating depends on the individual, the intensity of exercise performed, the level of preparedness to deal with another factor. Fluid intake stimulates sweating. When engaging in hot weather, perspiration is greatly increased. Since then the human body loses salts and vitamins, so to maintain a normal water-salt balance is necessary to increase fluid intake. It is recommended to drink mineral water or other mineral drinks. You can cook and original cocktails, mineral salts, vitamins and sugar. Particular attention should be paid to sanitary condition of the skin, which is important for normal sweating. Sweating indicates deviations in the activity of the autonomic nervous system. It can be observed in diseases, poisoning, during recovery from illness.

Source: HudeeMtut site http://hudeemtut.ru/ 

Based on this advertising must ...

Based on this advertising should be as objective as possible, and market research - comprehensive and non-biased. The basis of medical advertising and marketing should be the interests of the patient. Undoubtedly, the state represented by the Health Ministry and its organizations shall monitor the objectivity of advertising. Promotion of medical services and medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, medical technologies and new ideas must be based on free competition in the interests of each individual, population and society as a whole, will contribute to improving health, improving the quality of preventive and curative care, improving the health of the nation . REFERENCES 1. Goluhov GN Reyhart DV, Shilenko Y. Probl. Social Hygiene and the History of Medicine. - 1998. - № 2. - S. 45-49. 2. F. Kotler Marketing Management. - Moscow: Economics, 1980. 3. Luknarova N. Foltan V., Brozman, et al / Pharmacy. - 1990. - № 6. - S. 12-15. 4. Meshkovskii AP Sov. health. - 1990. - № 11. - S. 62-65. 5. SP Nalimov, Yanikezing LR, Moller NE / / Pharmacy. - 1987. - № 2. - S. 5-9. 6. Parnovskii BL, crashes, SG, and Voloshin ME / / Pharmacy. - 1987. - № 1. - S. 11-16. 7. Polyakov, IV, KA Lankin Probl. Social Hygiene and the History of Medicine. - 1997. - № 6. - S. 24-25. 8. Polyakov, IV, SA Uvarov, LS Mikhailova, KA Lankin Ibid. - 1997. - № 1. - S. 49-53. 9. Polyakov, IV, KA Lankin Ibid. - 1999. - № 3. - S. 28-31. 10. Failures SG Sukhanov, LA, Medvedev VG / / Pharmacy. - 1986. - № 3. - S. 12-17. 11. Usenko V. Ustinov VI, Varpahov-parameter MI / Remedium. - 2000. - № 4. - S. 26-29. 12. Sharabchiev YT, Ulashchik VS / / Health. Belarus. - 1995. - № 4. - S. 20-23. 13. Evans JR, Berman, B. Marketing. - Moscow: Economics, 1990. -352 Sec. 14. Chemistry and Industry. - 1992. - N 8. - P. 298-300. 15. Market letter. - 1992. - V. 19, N 44. - P. 21. 16. Market letter. - 1992. - V. 19, N 45. - P. 14. 17. Market letter. - 1992. - V. 19, N 46. - P. 4. The article was published in the journal Medical News

Extremely important is the problem ...

Extremely important is the problem ...

Very important is the problem of duplication and training of professionals to new medical technologies. Marketing of scientific ideas is also a virtually unexplored area of ??science of science, defining the processes of their promotion to the actual use in science, engineering, manufacturing or public practice. An important aspect of marketing of scientific ideas - their legal protection, which is implemented through a system of patent protectable technical solutions, copyright and practice of scientific priority for publication. Marketing research ideas include holding the patent information research, examination of planned and completed research projects, feasibility and market research, the innovation process. One of the stages of marketing science is the study of society's demand for scientific and technical achievements. Practice shows that in the absence of demand for new scientific ideas of the process of their implementation is delayed for many years. Unfortunately, many scientists and science leaders are still not understood the very possibility of the existence of market research ideas with their inherent elements of competition, competitiveness, profitability, feasibility, etc. Instead, preached the concept of science for science, research motivated by personal ambitions and meet their own curiosity. Health care reform in Belarus, aimed at introducing new forms of management, paid medicine, cause of practical interest to marketing as a form of organization and management of health and medical care to the population. Since the marketing concept involves explicit linking of goals and objectives with available resources and demand, the possibility of real use and value of impact in relation to investment, of course, this methodology should be one of the leading forms of medical management. In this connection it is necessary in the near future to implement a number of organizational activities and studies on practical use of marketing in health care, financed from the budget, and in the field of medical business. It may be advisable to hold regular courses in marketing in health care, create a reference and information bureau for marketing and actively identify new medical technologies and teach them practical public health physicians. In conditions of limited foreign exchange resources allocated for the purchase of foreign drugs and medical equipment, the importance of becoming a targeted advertising and marketing research to identify companies in terms of-trial the most lucrative contracts. Limitation of resources allocated to research in the field of health, causes a need for a thorough technical and economic assessment of each newly proposed research in the light phase of innovation research results, as well as possible commercial or social impact. It should be remembered that the marketing of health - this is a special business, in which the interests of firms, profits should not be in conflict with the interests of society and every individual.

Sugar substitutes

Sugar substitutes

You for some reason decided to use artificial sweeteners? How to make the right decision? About the peculiarities of different sugar substitutes says endocrinologist highest category of hospital LOMO, St. Petersburg, Irina V. Mamontov. Questionable saccharin first sweetener saccharin was. Latter-day substance has an amazing quality: it was 450 times sweeter than sugar. Saccharin remains the most popular "sugar chemistry" in the world. The only requirement is a safety compliance "acceptable daily norm." For saccharin daily dose is 5 mg per 1 kg of the consumer. Regular abuse of the rule could be fraught with complications, although no one person can not specify which ones. I must say that saccharin had to "feed" the majority of the adult population of the planet. Even those people who never replace sugar sweeteners, receive daily a considerable amount of this substance. The fact that saccharin is widely used in food industry. One of the ingredients of ice cream, creams, gelatin desserts and other pastry is a food additive E 954. Under this elusive and little-understood alias hiding saccharin. In Russia, the most common "saharinovym" substitute considered "Sukrazit" Israeli firm Biscol. It is sold in packs of 300, 700 and 1200 tablets. Also, this sweetener is available in powder form, which is very well suited to culinary experimentation. Because saccharin is not destroyed by heat treatment, so it can be used in confectionery or add compotes and jams. However, the hostess should be aware that this is not a substitute for a preservative, such as regular sugar. Therefore, all the blanks on the "Sukrazita" can be stored for no longer than three weeks. Another sweetener - Sukradayet "- also in great demand in our country. Each tablet will keep 18 mg of saccharin, and as fillers are used citric acid and ordinary baking soda. We should not abuse this replacement: a cup of tea or coffee is enough of one to two tablets. If you put more then a drink will get enough unpleasant bitter taste, becoming more pronounced as cooling. Sweet carcinogen second synthetic sweetener cyclamate steel. Experts do not recommend the use of cyclamate pregnant women, children and people suffering from kidney failure. For everyone else there is an admissible daily dose of the sweetener, which corresponds to 11 mg per 1 kg body weight. Taste qualities cyclamate vividly manifested in a mixture with other substitutes, and the most profitable of their stresses saccharin. In addition, cyclamate that conceals a bitter taste, which appears in "overdose" of saccharin. Optimum ratio of these two substances is 10:1, ie 20 mg of cyclamate has 2 mg of saccharin. This proportion is at the heart of almost all mixed sweeteners sold in our country. The most popular of these are considered "Tsukli", "must", "Milford" and "Diamond." All of them are available in tablet form in packs of 650 or 1200 tablets. "Milford" for sale yet, and as a liquid: 1 teaspoon of this solution replaces the 4 tablespoons of sugar. However, this synthetic syrup is one major drawback - it is very difficult to dose. An error in a few drops can substantially affect the final taste of the product. Therefore, more reliable and easier to use the pill. Lemonade aspartame One of the most popular sugar substitutes is aspartame. However, experts do not deny the possible complications associated with consumption of large doses of this substance. Perhaps that is why it very suspicious of all European states, and prohibits them to adapt to sweeten food, targeting children under four years. Doctors do not recommend aspartame and adolescents, but make an exception this substitute from their diet is very difficult. The fact that aspartame is relatively well soluble in water. This property is widely used in food industry: this replacement is now used in almost all the "lightweight" Lemonade. It is thanks to him to sell drinks boast minimal calories. Of course, a moderate amount of such "soft drink" will not bring any harm. However Drink Liters may adversely affect health "vodohleba. This is especially true with regard to hot drinks: Elevated temperature aspartame breaks down to release methanol, which is a pretty aggressive chemical. So all sorts of abuse "lights" are not very reasonable. Lemonade labels on aspartame usually masked by the acronym E951. For a healthy adult is defined tolerable daily intake of aspartame, which is equal to 30 mg per kilogram of body weight. Most often blended with aspartame acesulfame K, which refers to "young" generation of sweeteners. It is believed that the taste profile of this tandem is as close to natural sugar: Acesulfame K is responsible for "an immediate sweetness, aspartame and delivers a long aftertaste. It is therefore a mixture of these substances underlies most industrial analogues of sugar. The most famous of them are considered "NutraSweet", "Sweet time", "Candelel" and Korean "Miwon". All of them are sold in tablet form with 300 and 600 tablets. Harmless sucralose safest substitute is sucralose. This is the only "artificial sugars, which avoided accusations of carcinogenicity. Experts say that taking it is safe not only for the usual contingent, but also for pregnant women and children, the youngest age group. The maximum daily dose is 5 mg per 1 kg weight. But almost no use of sucralose in food and comparatively rare on the shelves of Russian pharmacy. The fact is that today, this replacement is the most expensive on the Russian market and therefore can not compete with cheaper sugar analogs. Useful fructose Many people prefer to replace the sugar with synthetic drugs and natural fructose. However, those who are doing it to lose weight, greatly mistaken: the fact that the caloric content of the substance was not inferior to ordinary sugar. But it has many other advantages. For example, fructose can be incorporated into the diet of diabetics, since its uptake does not require insulin. It is 20-30% reduced risk of developing tooth decay and inflammation of the mouth. In addition, fructose sweetener is indispensable for those children who suffer from intolerance to sugar. That is why it is so often included in various types of baby food. Keep in mind! An overdose of any substance can be harmful to health. That is why it is so important to follow the rules, "permitted daily norm." Buy only those drugs on the label which indicates the type of sweetener, and its weight. This precaution allows you to accurately calculate the safe amount of sugar substitute. Control over the powder and ready-made syrups rather problematic. Therefore, experts advise to give preference to the tablet form of sugar substitutes, since they provide the most accurate accounting of sweet milligrams. Irina Semenova



Bread has a special place in our diet. No bread is impossible to diet as a healthy person, and those who are in need of dietary nutrition. In addition, the bread has a fairly rare for food quality - it never bores, which allows you to include it in the daily diet. Bread - an important and most accessible source of valuable vegetable protein (along with potatoes, cereals, legumes), which contains a number of essential amino acids (methionine, lysine). In wheat bread contains more protein than in rye (respectively 8.6 and 5.6%). Especially a lot of carbs in the bread (rye in 40 - 43%, wheat 42 - 52%), fats in it a little - from 0,6 to 2,9%. Bread - a significant source of vitamin B. It is a supplier of fiber daily. Finally, bread - the source of the body needs minerals, namely potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. Bread - dense foods. Calorie-wheat bread, slightly higher than that of rye. 100 grams of rye bread wholemeal flour yield 190 kcal., And 100 grams of wheat bread from white flour - 233 calories. Calorie-baking is even higher: 100 g - 297 kcal. How much bread can eat per day? This question can not be answered unequivocally. With a varied diet that includes products such as vegetable and animal origin, is quite enough to eat approximately 300 - 400 g of bread per day. However, the small amount of grain disease states to include in the diet should be reduced. For example, an obese person the doctor may recommend reducing the amount of grain in the ration to 100 - 150 grams a day. More specific recommendations on issues related to the optimum amount of grain in the diet can give your doctor who knows your energy consumption, lifestyle, health status. Often the question arises: what kind of bread is more useful - rye or wheat? Given the lower calorie rye bread, its more than wheat, it should use those who are inclined to corpulence. For most healthy people healthier rye bread made from wholemeal flour. But the rye bread is not recommended during exacerbation of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis with high acidity. In such cases, shows white bread, biscuits nesdobnye. Range of dietary breads for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases is constantly increasing. Here are some of them: - corn bread baked from a mixture of wheat flour and coarse grains of crushed wheat. These breads are designed to have a tendency to constipation - "Doctor bread" baked from wheat flour with added wheat bran. They contain high amounts of vitamins, fiber. Recommended in atherosclerosis, hypertension, constipation - biscuits with low acidity are designed for those who suffer from gastritis with acidity of gastric juice - ahloridny bread - the bread without salt. It is recommended for certain diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system in cases where doctors prescribe the limit of salt in the diet. The information contained in ahloridnom bread whey to some extent masks (in terms of taste) the absence of salt. Some people, wanting to lose weight, eliminate bread from the diet. But it does not care about that the body gets enough of the other products all the nutrients that are contained in the bread. Typically, doctors do not recommend completely exclude bread from your diet. Those who are inclined to completeness, it should be, primarily, to refuse sweets - chocolates, cakes, pies, jams. Quantity of grain can be no harm to the health limit 2-3 pieces per day, preferably rye. How to store bread, so he has not lost its taste and nutritional properties? There are many ways to store grain. For example, store rye and wheat bread in plastic bags, placed in the breadbasket. These pouches, 2 times a week should be washed and dried. Store bread recommend storing no more than 3 days, otherwise it taste worse.

Source: HudeeMtut site http://hudeemtut.ru/ 

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

In the western market annual growth ...

On the western market, annual growth in sales of medical equipment intended for use at home (a device for measuring temperature and blood pressure, glucose control in diabetes, exercise equipment, contact lenses and optics) is 10.4%.'s largest market for medical techniques for use at home is Germany, followed by Italy, France, Great Britain. Among the various types of medical equipment in terms of sales the largest share falls on the device for computed tomography, fluoroscopy, MRI, electromedical equipment, gathering system donated blood pacemakers, etc. The need for marketing in the field of medical technology is evidenced by the fact that only the United States in the manufacture of medical devices employing 2,600 firms with a total working in them - 179 thousand people. the world's largest manufacturers of medical equipment are the «General Electric "(USA),« Philips »(the Netherlands),« Siemens »(Germany),« Toshiba »(Japan) and others of their products is not only cost but also the conditions of supply, after-sales service, warranty, etc. . All this makes it necessary to conduct marketing research on the part of producers, buyers of medical equipment. Marketing of medical technology - a completely unexplored area of ??health economics and management. under medical technologies should be defined as the combination consistently implemented standardized processes, logically completes the definition of medical intervention or manipulation, the regulated legislative or other documents or traditions. In the structure of medical technology can provide therapeutic and preventive effects, the technology of drugs, diagnostic methods and rehabilitation, etc. In health care, is widely used by various medical technology - from the simplest systems (blood transfusion, etc. etc.) to complex (bone marrow, kidney, etc.). Even in one institution (not to mention the cities and countries), the same operation or method can be performed by different medical technologies. Unfortunately, market for medical technology is widely used only in such market segments as the technology of manufacturing of drugs, technology, operating sophisticated technical medical diagnostic systems, etc. In Western Europe and the U.S. are widely used so-called clinical-statistical groups and treatment protocols, carrying out no only standardization of medical technologies, the possibility of techno-economic characteristics of the diagnostic and treatment methods, but also the possibility of wider use of marketing techniques. Marketing in the health sector should include gathering information on the use of medical technologies and their analysis (both medical and economic terms ), standardization, advertising, promotional activities for the medical market.

However, in each of these groups ...

However, in each of these groups ...

However, in each of these groups contain different amounts of drugs, and not all kinds of drugs are interchangeable. Clearly, the pharmacological group with high interchangeability of drugs can be relatively smaller number of items. Otherwise, the pharmacy would have to have at least one package of each drug. Although this range is a perfect, yet it is not always beneficial to the pharmacy in terms of its revenue. To achieve an optimum combination of cost-effectiveness of pharmacy with an assortment of drugs, it is necessary to consider both the profitability of each pharmacological group, and the number of commercially available drugs in this group. The level of profitability all pharmaceuticals can be divided into five types [1]. The first type includes antibiotics and synthetic insulins and antidiabetic means, asthma drugs, tranquilizers, lipid-lowering drugs, and vitamins. Preparations of this type are in high demand and stable as the most cost-effective: they usually provide the pharmacy about 75-80% of daily income. At the next level of profitability are the second type drugs: antiplatelet agents, antiulcer, antianginal, sedatives, antihypertensives, antiparkinsonian, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and antipyretics, analgesics, digestive enzymes, antifungal drugs. The average yield of second kind by approximately 20-25% lower than the first. The third type of pharmaceutical preparations include antispasmodics, nootropics, expectorants, and synthetic antibacterial agents, antithyroid and anti-allergic means. Cost-effectiveness of these drugs half the cost effectiveness of drugs first type. Pharma fourth kind are antiglaucoma, protivoprotozoynye and Antiparasitic products, antiarrhythmics, diuretics, drugs for treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, oral contraceptives, antiepileptic drugs and cough drops. For pharmaceuticals the fifth kind are cardiac glycosides, anti-viral drugs, anti-cataract antidiuretiki and laxatives. The sale of these drugs brings pharmacies very little profit, to the extent, however, gradually increases with the expansion of their range. The basis of sound policy, providing the pharmacy trade in high and stable yield, based on the following rules. Primarily in the range of medicines are encouraged to include drugs of the first kind (a few titles for each farmgruppy), and so that customer demand was met by 30-35%. Similarly to proceed with preparations of the second kind, with the only difference is that their range should meet the demand by 40-50%. Preparations for the third, fourth and fifth of this figure is 50, 60 and 70% [1]. Marketing of medical equipment can be divided into the following sectors: medical products designed for the population (medical equipment for use at home), medical equipment, designed for private practitioners, medical equipment for institutions (regardless of ownership).

Monday, 23 May 2011

The intensity of the demand for cardiovascular ...

The intensity of the demand for cardiovascular ...

The intensity of the demand for cardiovascular drugs in people with higher education, 4.6% higher than in those with secondary education. In an environment where demand for drugs far exceeds the available resources (production or imports), the importance attached to the concept proposed by the WHO Essential Medicines (OLS), including drugs needed for medical support of the majority of the population (approximately 80%). Sixth list of essential drugs, approved by WHO in November 1989, contains 288 items, grouped in 26 therapeutic categories. Currently, more than 100 countries (both developing and developed) have national lists of OLS, 40 states have programs to drug supply, based on this concept [4]. In recent years, the Belarusian market of pharmaceuticals, a host of new drugs, which clinicians do not have the necessary information, no experience in their actual use. According to BL Parnovskii et al. [6], the whole range of medicines doctors are actively using only 10%. At the same time, many of these drugs are well known in the developed countries of Europe and America. This points to the need to improve the effectiveness of advertising, targeted marketing, and pharmaceutical information. The existing system currently focused on pharmaceutical marketing advertising of medicines to the public (television, media), which to some extent contribute to the spread of various forms of self-medication. This is due to the fact that foreign firms and their offices are more interested in wholesale and retail pharmacies involved. More appropriate it seems to us a complex system of marketing to advertise medicines primarily in doctors, and secondly - in the population. In this case, a professional advertising can be several levels: for professionals responsible for the bulk procurement of drugs (situational and analytical information, etc.), and for practical public health physicians (information about the indications and contraindications, review and analysis on different groups of medicines drugs on the practical experience of using the advertised drugs) that are directly appointed by the drugs, including prescription medicines. Advertising for the population should be conducted to a large degree pharmacy chain that implements the-counter medications, as well as through television and other media, professional advertising - by scientific medical journals. Marketing of medicines should be carried out not only at the macro level (state, major manufacturers) but also at the micro level - in the pharmacy network. Ideally, each pharmacy must have in its range of all pharmacological groups of drugs.

Details about carbohydrates

Details about carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Over 56% of the energy the body receives from carbohydrates and the rest - at the expense of protein and fat. Depending on the complexity of the structure, solubility, rapid assimilation of carbohydrate foods are divided into simple carbohydrates: monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose), disaccharides (sucrose, lactose) and complex carbohydrates or polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, cellulose). Simple carbohydrates are water-soluble and easily digested. They have a pronounced sweet flavor and are sugars. The most common monosaccharide - glucose - found in many fruits and berries, and also formed in the body as a result of the splitting of disaccharides and starch foods. Glucose is the most quickly and easily used in the body for the formation of glycogen, to power the brain tissue, the working muscles (including cardiac muscle), to maintain the desired level of blood sugar and liver glycogen stockpile. In all cases, when a large physical exertion glucose can be used as an energy source. Fructose has the same properties as glucose, and can be regarded as a valuable, easily digestible sugars. However, it is slowly absorbed in the intestine and, by doing the blood, quickly leave the blood stream. Fructose in a significant number (70 - 80%) is retained in the liver and causes a glut of blood sugar. In the liver, fructose is more readily converted into glycogen compared with glucose. Fructose is absorbed better than sucrose and has a greater sweetness. High fructose sweetness allows it to use smaller quantities to achieve the desired sweetness level products and thus reduce the overall consumption of sugars, which is important in the construction of calorie restriction diets. Excess sucrose affects fat metabolism, increasing zhiroobrazovanie. Found that when excess entry increases the conversion of sugar into fat of all nutrients (starch, fat, food, and some protein). Thus, the number of incoming sugar may be to some extent a factor that regulates fat metabolism. Copious consumption of sugar leads to disruption of cholesterol metabolism and increase its level in serum. Sugar adversely affects the function of the intestinal microflora. This increases the proportion of putrefactive micro-organisms increases the intensity of putrefactive processes in the gut, develops flatulence. Established that the least these shortcomings manifest themselves in the consumption of fructose. The major sources of fructose are fruits and berries. Glucose and fructose are well represented in the honey: the glucose reaches 36.2%, fructose - 37.1%. In watermelons the sugar fructose is represented, the amount of which is 8%. Third monosaccharide - galactose - a free form in foods does not occur. Galactose is a product of the splitting of the main carbohydrate of milk - lactose. Of the disaccharides in human nutrition major importance sucrose, which is the hydrolysis breaks down into glucose and fructose. Sources of sucrose in the human diet are mainly cane and beet sugar. Sucrose content in sugar is 99.75%. Natural sources of sucrose are melons, some vegetables and fruits. Carbohydrate content per 100 g of product

Secondly, the term of patent protection ...

Secondly, the term of patent protection for many drug-sales leaders will expire, and in the next two-three-year market share of manufacturing companies, will decrease as a result of the market of generic drugs. Obviously, the optimal solution in this situation is the concentration of resources in research and the union offered to the market product range. In addition, each year increasing costs of conducting research in the field of pharmacy. In recent years, pharmaceutical companies spending on research and development increased significantly. For example, if in 1976 such costs for one new drug at an average of $ 125 million, in the mid-90's - about 300-500 million dollars. As a result of mergers of pharmaceutical companies top 10 pharmaceutical companies of the world took up almost half of the world pharmaceutical market (according to preliminary results, 45.5% in sales volume combined companies as at October 1999), while in 1996 this figure was 34 8%. Thus, the process of concentration of the world pharmaceutical market is growing rapidly. As for Russia, the overall production of the ten world's largest companies (according to their merger) covers about 12% of Russian market. Efficiency and quality of drug services for the population is largely determined by the full range of medicines in pharmacies and optimize the management of medical stocks, avoiding, on the one hand, the deficit, on the other - the excess of established standards of commodity stocks. Demand for drugs is a form of expression needs (whether actual, realized and unfulfilled) and can be identified by sociological methods [10]. Analysis of laws affecting the consumption of drugs can improve the system to meet the needs of the population and health facilities in the medicines. Their consumption depends on the emergence of new treatments and drugs, the presence of analogues. Much of the nomenclature of the global medicines market (70%) are in preparations counterparts. At the same time taking into account the varying quality of drugs, analogues and anti-monopoly positions is desirable to have a fairly large selection of drugs [4]. Dynamics of drug consumption is seasonal and from year to year varies considerably [5]. N. Luknarova et al [3] showed that the consumption of drugs increases with age and is higher in women than in men. The most commonly used drugs of the following groups: analgesics, antipyretics, antibiotics, vasodilators, antirheumatic, antipsychotics. BL Parnovskii and others [6] as a result of sociological studies have revealed that the demand for drugs is dependent on gender, age and social structure of the population. More than 81% of the demand for cardiovascular drugs have on the population over age 40, age of strong demand for women is 55-59 years for men - over 60 years.

Europe's share in the global market of anti ...

Europe's share in the global market of anti ...

Europe's share in the global anti-infective market funds is 26% of antibacterial drugs - 25%, anti-virus - 33%, an antifungal - 25%. Japan market anti-infective, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents covering 30, 32, 17 and 30% respectively [16]. First place in the world by sales of prescription drugs in the first half of 1999 took the company «Merck & Co.»: More than $ 8 billion (19% increase compared to c the same period in 1998). Second place at «Pfizer» - 7,7 billion (21% increase), y «GlaxoWellcome» - third place (Table 3). Significant growth of the company «Pfizer» were associated with the drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction Viagra (sildenafil), with sales only in the second quarter of 1999 increased by 61%. Growth «GlaxoWellcome» hindered decrease in sales volumes of the drug Zantac (ranitidine) by 19% due to expiration of patent protection on the active ingredient of this drug. Company «Bristol-Myers Squibb» remained in fourth place, and the company «Roche» fifth place. Success of the company «Roche» contributed explosively increasing demand for the drug for the correction of overweight Xenical (orlistat), as well as growth in sales of other innovative products that are used to prevent kidney transplant rejection, such as CellCept (micophenolate mofetil) and Zenapax (daclizumab) . Company «Johnson & Johnson» (sixth place) showed the greatest growth in sales in the first half of 1999 - 22%. Company «Novartis», despite the fact that the rating it has moved two places down, showed a positive growth trend in sales of pharmaceutical products from 1% in the first half of 1998 to 5% in the first half of 1999 global trend "domination" of the largest manufacturers of original products is not typical for the Russian market, where sales volumes lead mostly generic companies (in 1999, according to RMBC, first among foreign manufacturers took the company «Gedeon Richter»). The share of the largest manufacturers of drugs, such as corporations «Merck & Co.», "Novartis", the global market does not exceed 5%. At the same time, the situation in the pharmaceutical business develops in such a way that only the integration can enable companies to survive and grow in the face of fierce competition and high growth rates for spending on research and development, which at some firms is higher than the growth in sales volumes. Examples of major mergers announced in 1998 and ended in 1999, was a merger «Rhone Poulenc Rorer» and «Hoechst Marion Roussel» with the formation of the company «Aventis»; «Astra» and «Zeneca» - of «AstraZeneca»; «Sanofi» and «Synthelabo» - of «Sanofi-Synthelabo». The merger of major international pharmaceutical companies and the formation of mega-corporations today is especially important. Firstly, according to forecasts of most analysts, in the next 5-10 years in the world of pharmacy is expected developments of the crisis - now existing drugs will be included in the downward phase of the life cycle, when the volume of their sales will decline gradually, and scientific laboratories belonging to the manufacturing companies as well as independent biotech firm, yet not be able to offer the market a radically new medicines.

Prudent diet (concluded)

Prudent diet (concluded)

Where to start something ...? A start-ka I this is what ... You probably know that most drug treatment experts believe that the first stage of alcoholism in humans is present when his mood improves at the thought of the upcoming feast, or rather the thought of the upcoming drinking. Here I think a drug treatment is too much. Come on, show me a least one person who at least once in their lives experienced a clear improvement in mood at the thought of the upcoming drinking ... I admit the idea (from the category of hypothetical) that any person is. But there are those who do not experience improved mood at the thought of coming to, say, sex. There are all sorts of people. But it is the exceptions that only prove the rule. That's right we are again on the rule of right that is to say. And if so, then let's talk about the rules of nutrition, food intake. What are these rules? Here they are: - remember the golden rule: when I eat - I am deaf and dumb. Do not eat a hurry (even if you just bought a delicious cake). Thus, Eat in silence, carefully chewing every morsel of food, going into this wonderful process - a meal is better than not accompanied by not only speaking, but also drinking water or other liquid (I do not mean good wine), and if very very thirsty during the meal, then this should be done correctly - little by little to drink (sip) barely warm water, by the way, food intake also should not be preceded by drinking water as well as add-on to finish in the first 15-20 minutes after a meal - we taste Your food should be neither too hot nor too cold. Remember that Peter the Great (also known as Peter I) was inclined to eat very hot foods ... And what happened? How long he lived. And those who eat cold food - also, as a rule, are not long-lived - the table must sit only in a good mood, because the great physician Avicenna (also known as Abu Ali Ibn Sina), warned that the food eaten in a bad mood , will not go into a blessing. If you're upset about something - not sit at the table until it's calm. Get away to the side, into another room and calm down (techniques for calming down a lot) and only then just sit down at a table to eat, as they say, God sent, in any case do not sit at the table tired neotdohnuvshim - it's always a bad thing - never Eat early in the morning, because Sleep takes effect. Best breakfast around 9 am. A case in point is not about those people who have had a night shift, or who is not a usual way of life - dinner should not be less than 2 - 2.5 hours before bedtime. It is appropriate to say the following (prefacing your question about that, say, Paul Bragg wrote one - the "heavy" food should be eaten during lunch, but other authors, authorities in the field of dietetics write otherwise - that the dinner. How have someone listen?). Listen to yourself, to delve into themselves. Overtaken yourself - it is easier to comprehend God! There's nothing complicated about what to decide on his being - a time during the worst days. After all, every man is his own - this time. And as soon as it is, and most neobilny meals must be linked with this time. In the hardest times of the day is better to postpone the dinner party and eat something light. Yes, for most people the hardest time - this morning, at least - the evening meal so they should be the day. And if your day is structured so that you are "in the park the" all day, and only in the evening comes the long-awaited peace - then the "major" should be welcome in the evening. And as to call him lunch or dinner (or even breakfast) - just your prerogative. In the next issue we will talk about the usefulness of food. Dr. Zemtsov. Source: Online edition of "Planet Health" № 31 October 2004 on the site LTD "MediaRoom" www.ph.ru

Sunday, 22 May 2011

In addition, the world's leading ...

In addition, the world's leading ...

In addition, the world's leading pharmaceutical firms are «Sandoz», «Bayer», «Abbott» and other pharmaceuticals market is estimated (1999), more than 208 billion dollars a year. At the same time on the U.S. accounts for 43.3%, Japan - 23.8%, Germany - 7,8%, France - 7,0%, Italy - 4.6%, UK - 4,4%, Spain - 2 7% Canada - 2.3% Brazil - 2.3% Mexico - 2.0% [11]. Volume of sales of medicines in 12 major markets around the world in 1999 (Table 1) amounted to 208.5 billion dollars, 21.2 billion more than in 1998 is projected IMS Health, over the next five years, beginning with 1999, the volume of world pharma market will grow by an average of 8%. The sales volume of drugs on the Russian market in 1999 totaled about 1.8 billion dollars in producers' prices. In this case, up to 37% of this amount (658 million U.S. dollars) accounted for pharmaceutical products, manufactured within the country. By the end of 2000 the volume of the Russian pharmaceutical market grew to 1.9 billion dollars, while the ratio of imported and domestic products continues to slowly move in the direction of foreign drugs. In general, Russia's share in the global pharmaceutical market is very small - according to various estimates, from 0.5 to 1% (for comparison: in 1996-1997. It ranged from 1,5 to 2,5%). Among the ten pharmacological groups of drugs in the world market in terms of sales through pharmacies in 1999 were in the lead agents for the treatment of cardio-vascular system, which retails for 12 major regional markets of the world in 1999 reached 40.8 billion dollars, up 9 % more than in 1998 behind them, according to IMS, followed by drugs acting on the digestive system and metabolism (32.4 billion dollars, + 8%), and for the treatment of patients with disorders of the central nervous system (31,5 billion, + 13%) (Table 2). In 1999, the first place in sales growth out drugs for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (sales increased by 18%). Second place was shared by cytostatics and means acting on the nervous system (increase of 13%). In third place and two groups of drugs - drugs affecting the blood system and blood forming organs, and diagnostic tools (increasing sales by 12%, Table. 2). The market share of cardiovascular drugs ranged from 22.5% in the UK to 31% in France. The largest markets for cardiovascular drugs (in billions of dollars): U.S. - 8.6, France - 3,3, Germany - 2,9, Italy - 2.3, UK - 0.9 [15]. For the market cardiovascular drugs characterized by the fact that beta-blockers are the most widely used in Britain, vasodilators - in France. This is mainly due to differences in medical education and reimbursement of medicines policy, traditions and other factors [15]. The share of North America in total global market of anti-infective is 35%, antibiotics - 33%, anti-virus - 42%, an antifungal - 35%.

Dietary food

Dietary food

Exacerbations of many diseases associated with various disorders in feeding: disturbances in the diet in diabetes lead to a sharp rise in blood sugar, a dry mouth, increased thirst, progressive fatty liver and pancreas, chronic pancreatitis after eating a fatty cream pancakes, alcoholic beverages, fried foods, high blood pressure in patients with hypertension, observed in the use of salty foods, appointed under this treatment is not effective enough. In all medical and spa facilities numbering system used by dieting. Many of them have several options, such as: N 1a, 16, N 7a, 76, 7c, 7r. Since these diets are found in hospitals and nursing homes, we introduce you to them, keeping the numbering, specifying those diseases in which they are appointed. If exacerbation of the disease has passed and the patient returned to active lifestyles, the general principles of the diet should not be changed: first of all it concerns products that are excluded from power, but you can extend the methods of cooking (simmer, bake after boiling), to include home canning vegetables. Lack of vitamins can be offset willing pharmacy forms (geksavit, dekamevit, gentavit, etc.), a decoction of rose hips, wheat bran. In all diets banned alcoholic beverages in individual cases, the question about their use solves the doctor. When combined in one patient the two diseases requiring diet, nutrition appointed in compliance with the principles of both diets. Thus, an exacerbation of peptic ulcer in a patient with diabetes assigned to a diet N1, but with the exception of all the products are contraindicated in diabetes. Diet number 1

The main feature of marketing ...

The main feature of marketing ...

The main feature of marketing on the market of medical goods and services is a combination of a comprehensive study of this market, given its demographic, social, economic, valeological parameters, with an active influence on the market and the formation of citizens' needs for medical services. Market segmentation of medical services and to determine its capacity implemented on the basis of data on the number of patients served and the amount of their average per capita income, the level of expenditure on medical care and medicines, medical supplies. Functional scheme of marketing in health care includes health facilities, market intermediaries and patients. These elements are connected by four main streams: the stream of medical services, the flow of cash received in payment for health care, information flow, the flow of communications. Health facilities - health care providers, on the one hand, and elements of market infrastructure, which sold and consumed medical care - on the other. Market for medical services - view a specific market, where offered and consumed by these services. Marketing intermediaries - are organizations that help producers of goods and services in the promotion, marketing and distributing its products to customers, to identify specific markets that provide communication between producer and consumer. These include resellers, businesses, marketing services agency, financial institutions, insurance, health care organizations. Marketing concept in health care in market conditions and health insurance involves the emergence of new economic actors Health - health insurance organization, providing a system of linkages between health facilities and the consumers of medical services, accumulating funds to pay for and paying for medical services, collecting and analyzing the coming of the medical services market information and transmits it to the clinic. The state's role in this scheme is limited to creating the conditions for the existence of the medical services market and protecting the rights of their consumers, ie State provides a guaranteed minimum health care for all citizens and pursuing a policy aimed at full satisfaction of social needs. Marketing in the pharmaceutical industry (pharmaceuticals) differs significantly from other areas of production so that products are produced in strictly necessary quantities, not available directly to consumers, pricing, directly or indirectly determined by the government, in national markets present huge number of competitors, and none of the firms has a substantial market share. At the same time the share of the firm "Glaxo SmithKline" has 7,3% of the world pharmaceutical market; «Pfizer» (+ Warner Lambert) - 6,7%; «Astra Zeneca» - 4,6%; «Aventis» - 4 4%; «Merck» - 4,4%; «Novartis» - 4,1%; «Bristol-Myers Squibb» - 4,1%; «Johnson & Johnson» - 3,6%; «Roche» - 3 2; «Lilly» - 3,1% [11].

Everything you wanted to ask about the excess weight

Everything you wanted to ask about the excess weight

 In the process of losing weight for each accumulated a hundred thousand "why", and they should not remain without reaction. Read our answers to the most asked and important questions. Source: Journal of Health "№ 1 2003 on a site http://www.zdr.ru/dgs_spr2003_01.php 

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Technology Marketing versatile ...

Technology Marketing versatile ...

Technology Marketing versatile in many areas of health. The starting point is to answer the following questions: what medical assistance is needed, why, for whom, when, where, by whom and how it will be provided, by whom, how and to what extent it will be financed. Marketing as a universal mechanism of control systems, aiming at the fullest satisfaction of human needs, is directly related to the most diverse areas of health, including quality assurance system of medical care (ILC). In this widely used methods of interviewing, questioning patients and medical staff, independent examination. Studies IV Polyakova, KA Lankina [7] showed that the proportion of persons who are not satisfied with the Commission, predominates in the middle age groups (up to 56% in age from 40 to 60 years) among those with secondary or higher education, those employed in medicine and economics, as well as among students. The availability of medicines, the price level of aid and medical products, friendly attitude of health personnel, material and technical condition of medical facilities and scientific and technical level of medical care leading to the population have taken on 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 seats. The purpose of market research is to obtain objective information and analysis in the development of market forecasts of health care services, optimization strategy for health care, addressing a market of new services to better meet the demand for them. Thus, the medical market has relevant information field, which can be studied, measured and evaluated. Organisation of marketing research conducted by a specially rehearsed practices. Study the demand for goods and services are based on a matrix and functional systems and their combinations. A functional system of marketing research aimed at studying a particular type of medical-diagnostic, recreation and wellness, pharmaceutical activities and information support. Matrix system includes the following main aspects: geographic, customer, product range. Medical marketing, along with analysis, monitoring and forecasting of demand also means demand management. The active position in the medical marketing is implemented in diverse technological solutions. Each state of demand (negative is missing, potentially, a reduced, hesitant, full, excessive, irrational) correspond to their methods of action: conversion (changing), stimulating, developing, remarketingovye, sinhromarketingovye supporting, demarketingovye opposing. Marketing research in the market of medical goods and services are based on a thorough and comprehensive study of needs and financial capabilities of actual and potential consumers and buyers pharmaceutical drugs on the analysis of the level and dynamics of prices on the identification of many other factors affecting the development of health and health care .

Psychology: The struggle for quality.

Psychology: The struggle for quality.

 The struggle for quality. Eat only healthy food, avoid any "chemistry". Weigh each portion to a gram, and if there was a sin gourmandise - bathe him once a diet of clean vegetable broth ... For any feature of a reasonable desire for healthy eating becomes a disease? Source: Journal Lose Weight correctly "№ 10 2005 on the site http://www.zdr.runons_hpr.php 

We can assume that in Belarus ...

We can assume that in Belarus ...

You can assume that in Belarus and other CIS countries in the health sector develops spontaneous market. Market nature of relationships in health care supported by the presence of the shadow market of medical services, the existence of demand outstripping supply in many ways and opportunities for hospitals. The transition to a market economy in health care is accompanied by psychological stereotypes as the population and health care workers. In health care marketing may include aspects such as advertising a healthy lifestyle, medications, attitudes toward health, treatment options, rehabilitation, etc. Marketing in Health Care has its own distinctive features associated with specific consumer demand and market medical products and services. His ability is largely due to the form of health financing and payment of medical services (private, insurance, government) as well as ownership of enterprises producing medical supplies and health service providers (private, municipal, government, charities, etc.). Health marketing can be divided into five areas: 1) the marketing of medical services, 2) marketing of pharmaceuticals, and 3) marketing of medical equipment, and 4) marketing of medical technologies, 5) marketing research ideas [12]. Marketing medical services (including recreational activities) is important for shaping public health and motivation of an appropriate style of life, creating an image of a healthy person, of a healthy lifestyle. The need for marketing of medical services due to the fact that consumer demand for health services has always been, is and will. Analysis of health statistics shows that, despite significant achievements in health care in certain areas of society as a whole becomes healthier. Reducing mortality from several diseases in developed countries is accompanied by demographic changes (aging population, declining birth rates), giving rise to the growth of chronic disease and disability. All this contributes to increased demand for medical services, which probably will continue to grow. Determining demographic segment of the consumer market in health care, we should first identify the most vulnerable in terms of health categories of people: children under 7 years old and elderly people aged 65 and older. Ceteris paribus a greater demand for services and medical supplies is typical for people with large financial incomes, high levels of education and culture, as well as for urban residents. Marketing of health services is possible and even necessary in the circumstances not only for private and insurance, but also the state of medicine. It should include a review of the needs of the population in the various medical services, information about the opportunities they provide, the formation and regulation of the medical services market.

Friday, 20 May 2011

In foreign literature the problem ...

In the foreign literature marketing problem in health care covered in relation to private and medical insurance. With regard to marketing in terms of state regulation of health, now the problem is studied not enough. Using the definition of goods from the theory of marketing (product - a product or service can satisfy a need), we note that the service is aimed at improving human health, including health service - a commodity that has value due to its ability to meet human need in maintaining health. According to the marketing of health encompasses a set of organizational and economic functions associated with the implementation of a package of health-care, sanitation and medical services, drugs, products of therapeutic and rehabilitative purposes [8]. American Medical Association defines marketing in health care as a complex process of planning, feasibility and production management services to health, pricing policies of health care process, promotion of services (of medical value) to consumers, as well as their implementation. Market of medical services occurs when there is a potential for exchange (in the theory of marketing market - an area of ??existing and potential exchanges). Market for medical services is determined by the presence of two parties - in need of medical services and offering them the presence of market participants - the necessary medical facilities, where there may be implementation and use of medical services or goods, the presence of freedom of choice of mutual offers of producers and consumers of medical services. Marketing in Healthcare (in the classical sense it) is possible if the medical services market, market relations between doctor and patient, competition doctors (medical services), manufacturers of medicines and medical goods. As in the Health Organization in Belarus remains rigidly fixed the patient's physician and the district health-care establishment (LR) of residence, and the system of funding does not include the cost of medical services as a commodity, it is obvious that our country has distorted the market of medical services. Small sector of the real market for medical services include paid services, a few more - the shadow market, basically the same sector (80%) - a potential market of medical services in which the state acts simultaneously in three persons: the vendor of medical services, the actual purchaser of health services and the owner medical institutions. It would seem that this situation contributes to the flexibility of state regulation of the volume, quality, value, order the provision of medical services, but the real situation can hardly be called a regulated market.

Skin is bumpy like an orange peel

Skin is bumpy like an orange peel

Note on the metabolism of its enabling the infusion of such fees: Take 3 parts of ordinary fruits of fennel, chamomile flowers and medicinal lime small-leaved, 4 of black elderberry flowers, peppermint leaves (if one or two components are missing, you can without them). Mix 3 parts olhovidnoy buckthorn bark, 1 part dandelion roots of the ordinary, garden seeds of parsley and fennel usual, and peppermint leaves. One of these infusions (by choice), cooked in the traditional way, Take 2 cups of the morning on an empty stomach 8-10 weeks. By the way: it effectively brings fluid from the body of birch sap. Reduces appetite! Invaluable assistance you will extract corn silk with columns: 30-40 drops 2-3 times daily before meals. You can receive and extract from them, cooked the traditional way - before you eat a tablespoon 4-5 times a day for 2 weeks. Then take a break for a month and repeat the course. Another option - extract herb horsetail. It is recommended to take the same way as in the previous recipe. RELAX! Since cellulite is difficult to cope when the muscles are tense. Ideal races slablyayuschee tool - the bath. Sedative action have aromatic baths, for example, with the addition of infusions taken in equal proportions of grass, peppermint, sage and medicinal, eucalyptus leaves globular; bath infusion of a mixture made of equal proportions of grass Hypericum perforatum, peppermint, sage drug. Improve skin elasticity bath infusion of prickly thistle. To prepare the infusion pour into a large pot 300 g mixture of herbs, cover with cold water, bring to low heat to a boil and allow to stand for an hour. Then strain the infusion through 2 layers of cheesecloth, remnants of press and pour into the tub. Soap, in adopting this procedure to use should not be. MORE HELP SKIN At least once a week there is a body peeling, especially to actively treat the thighs, buttocks and stomach. Make a scrub, you can use homemade scrub: Mix equal proportions of grated carrot on a fine grater and semolina, rub this mixture, leave on skin for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. MORE FRESH VEGETABLES! A crucial role in anti-cellulite diet play vegetables, especially the bright colors - tomatoes, spinach, red peppers: Vegetables and salads of them contribute to the restoration of the affected cellulite tissue. Include in your diet asparagus, beans, bamboo shoots and sweet peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Headed, cauliflower, carrots, celery, endive, zucchini, fennel, artichoke, round, green onions and onions, leeks, snow peas, mushrooms, red and green pepper, pumpkin, watercress water: Note: artichoke accelerates the removal of toxins from the liver, promotes the release of bowel and removal of fat from fat cells, seaweed contains iodine, which is a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland which controls metabolic rate and hence - burning calories, nettle, a part of herbal teas, stimulates the kidneys, helping to remove excess fluid from the body, garlic has a powerful protivoholesterinovym action. It protects against damage to small blood vessels, improves blood circulation in all body tissues, including fat, fennel helps to conclude the final products of metabolism, its extract has a strong diuretic effect and normalizes the endocrine glands; green tea helps to break down the subcutaneous fat pad. Diet Try to eat slowly 4-5 times a day at the same time. When violation of the organism strives to make margin for a long break - there you have excess fat that is deposited where it is not necessary. After 17 hours of attending the strong breakdown of fats. Refuse from this hour of sugar, pasta and other foods containing carbohydrates. Please note: in the dried fruit a large concentration of sugar, so better to eat fresh fruits and berries. Especially apples, apricots, blueberries, figs, blackberries, black currants, gooseberries, grapefruit, melons, peaches, papayas, pears, plums, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines. Right, have something to pamper yourself! Do not overdo the salt. Delaying the fluid in the body, it works on cellulite. " Drink a day 2-3 liters of water (preferably mineral without gas). ALMOST TABOO! Small doses of alcohol promote the treatment of cellulite. Alcohol, dilating blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and red wine also contains tannins that protect the pulmonary circulation from free radicals. But alcohol in large doses and calories, and promotes the deposition of fat in problem areas of the body. Want to avoid the trap - limit to one glass of wine (preferably red grape) per day. The action of caffeine is also ambiguous. It increases the rate of burning calories, but high doses constricts small blood vessels and stimulates the appearance of cellulite. You do not want that? Then take it a rule not to exceed the norm: either three cups (teaspoon per cup), instant coffee, or two-filtered, or espresso or cappuccino per day. Tea contains beneficial effect on the body tannins, and there is no need to limit yourself in it, unless you do not have a tendency to constipation - one of the provoking factor cellulite.

Characterization and analysis of the situation ...

Description of the situation and an analysis of the organization: products (general information about the organization of manufactured products), market (size and capacity of the market, the main development trends, consumer attitudes to products produced by the organization), the competitive environment (comparison of products manufactured organization with similar products of competitors on prices, quality, consumer attitudes, advertising support, etc.). Section 2. The objectives of marketing: strategic (to strengthen the financial position of the organization, increase its profitability, growth in production and development of new markets), intermediate (improving the quality of goods (services) and service culture, diversification of activities, etc.), support (rational use of available resources, organization and management improvement). Section 3. Events: market conditions of the goods (services) for a planned period ; identification of key areas for further research of the market in order to obtain the data necessary for program marketing for the future development of the nomenclature policy of the organization, formation of pricing policies, planning an advertising campaign and the choice of methods to promote sales; grouping events in time for their implementation. Section 4. Budget Marketing : calculation of the costs associated with implementing a marketing program (in countries with market economies, marketing budget health-medical services and medical supplies are usually equal to one-third of their ultimate value). In the Western European, American and Japanese firms, the aggregate marketing costs account for about half the final price many commodities. Of these, the advertising spent an average of 2-4%. In the U.S., the largest amount spent on advertising of medicines and perfumes and cosmetics - from 10 to 20% of turnover. [2] The central part of marketing research is the segmentation (decomposition) of the market, allowing potential customers to differentiate on a number of objective evidence in order to find the segment, the most promising to advance him the specific types of goods and services. Marketing in Healthcare. The principles of marketing can be carried out not only in trade and services, but also in health care. It is known that human health is the first priority need, followed by professional achievement, business success, recognition, etc. need to be healthy causes a person to be proactive in finding ways of healing and gives it a certain direction. the social and health care reform need to define the optimization supply, demand and consumption of health services, effective use of available resources and identify funding. At the same time, such aspects of the organization of health, as the ratio of population to the consumption of medical care, the dynamics of demand for various types of medical care, assessment of its quality, manufacturability and cost effectiveness never been analyzed and were not a criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the industry.

At the same time the interests of the company ...

At the same time the interests of the company, customers and society as a whole do not always coincide. To achieve consensus concept of social and ethical marketing involves linking the company's goals with the needs of both individual consumers and society as a whole, not only with short-term but also long-lasting. In accordance with the manufacturer is forced to produce products for the environmentally sound technologies are not only useful but harmless to humans and the environment. Thus, when making marketing decisions should take into account three main factors: consumer interests, the interests of the company, the interests of society. Marketing system includes suppliers, marketing intermediaries and competitors, various public and governmental organizations, financial institutions, media, legislative bodies, take into account political, demographic, economic, scientific, technological and other spheres of public life. At the core of marketing strategy are five types of market activity: market segmentation, selection of target markets, the choice of methods to market, the choice of methods and tools for marketing, the timing of market entry. The concept of market segmentation based on the fact that each market consists of separate parts, including customers with different needs, consumer behavior and stereotype. Each segment is different in different marketing opportunities of certain goods (eg goods market for young people, older people, women, etc.). Before making any decision, Marketing Specialist must have detailed, accurate and timely information received. Marketing information system includes a subsystem of the internal accounting records (data on orders, sales, inventory levels, receivables, etc.), a subsystem of the external marketing data and marketing research (the study of consumer preferences, advertising effectiveness, market conditions, prices, placement principle production and storage facilities, product range, international market, the rights of consumers, the impact on the environment, market size, shares of firms in this market, market structure, sales volume, the views of customers and market demand, etc.). To study the demand in the consumer market should collect the following information: 1) that is purchased on the market, 2) why is purchased, and 3) who buys and 4) how the purchase, 5) when done buying, 6) where the purchase is carried out, 7) are similar goods sold on the market and at what prices, 8) how well-versed in consumer characteristics similar items. An important feature of the consumer market is the knowledge of market demand, ie the amount of certain goods that are sold annually in the region. The difference between the volume of sales and a potential capacity of the market shows the possible effectiveness of marketing in this area. When conducting market research should be allocated to the following sections [1]: Section 1.

Meat eater on a note

Meat eater on a note

Why do people eat meat? After all, our diet is very rich and diverse - the bread and bakery products, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, fats, dairy products, fish and seafood, mushrooms and berries, pastries and much, much more. Nevertheless, meat and meat products in the diet is always one of the first places. Than can be explained? Maybe, national traditions, prevailing habits? Or physiological needs of the organism? Probably, one can not be separated from each other. Modern ideas about the quantitative and qualitative human needs for nutrients are reflected in the concept of a balanced diet. According to her during the normal life of people in need both in the required amount of energy, and in certain complexes of nutrients: proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates and fats, fatty acids, mineral salts, trace elements, vitamins, and many of them are indispensable, ie . not produced by the body. Hence, on the one hand, the food should be the "fuel", offsetting our energy costs of physical and mental work, on the other - provide us with nutrients necessary for biological growth of the organism. Meat is just one of these products. The uniqueness of meat in his high energy, balanced amino acid composition of proteins, the presence of bioactive substances and high digestibility. And from the consumer point of view, this raw material from which you can make thousands of different dishes that satisfy the demands of any gourmet. Composition and properties of the meat depends on the breed and sex of slaughtered animals (eg meat cows compared to bull meat less moisture, but more fat), the method of its contents, nutritional, dietary nutrition, as well as on the conditions of slaughter and refrigeration process. The meat of young animals differs less intense flavor and is lighter than in adult animals, not so tough and fatty. The difference in the anatomical parts of carcasses plan determines their tissue and chemical composition, and hence the nutritional value and technological purposes. The least valuable part of the limbs and neck because of the high content of connective tissue. Higher is the hip and lumbar part. Heterogeneity of composition and structure of meat affect its energy value. Thus, the caloric content of 1 kg may be equivalent to the 1000 - 3500 calories and depends on the energy value of meat products included in food substances. During the combustion of 1 gram of protein in the human body providing 4 kilocalories of energy, 9 - 3.75 fat and carbohydrates. However, the nutrients not only compensate for the energy expended by the body, but also serve as building blocks to create new and replace old or damaged elements of cells and tissues. Therefore, their number should correspond to a certain level. Foremost among nutrients are proteins. They constitute the basis of the structural elements of cells and tissues. An adult needs to receive the food on the average 1 - 1.2 grams of protein per 1 kg body weight. And needs protein definite composition. Proteins contained in various foods, unequal. 8 of 20 amino acids are essential, in contrast to others, they are not synthesized in the body, the person receives them only with food. Therefore, 30% of our daily diet should be proteins with essential amino acids, which are contained mainly in meat, fish, milk, eggs. Amino-acid composition of meat proteins correspond more to the structure of the human body, and thus more to meet the needs of the organism. In addition to full-fledged muscle proteins (actin, myosin, actomyosin, sarcoplasmic proteins) in the composition of meat consists of defective connective tissue proteins such as collagen. In accordance with the theory of adequate nutrition for a positive effect on metabolic processes in the human body have a ballast food substances, which combine a group of organic compounds from plant, animal or synthetic origin, similar to the physiological effects on the digestive system. Of the dietary fibers are the most common dietary fibers originating in the human diet are by-products of cereals, various herbs, vegetables, fruits and berries. Another type of ballast substances - not recyclable by the human body elements of the connective tissue of animals. Resistant to proteolytic enzymes, collagen does in the digestive process similar to dietary fibers physiological functions. The same properties are not hydrolyzed in the gut mucopolysaccharides, which are contained in the intercellular substance of connective tissue, lung, blood of animals. Malousvaivaemye connective tissue proteins, as well as dietary fiber, ensuring the formation of gel structures. These proteins are among the major components that make up the environment in which live beneficial intestinal bacteria. Collagen, as well as polysaccharides, has cation-exchange properties and displays the body of toxic compounds. Dietary fiber link and excreted cholesterol and bile acids, which helps prevent atherosclerosis, actively remove excess sodium, normalizing blood pressure. Some scientists have noted that increasing dietary fiber because of their high adsorption properties may lead to some reduction in intestinal absorption of individual nutrients such as iron. However, studies have shown that the use of dietary fiber in the local produce is these negative properties are manifested to a lesser extent. The second predominant component of the meat is fat. In accordance with the formula for a balanced diet that takes into account energy, and biological aspects of daily intake of fat an adult should be 80 - 100 g (including 20 - 25 g vegetable). The biological role of animal fats is unique: this energy source does not contain synthesized in the human chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, whose role in the physiology is very high. Lack of acids such as linoleic and arachidonic, leads to the development of atherosclerosis, hampers the normal growth of children affects the health of adults. Nutritional value of fat depends on its type and composition, for animal fats in their physiological characteristics were uneven. In pork fat polyunsaturated fatty acids than in beef and mutton. Carbohydrates in the meat a little - about 1%, but they are involved in enzymatic processes in the meat after slaughter animals influence the formation of taste, flavor and tenderness of the meat. In the meat is also rich in vitamins (especially B group), mineral and extractive substances, the latter contribute to the department of digestive juices, and therefore digestion. Again and again one can point out that the nutritive value of meat is determined primarily by the fact that it has full support of animal protein and fat. That's why we eat meat, which is why it is one of the most important places in our diet. We are convinced you that the meat is needed? Great! Now we want to sow doubt in all myasolyubyaschih souls. We draw your attention to the alarming statistics. All-Union Congress of Physicians in 1988 was made an official announcement that a very large percentage of the meat-processing plants do not meet sanitary requirements - commercially available culled sick animals, besides all the animals are fed and treated with hormones and antibiotics. And on the incident, the situation is not much has changed for the better. In the journal "Food", № 17 1999 reads: "According to the chairman State Standard of Ukraine Tatyana Kiseleva, in our country, the trend growth of farms, which for the intensification of livestock production, increasing meat production using various bioactive substances, including antibiotics. Getting into the meat of domestic animals, these substances adversely affect both the technological processes of production and human health, causing allergies, dysbiosis, education antibiotikostoykih pathogens. Gosstandard employees of territorial bodies everywhere are faced with the fact that many suppliers are shying away from the certification of products imported from abroad. Therefore, meat and canned-vegetable produced in Poland, the Netherlands and Hungary are often implemented without certification of conformity with unsatisfactory organoleptic and physical-chemical indicators, low mass. However, the situation with some local producers of meat products does not look better. So , the first eight months of this year carried 240 inspections at enterprises that produce primary processing of animals and producing meat products (canned meats, semi). Of the 171 enterprises (71,2%) Violations of the requirements of regulatory documents. value of the defective product was 323.7 thousand hryvnia (47,1%). In the production of sausages Violations of the 107 enterprises. are marked unsatisfactory zhilovki meat, violation of the thermal processing of sausages. The 73 enterprises produce did not meet standards due to excessive mass fraction of common salt, sodium nitrite, starch. In some cases, was not added garlic, and meat was introduced in place of starch, not provided for the recipe. in 111 enterprises manufacturing equipment was not up to par, and the products were found void, as the mass fraction of sodium nitrite was overstated. was not observed temperature mode of maturation. At the 29 enterprises producing meat products contaminated with soot and grease, with a viscous non-standard loaves, damaged shell, rolls and stuffing it sticking. Listen to good advice: an urgent need for meat - try to buy a guaranteed high quality meat in the market from private owners or bona fide farm. Of course, the best coming centenarians of the Caucasus: cut of lamb that has just walked on the sunny meadow, and then eaten - alive vysokopolezny product. And this is done every day, and on special occasions. Perhaps this is related to the meat - the right thing, for an unbalanced diet with a predominance in the diet of meat is really fraught with trouble for our body. Numerous studies conducted both in Ukraine and in Europe, America, Asia, showed that substantial consumption of animal food may contribute to atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease. Excess meat, as mentioned above, increases the burden on the liver, kidneys, annoying, creates prerequisites for the development of obesity. The usual situation: Tight eating, a man goes not to hunt lions, mammoths, and yes even on the ski trip, and the institution, not on foot - in transport, or comfortably ensconced in an armchair, watching TV. Where have to go the extra calories? And accumulates excess fat, increased body weight. Source: Women's Healthcare

Source: the Internet edition "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site www.medinfo.ru