Scientifically proved that the porridge from cereals - a good means of purifying the body of toxins. Indeed, any grits - is primarily a fiber with lots of different organic acids. These are what attract a magnet, heavy metals, pesticides and other "rubbish". To use oatmeal cleanse the body, preferably upotpeblyat kpupu without milk, butter, salt and sahapa. Each kpupa takes the form of determination of residues from organism. Gpechnevaya kpupa acts on kpov, so it must be upotpeblyat DURING anemia. Millet is beneficial to those who are inclined to ozhipeniyu: it displays zhip, kho.posho acts DURING infringements kpovyanogo pressure. However, millet hard pepevapivaetsya stomach with low and zero acidity. Kukupuza contains the many trace elements and a large number kpemniya, eccentricity kho.posho acts on the teeth. Kukupuza nutrient-poor, it displays zhip. Otvap kukupuznyh pylets ppomyvaet kidney, as long upotpeblenii DURING DIFFERENT ppoishozhdeniya pastvopyaet stones. Wheat makes a lot of energy. Handfuls of wheat enough for poddepzhaniya forces during the whole day. Can it podzhapit, pazmelchit and eat for 20 minutes before meals. Very useful ppoposshaya wheat koto.puyu to ground and zavapit boiling water. Munk, koto.paya is pepepabotki of products of wheat, displays zhip and mucus. Is kho.posho spedstvom treatment of intestinal diseases. Rye benefit patients after opepatsii. Gives very quickly to a feeling of fullness. 1 tbsp. pzhanoy spoon flour can pazvesti milk or water, to make and eat zatipku Pe.ped meal, you can add honey. Oats are good for the liver, gall puzypya, stomach and intestine dvenadtsatipepstnoy, ie blagoppiyatno acts on the whole pischevapitelny tpakt, and besides - to the lungs. Therefore, oats Particularly suitable well as at a respiratory diseases vephnih. Peplovka and barley kpupa nopmalizuyut metabolism. Their kho.posho ppimenyat DURING allepgii. Figure displays all zhipovye slag and is very healing for the lower intestines. It is used VARIATIONS colitis and ulcers. Otvap oat and barley straw displays salt (1 cup straw to fill in 4 cups boiling water, boil for 20 minutes to wrap up at night). Drink a glass a day. This otvap kho.posho for the treatment of pancreatic DURING tubepkuleze. Utpom person must enepgiya so that it can give cereal porridge. Useful porridge svapennaya of 3-4 kpup. Kho.posho combination turns DURING upotpeblenii millet, pisa, semolina and gepkulesa.
Dietology deals with rules of healthy diet, recommending the proportion and quantity of different nutrients.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Pleskachevsky. September 17, 2004 ...
Pleskachevsky. September 17, 2004 / / Reference Legal safeguards system. 13. Arrow, K. Uncertainly and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care. / / American Economic Review. - 1963. - Vol.53. - Pp.941-973. 14. Black, J. Constitutionalising Self-Regulation / / Modern Law Review. - 1996. - Vol.59. - Pp.24-55. 15. Cane, P. Self-Regulation and Judicial Review / / Civil Justice Quarterly / - 1987. - Vol.6. - Pp.324-247. 16. Darvall, L. Self-Regulation of Advertising and the Consumer Interest. / / Australian Business Law Review. - 1980. - Vol. 8. - № 5. - Pp.309-320. 17. McChesney F. Rent Extraction and Rent Creation in the Economic Theory of Regulation / / Journal of Legal Studies. - 1987. - Vol.16. - Pp. 101-118. 18. Rose-Ackerman, S. Deregulation and Regulation: Rhetoric and Reality. / / Journal of Law and Politics. - 1990. - Vol.6. - Pp.287-309.
Sale of medical services
For Sale Elite expensive medical services causes difficulties for many participants in this process. Administrators to inform on the price: - fear scare the patient, and that focus his attention on the bottom of the range of prices - information to minimize the cost of using the magic phrase: "At the consultation the doctor will orient you on the cost of treatment" - overcoming anxiety, focus attention on the nature of the problem, not the price of treating patients, in turn, also have difficulty at this stage of interaction with clinic: - hesitate to clarify what is included, whether there were loans - a priori claim that the treatment is "expensive", hoping to protect themselves against unreasonable nakrutok - willingly accept only the lower limit of price range, "forgetting" about the possible increase - consciously choose manipulative strategy of negotiations, hoping to get discounts. "In applying the dentist woman for 45 years. An appointment by phone, call the highway, refined the cost and the ability to immediately begin the procedure. The patient came to the clinic with a suitcase in the early morning. At a consultation with a doctor behaves briskly and willingly makes a complaint, waiting for immediate help. The doctor described in detail the recommended treatment plan and moved on to discuss the cost, calling the amount for 2000 is higher than expected patient. The lady immediately withdrew, became lethargic, not talkative. After a pause, the patient says goodbye to the doctor: "I sign up later, perhaps, I should think," This example - is common. The patient is oriented to the bottom of the price range, the doctor makes the cost higher, while forgetting - to argue their treatment plan, emphasizing the benefits the patient - Explain what is included in the cost of treatment - to tell about the conditions of payment (in stages, the possibility of installments) - Work out the latent opposition patient - answer any concerns and questions. - Mention about the appropriateness and timeliness of treatment. It is possible that after such an open dialogue, the patient would begin proceedings immediately.
Technique of exposure to nerve points and finishing them with metal piercing needles, came to us from ancient China. It is not difficult to understand that it is nothing like the use of a certain kind of torture for medicinal purposes. One of the components of a great culture of the ancient society of China has the greatest diversity in the application of physical methods to influence the human body. The essence of acupuncture in the change of electric potential at the injection site, as well as changing the permeability of the nerve fibers by a weak electric currents. The general idea is to apply this method to any impact on the human body - is the management of internal processes through the reduction coming in an organ or body signals from the brain. What would the impact we have not decided to hold a particular nerve bundle, it will always have the following disadvantages. Firstly, the effect is not intended, in other words, ignorance of the subject disease, compensate by trying to "spear" in the truest sense of the word. Secondly, the metal from which it is possible to produce a needle, has a certain electric conductivity, therefore, needles made of different metals will always have discrete values ??of impact. Thirdly, the effects on the nervous system is always limited by time, and always it is an attempt to combat a consequence of "disease" rather than the cause. In other words, an ancient technique, not fundamentally different from methods of "treatment" offered by modern medicine. Regarding the use of acupuncture as a method of regulating the number of fat cells, then we can say one thing - the temporary result. Some time after the completion of the cycle your weight will return to the previous figure. Less of this technique, as indeed, any - increase in insulin levels in the blood for a period of cessation of the use of a particular method of weight reduction, to increase the number of fat cells in proportion to this at this time the level of insulin in the blood. Which is confirmed by statistics, 95% use one or the other method "of modern medicine" returned to its previous weight within 6 months. Ja! From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004.
Source: HudeeMtut site
Uncertainty about the future of the territorial ...
Uncertainty about the future of the territorial structure of the country, the lack of a clear strategic plan for national health development, with a horizon of 10-15 years, fluctuating with the party line "sectoral legislation in conjunction with the existing conflicts of law are not conducive to the orderly development and functioning of the institutions of professional medical community moreover, give rise to obstacles methodological and methodical nature of the process, encourage social and professional apathy health workers, lack of confidence in the prospects of civilized forms of execution of their profession. However, the efforts of leaders of national health care for most medical specialties as part of the Russian Medical Society is encouraging the inevitability of the construction in our country, adequate medical professional community in the same way as the experience of Western democracies suggests the inevitability of creating in Russia a model of public health. A striking confirmation of this is the establishment and active operation of such all-Russia public organizations such as the "Russian Society of Emergency Care", "Russian Association transfusiologists", "Russian Society of Surgeons, the Association of Nurses of Russia and others. Obviously, this is also a matter of time. References: 1. Law of the Russian Federation on February 11, 1993 N 4462-I «Fundamentals of Russian Federation legislation on notaries' 2. Law of the Russian Federation on July 22, 1993 N 5487-1 «Fundamentals of Russian Federation legislation on health care" 3. The Federal Law of 31 May 2002 N 63-F3 "On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation", 4. The Federal Law of 26 October 2002 N 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy), 5. The main directions of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the long term. Program. 2001. / / Http:// rubr6/rubr-63.asp 6. The concept of administrative reform in the Russian Federation in 2006 - 2008, respectively. / / Order of the Government of the Russian Federation on October 25, 2005 № 1789-p. 7. Letter Roszdravnadzor from 02.11.2005 № 01I-626/05 "A system of voluntary certification process of laboratory research in health care; 8. Letter Roszdravnadzor from 02.11.2005 № 01I-627/05 "A system of voluntary certification processes perform pathologic studies; 9. Bagnenko SF, Stozharau VV, Kirillov AV, Fedotov, VA Administrative Reform and Health Care / / Ambulance .- 2004 .- № 4. - P.12-16. 10. A. Institutional features of everyday self-regulation of business. "Vopr. - 2003. - № 11. - P.64-70. 11. Degtyarev, A., R. Malikov Corrupt basis of administrative barriers, "Vopr. - 2003. - № 11. - P.56-60. 12. Pleskachevsky VS Legal basis for self-regulation in Russia. / Internet interview with the chairman of the Committee on Property of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, VS
In accordance with current legislation ...
In accordance with current legislation, in particular - Article 54 of The Principles of law ... "[2], professional associations can really only manage one of the previously mentioned elements of the profession - certification of its members. All attempts gosregulyatora (MOH), the de jure "privatize" and this feature using departmental regulations were not successful (Order Minzdravmedproma Russian Federation from 19.12.1994, N 286 "On Approval of the order of admission to the implementation of professional (medical and pharmaceutical) Activity and Order Minzdravmedproma RF from 17.11.1995, N 318 "On the Situation of the qualifying examination for a certificate of specialist" repealed in 2000), but de facto, as we all know, certification is not part of the activities of professional medical associations. In terms of legislative "throwing" and arising from these kinds of conflicts of law would be a natural question: is it possible to build in Russia a model of public health and the role and tasks of the professional medical community in this process? The historical experience of developed countries shows that the model of public health - is an obligatory attribute of most civilized nations. Undertaken by the political leadership of Russia steps to democratize the economic and social development, combating corruption and bribery in government regulators [6], serious intentions to participate in international economic projects (such as the World Trade Organization) allow authors to speak about the inevitability of reform of domestic medicine towards a model of public health. Obviously, this is a matter of time. However, it should be remembered that the formation of the institute self-regulation, and in fact - the reallocation of powers and responsibilities between state and private regulators, will be accompanied by increased requirements for non-state entities regulator - the professional community. And it is quite logical. Society in the face gosregulyatora interesting to know the answers, at least two questions: in whose "hands" to redistribute power and how non-state regulator will be responsible for the execution of these powers to the society and the end user, in particular - to the patient? In other words, that today is a professional medical community of Russia, how it is prepared and structurally and functionally executed by the occupational health worker? Answers to these questions, which are essentially part of our study is not possible to comprehensively addressed in the framework of this article. We can only say with certainty that today's problems of forming a civilized professional medical community is the essence mirroring the problems of our society as a whole.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Under conditions of prolonged total ...
In the same long-term total state control of the Russian mentality and the transition to effective self-regulation, especially in the social sphere, is only possible through the adoption of federal law: either a general or special for a specific industry [12]. Confirmation of this is the successful experience of the introduction of delegated self-regulation in Russia through the adoption of special laws in such areas as advocacy, notary, appraisal activities, bankruptcy, etc. [1, 3, 4]. Today it is no surprise that in Russia the profession (notaries) is not run by the ministry, not the principal attorneys (chief notary) of the country and / or subject of the federation and formed the Bar (Notarial Chamber), ie non-state regulators. Without going further into a discussion about the importance, nature and the desirability of a law on self-regulatory organizations, it is only necessary to note that: 1) under conditions of prolonged total state regulation of the formation of the "top" (ie, by passing a law) model of public health and self-regulation of professional medical practice - in particular, should be regarded as "good prognosis" a sign of maturity of the state in matters of social responsibility for the effective reproduction of public goods (in particular - of health services), and 2) transfer of responsibility for the actual management of occupational health activities in the hands of professional associations should be consider, first of all, not as their benefit, and as the emergence of a real personal responsibility of each member of these professional associations to the patient and society as a whole for the final results of its activities. The current state of progress of administrative reform in the health sector is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and inconsistency. Instead of systematic work on the formation of a Russian model public health community offered programs, which are nothing more than an attempt to "resuscitate" izzhivshuyu and discredited worldwide administrative and public sector management model. Moreover, there is a "prognostically unfavorable" signs of scaling back the reforms, including - and in health. With 01.01.2206g. entered into force amendments to the "Fundamentals of the Legislation to protect the health of citizens" [2], according to which standards of care may be the federal and regional, and approved by the governing bodies of executive power, ie, gosregulyatorom appropriate level. In 2005 Roszdravnadzor taken steps to "regulate" the system of voluntary certification of compliance (to 01.07.2003g. - Accreditation) through a non-profit organizations [7,8]. Presence in the documents of the phrase "... the results of certification ... will be taken into account the territorial authorities Roszdravnadzor in conducting quality control ... and re-licensing" is nothing more than as a signal to market participants of medical services to return to the old "rules of the game": voluntary de jure "system of voluntary certification of compliance" of health organizations will gradually become a mandatory procedure for the de-facto in the licensing process.
Low-fat foods are not always contribute to weight loss
Experts American Heart Association say that the appearance in the last ten years on the market for more than 5000 species of fat-free or with reduced-fat products has led to a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States. Following the advice of professionals, people reduce fat intake, but continue to gain weight. Studies show that over the past 20 years, the number of obesity in the United States has doubled and the number of diabetic patients of the second type (often associated with being overweight) over the 90-ies, increased by 1 / 3. Now the second type diabetes is diagnosed even in children 10 years of age, although earlier it was believed that they are sick at age 40 and older. One explanation for the paradoxical situation can be considered the current belief that one can eat an unlimited amount of fat-free cookies, yogurt or muffins. It does not take into account that a lack of fat in these products offset high sugar content, giving a high level of calories. Dr. Judith Wylie-Rosett of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx (NY) in an interview with Reuters Health said that people often forget about the limits for other nutrients in the product that is sold as a low-fat. She recommends paying attention to the number of calories per serving of the product and the whole package, marked on the label. In compiling the daily diet should take into account the advice of experts, under which about 60% of caloric needs should be met from carbohydrates contained in cereals, fruits and vegetables. Another 30% provided by fat, with only 10% of them should be of animal origin (meat and fatty dairy products). About 15% of daily kalorazha should make proteins. Circulation; 10.1161/01 (2002). Medicus Amicus, 2002, # 5
Source: Journal of Medicus Amicus № 5 2002 on a site
Vegetable tango
Recommendations for the first two conditions are developed by nutritionists, but the third is reduced only to what food should be fresh. But it turns out, can be poisoned and fresh cucumbers and melons. When buying vegetables, you should assume that they may contain nitrates. Nitrates - substances that plants absorb from the soil and water, is processed into proteins and thereby provide their livelihoods. But then why are they harmful? The problem is that due to excessive and unwise use of nitrogenous fertilizers in intensive agricultural practices plants get too many nitrates, do not process them all and, therefore, accumulate in itself. Gradual accumulation in the body of these toxic substances can cause health damage, so be aware that fruits and vegetables without nitrate does not happen. By themselves, nitrates are not harmful to humans. The danger arises from the fact that some bacteria in the mouth or digestive system, process them into nitrites, which represent a real threat to health. When their connection to hemoglobin (blood protein that carries oxygen to tissues) does the breath at the cellular level, ie vital activity. Limiting the dose of nitrate - about 400 mg. Nitrites bind hemoglobin, preventing oxygen saturation, which can lead to disease metagemoglobinemiey with possible severe consequences (especially in infants and young children). In adults, the same people are really serious complications, with symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, tachycardia, numbness in various parts of the body, blurred vision, etc., can be caused by a very large doses of nitrite. Greatest risk are pregnant women, newborns and small children, they have this disease can give a fatal outcome. The fact that children under the age of three months is still 70% fetal hemoglobin, which is much more susceptible to nitrate and, therefore, becoming a metagemoglobin. In addition, the newborn digestive system has a neutral environment in which the conversion of nitrate to nitrite is faster. Therefore, never cook for young children water mashed unknown origin and type of vegetables spinach, which is often a high concentration of nitrates. Chemical fertilizers change the composition of food products: nitrogen - reduce the biological value of proteins, reduces the amount of trace elements, reduce the amount of dry matter (as retain water), reduce the ability to store, potassium - reduce the amount of trace elements, phosphate - reduce vitamin content.
Increasing interest in the model of social ...
Increasing interest in the model of public health in Russia in recent years has been associated primarily with the attempt of the country's administrative reform, whose main goal (on a plan of its "architects") - "correction forms of state intervention in the economy , the rejection of excessive bureaucratic regulation and increase the effectiveness of state authority in those areas where its involvement is absolutely necessary "(5). The main focus of the total elimination of state intervention in the program, the development of self-regulation of economic activity. If adopted in 2001 a package of laws so called "first wave" of bureaucratization ("On state registration of legal persons", "On licensing of certain activities", "On protection of legal persons and individual entrepreneurs in carrying out state control (supervision)") has not made significant innovations in the functioning of the health care industry, then the adoption of laws "second wave" of administrative reform - the actual stage of deregulation of the economy - would provide a legal framework of the transition from administrative-state model to public health in Russia. Of the two most important laws of this stage was passed, only one - the federal law "On technical regulation ", the second - a draft federal law" On self-regulatory organizations "- the third year is not considered by the State Duma (the first reading of the bill was adopted 14.10.2003).. FZ" On technical regulation "of July 1, 2003 brought out from under direct government regulation of the main element of performance professions - professional standards, established the right of professional associations to develop standards and voluntary organizations of their performance, instead of mandatory accreditation of business entities approved a system of voluntary certification of compliance, etc., that is, in fact, define the functions passed to a professional community (non-state regulators), laid the foundation for the formation of delegated self-regulation of professional activities in various fields, including - and in health [9]. Adoption of the Federal Law "On the self-regulatory organizations" would legislate in the Russian Federation, a public health model, in which, as mentioned above, the professional medical community manages the professional activities of its members and the various institutional structures gosregulyatora (Health Ministry, the Federal Service for Supervision of Public Health, etc.) play only a supervisory, control and approval functions. Often, opponents of the introduction of delegated self-regulation in Russia by adopting a special law refer to the fact that none of the western countries do not have similar laws. Indeed, Western self-regulation, including healthcare, was voluntary, but remember that it was formed evolutionarily, and are expressed as experts on the theory regulation, from scratch ».
Healthy food makes people happy
As you know, healthy food - one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle, which is essential to avoid diseases. But it turns out, healthy eating helps a person to not only stay physically healthy, but to be happy and cheerful. As shown by studies conducted by American scientists from the National Institutes of Health, some substances that are part of healthy human foods have a marked stimulating effect. In particular, it was shown in the example of so-called omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids contained in fish dishes and are considered among the most "powerful" natural antioxidants and anti-atherosclerotic funds. Scientists have discovered that their content in human blood (that is, income from food) depends on the likelihood of his depression and other mental disorders, accompanied by negative emotions. And, interestingly, the effect of these substances was manifested over the years - so that people who received insufficient unsaturated fatty acids in childhood, even in old age characterized by the increased susceptibility to depression. In general, eat well - and always stay healthy and happy! Source of information: KM.RU: Health
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Historically, the emergence of ...
Historically, the emergence in the economic activity of different forms of regulation (state regulation, self-regulation, co-regulation, market regulation) due to economic expediency and the desire of society to improve the efficiency of public goods [15, 16.18]. Nature of public goods produced largely determines the specific regulation of their production and consumption [10]. Medical services are classified as experienced and / or trust benefits, ie, exactly the types of goods that involve self-regulation of their respective companies. In other words, Western society considers the public health model, in which self-regulation of professional medical practice physicians (nurses) is required and essential element, as the most effective and economically viable options for the production of medical services. Society benefit from this model including on such grounds as reducing maintenance costs gosregulyatora that Russia is actually very relevant: in terms of the proportion of direct and indirect costs for the actors and gosregulyatora (officials) in the consolidated budget of Russia is the country's health unquestionable "leader" among European countries. Also today, self-regulation as an institutional mechanism for regulating the production of public goods in a given area is usually regarded as the most effective "medicine" in the fight against the evils of another institutional mechanism - regulation is seen as corruption and bribery [11, 17]. Concluding the brief description of some kind of homogenized Western model of public health, it must be said that the structure of public health of a particular State is always a mirror image of the structure of the social structure of the state. The main element of the model of public health is a professional medical community, structured horizontally (medical specialties) and vertical (territorial and national levels), which regulates the professional activities of its members on the principle of self-regulation. Reasonable balance between public and non-regulators in the health sector provides the optimal allocation of resources in the industry, a reasonable public access to and quality of care, the high social and legal protection, as the doctors (nurses) and patients. The legitimacy of professional medical associations, as well as the very model of public health in Western countries is not fixed by any regulations of direct action. Model of public health as an international industry project for voluntary self-regulation, formed an evolutionary-based business practice and common sense. The legitimacy of professional medical societies in this model is determined by long-term historical experience of their operation, structuring and membership in associations (de jure - voluntary, but de facto - mandatory).
Tea with fruit, berries, flowers and herbs
Fashion-based drinks tea with the addition of fruit, berry, floral and herbal taste and smell - a new life habitual tea or bare chemistry? Together with Gennady Shatrova, Ph.D., head of the laboratory and hygienic studies of food additives Institute of Nutrition, we drank 4 cups of tea and have learned many interesting things about this drink. On sale is a regular tea with the taste and aroma of various fruits, berries or herbs and pure fruit and herbal drinks. Price of course depends on the quality flavoring additive used by the manufacturer. Special benefit from the addition of a tea factory aromatic extracts do not. Recommendations for use of such drinks are exactly the same as for a black or green tea, on the basis of which they are made. It is quite another when it comes to fees and blends of tea with berries, fruit or herbal teas or packaged with natural additives. For these drinks are special rules, it is not the usual drink, but almost a medicine (eg, tea with lime, chamomile, or hunters), and drink it in large numbers without much need not be. Additives in the tea helps the weakened body to cope with frequent colds. Autumn and winter, when a man is not enough vitamins and minerals to maintain the immune system, this lack of make up all sorts of herbs and dried berries. For an average strip of Russia is raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants, cranberries, cherries, linden, rose hips, rowan ... They have a bracing effect. Every 2-3 days alternate teas with different additives: it helps you to avoid vitamin deficiency. Detail about this in the printed journal. Asya ZLAKAZOVA Source: magazine "Health" № November 2004 on the site
This creates a legal framework ...
This creates a legal mechanism under which legal personality as applied to medical practice (diagnostic and treatment process) has only a physician (a nurse), and not a medical organization, as the only individual at the same time apply the basic elements of the concept of "personality": capacity, efficiency and deliktosposobnost. Model of public health requires unusual options for the Russian reality of the employment relationship between the owner of medical organizations (whether government or private person) and medical staff. The role of representative of the owner in the hospital is primarily to monitor the effective operation of the property owner of the workforce (union) of health workers in carrying out medical activities, and the signing of a collective agreement with the union of the medical organization. That union specific medical organization supports economic (economic) subject to the legal relationship with both the owner of hospitals and with insurance companies, suppliers of medicines, medical equipment, etc. (Signs contract exposes and / or pays the bills, keeps records of working time, wages paid, etc.). Responsibility for quality health care at public health model rests primarily on the media professions - physician (a nurse), and - on the structure governing their professional activities - professional association of medical specialties. High level of quality performance by a doctor (a nurse), their profession depends on many factors, chief among them - well-designed performance standards for all medical specialties and control over their performance by professional medical associations, a rigorous system of continuous postgraduate education followed by the certification procedure, the system of corporate ethics and professional liability insurance (the amount of annual insurance for the benefit of third parties for some specialties more than $ 1 million). The involvement of state regulators in a system of measures to improve the quality of care is, as a rule, or formal (the license is issued only if the certificate / diploma), or mediated, for example, through financing funds, professional liability insurers of physicians, investment promising scientific research and t . etc. High degree of protection for patient and physician conflict situations is achieved not so much the work of the judiciary, how many - the active work of various public (non-judicial) institutions with broad powers by virtue of their legitimacy. From the viewpoint of the scientific theory of regulation the Western model of public health in the execution of professional medical practice (ie, that do not governed gosregulyatorom) can be regarded as an industry self-regulation option [13,14].
Monday, 28 March 2011
An important feature of development ...
An important feature of development MedIT as is its focus on standards in telecommunications, software and hardware. This leads to the interchangeability of equipment and significantly reduce its cost, to be closer to the price of consumer electronics. The article was published in the magazine's doctor
The model of public health in Russia
SF Bagnenko - Director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Emergency Care im.I.I.Dzhanelidze, corresponding member of RAMS. St. Petersburg. LA Mikhailov - Secretary General of the Russian Medical Society. Moscow; VA Fedotov - Executive Secretary of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the Russian Medical Society. St. Petersburg. The term "public health" ("Model Public Health") - a relatively new phenomenon for Russia, while health workers in most developed countries do not represent the other terms of the execution of their profession. The Western model of public health in a simplified form is presented as a variant of social contract between government (state regulators: ministries, departments, etc.) and professional medical community (non-governmental regulator: associations, chambers of commerce, guilds, etc.) on the division of powers (rights, duties and responsibilities) on the key issues of medical support of the population [13]. Despite the fact that the mechanisms and levels of separation of powers, the order of interaction, institutional forms of public and private regulators in the health sector in different countries have their own historical and national features, all of them are united by a common approach to the execution of doctors and nurses to their profession: professional medical activities (at least on such aspects as its standards, higher and postgraduate continuing education, certification and / or certification, corporate ethics, professional liability insurance) is regulated by professional associations, medical professionals, enterprise-wide (cross-cutting) issues at the level of territorial units (land, region, province, state) are governed by territorial medical associations (eg, Florida Medical Association, Inc.), and at the State level - national medical associations (eg, Bundesarztekammer). When the design industry regulation state controller performs representational, oversight and control and approval functions, and, as a rule, not in isolation but in interaction and / or direct participation of the various structures (committees, commissions) of professional medical associations. Health care worker (doctor, nurse) when receiving the certificate (certificate) issued by professional medical associations, acquire the right to self-fulfillment chosen profession, and the state (gosregulyator) shall ensure the implementation of this law by issuing him a license.
Vegetarian lifestyle: to be or not to be?
Vegetarianism has long existed, even in the ancient and oriental cultures. Do not consume meat, such as Pythagoras and the ancient Egyptian priests to participate in certain mystical ceremonies. Europeans discovered vegetarianism in the forties of the XIX century. Historically, certain that in 1847 Britain appeared first vegetarian society. We deal with vegetarianism situation is very ambiguous. The point here is most likely that vegetarianism is almost never comes alone. Usually, he becomes as a result of various philosophical, religious or mystical beliefs. In our country, vegetarianism greatly sinned followers of Leo Tolstoy, a number of different religious sects (eg, beloriztsy, Doukhobors, and others). Today, vegetarianism - an indispensable attribute of the followers of yoga and a number of environmental movements and societies. In the west, vegetarianism is becoming increasingly common nature of improving techniques, devoid of any ideological burden. However, in such an adapted form of vegetarianism is a considerable number of issues and disputes. "I did not eat" Passionate Vegetarian, cause such arguments: Vitamin and mineral main advantage of the vegetarian diet - health. It is hard to argue with the fact that the organisms are vegetarians get a large number of minerals, beta-carotene, magnesium, and vitamins C and P. But the cholesterol in the fruit and vegetable diet, to take just nowhere. In fact, this means that vegetarians are much less threatened by atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Energetic modern man, leading a mostly sedentary lifestyle, completely lack the energy they get by eating vegetables. And anyway, according to the vegetarians, the residents of developed countries eat far more than they need actually. With this you can not argue: it is known that the more modest (within reason) the daily portions of food, the greater the duration of human life. However, subject to balance supply, when the body gets the necessary dose of minerals and vitamins. Ethical vegetarians believe that if meat eater to show what happens in slaughterhouses, many of them would refuse meat from disgust. Very often, based on economic considerations, animals are sacrificed in a totally hostile environment. Physiological This argument is perhaps the most surprising and controversial. Physiological, anatomical and chemical features of the structure of a person, allow him to refer, rather, to an animal herbivores than to carnivores. Weak concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and the lack of claws suggest that the nature of man cheated fitness for eating and digestion of meat. The length of the intestines of carnivores are only 3 times the length of their body. At the same herbivores and humans - up to 6 times or more. Consequently, the body of carnivorous meat food derive much faster, without having to allocate the toxins that impede the functioning of kidneys. "They hate animals and plants" Opponents of vegetarianism, too, do not allow yourself to hurt. All the taunts, which relate to the ethical side, we now leave aside and consider only issues related to the well-being and health. First of all doctors are pushing the fact that vegetarian food lacks some substance. And if you compensate for the deficiency of the protein is still possible, including in your diet daily nuts and pulses, grains, then the lack of amino acids is much more difficult and this can only accept. Due to the complete rejection of milk and dairy products, vegetarian body is lacking in vitamin B2. In addition, the health of older vegetarians can begin to affect the lack of iodine. It should also be sure to make allowances for climate. Not for nothing vegetarianism originated in the southern warm climate (in the same place and many diseases). However, the farther north one lives, the less in his diet contains fruits and vegetables. Do not make the inhabitants of the tundra vegetarian, as here Say what you like. However, the greatest number of objections is that the vegetarian lifestyle is designed for a certain average healthy person. A person can easily become an athlete, a pregnant woman, child or elderly individual with a whole bunch of diseases. That's why then, if you so desperately wanted to join the ranks of vegetarians - first you should consult with a dietitian. At least the doctor to determine exactly the individual characteristics of your body and tells you about the need to comply with some culinary - food priorities.
Walkers Statistics show ...
Skorokhodov Statistics show that a significant portion of inpatient (routine screening tool, not heavy forms of acute illnesses and exacerbations of chronic diseases, rates of planned therapy, etc.) do not really need an entire spectrum of therapeutic and diagnostic capabilities of the hospital. As a result of rising costs medical care, there is congestion in hospitals, and patients are forced to change the habitual way of life without sufficient justification. In connection with this state is actively attempting to expand the use of the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation on an outpatient basis - especially in the home - the conditions. urgency is also a treatment contingent hospices, houses disabled and elderly, etc. This trend is observed in all countries regardless of level of health development, although local conditions, of course, make its own characteristics. For effective home treatment is first necessary to ensure monitoring of patients at , which is achieved in the hospital. The solution to this problem may be ambulatory monitoring in the home. It can be organized in three forms. Organization of central monitoring stations and monitor stations at home, ie, creating a sort of "distributed" hospitals for acute and chronic patients. If in the course of surveillance there is a need to provide emergency assistance, the central station operator can, depending on the situation to send the patient a special patronage brigade SMP machine or transfer the call to a general practitioner. Televizity. Monitoring Station, installed in a patient, allows doctor an objective assessment of the patient and adjust the destination without an actual visit. Outpatient diagnostics. Under this scenario provides for the temporary installation of a monitor station at patients' homes to collect diagnostic data, which are then analyzed, in off-line. described scenarios can be flexibly combined to better compliance with specific conditions and tasks. Advantages of medical care at home using a monitor equipment are obvious: the treatment and examination at home eliminates hospitalization costs associated with - "hotel services" in a hospital, transportation costs, etc.; best secondary prevention reduces the frequency of hospitalization, chronic patients and improves their quality of life, reduced length of stay in hospital due to an earlier transfer to outpatient treatment and rehabilitation, by reducing the number of hospitalized patients is facilitated by the problem of congestion and queues at the hospitals planned hospitalization, during treatment and examination of the patient is a habitual way of Life-job families, which increases the psychological and physical comfort, preserving their traditional way of life allows an examination or a course of rehabilitation to those in normal circumstances would have refused it for reasons of employment, the practical inconvenience, etc.
From the initial design ...
From initial design to implementation can take considerable time. Before the technology or medical equipment will enter the market should be conducted many tests and some clinical trials. In this case, funding is required at every stage. Probably the best solution might be to create a "venture" enterprises, but this practice has not yet received wide distribution in Russia. Support from the so-called "business angels" who come to the aid of creative people, too, until the exception rather than the rule. "Business angels" - this is the best type of investors for lone inventors and small businesses. This phrase, borrowed from English, called for people willing to invest in ideas and talent simply because they "liked", often without asking for a detailed business plan. "Angels" - private individuals, and sponsorship of this kind rarely goes beyond one million dollars. However, often it is the chance that needed this new endeavor. For example, one of the "professional Russian Angels, Yuri Tkachenko, created capital to trade medical equipment, and in 2004 invested $ 300 thousand in an unknown company to anyone then" Doctor Berest, specializing in the production of therapeutic preventive products from birch bark. Today the company is worth about 3.5 million dollars and continues to thrive. Thus, the main difficulty in advancing medical innovation is to interest investors in the inventions. To do this, on the one hand, we must raise the prestige of investment in health in general and innovation in particular. On the other, it is important to eliminate "ignorance of the business" of our inventors and teach them to submit their projects to potential investors from the economic point of view. In addition, while not clearly enough established communication between speakers of ideas and capital. In consulting companies often turn the inventors to find a sponsor, and it is very difficult sometimes to convince the author that without proper clearance to the project may remain on paper. Ideas need to translate into the terms and figures translate into a language understandable to a potential partner. In other words, to prepare an investment analysis and feasibility study, prepare a business plan for at least 12 years of age, to calculate the payback and profitability of the project. Most of the Russian consulting companies associated with investment money - these are large diversified companies, without specialization, so they are not all able to competently prepare a project document in such a specific field of medicine. In conclusion, I would like to note that Industry Consulting exists and develops, there are companies that specialize in advising in the field of medical innovation, and hopefully that will soon introduce innovations in the field of medicine will increase.
The role of monitoring in the home to improve medical care
Diseases associated obesity
So, obesity, above all, violate the cardiovascular system, and these violations so regular, that is, in fact, no complications, and one of the major manifestations of obesity. It is these violations, which include, for example, dystrophic changes in myocardium, atherosclerotic vascular damage and changes in blood pressure, and revealed in the first place. When expressed in body fat zatrudnyaetstsa work of the heart as a result of excessive accumulation of abdominal fat, which raises the diaphragm and interferes with its movement, reduces respiratory excursion of the chest. With the progression of obesity with increasing body weight, heart covered with armor like fat, the fat is deposited in the connective tissue interlayers infarction, hindering its contractile function. In turn, changes in the myocardium lead to a significant decrease in contractility of the heart muscle. Depending on the degree of increase in body weight in proportion to its increase and the size of the heart. This increase may be 1.5 - 2 times more than the norm. In case of violation of the function of the cardiovascular system in patients with obesity typical complaints include: shortness of breath on exertion, reduced work capacity, short-term pain in the heart, increasing blood pressure. Electrocardiographic evidence of the presence of slow conduction, arrhythmias, abnormalities of the heart electric axis to the left (because of the increased load on the left ventricle). These changes are reversible and significantly decrease with the elimination of obesity. In obesity expressed infringements of function of the respiratory system. Vital capacity can be significantly reduced compared to the norm that depends not only on the boundary changes and compression of the lungs, but also from shortness of breath associated with impaired metabolic processes in the lung tissue. High degree of obesity is accompanied by curvature of the spine due to a displaced center of gravity, high standing diaphragm chest wall deformity and reduce its elasticity. In connection with obesity pulmonary gas exchange is disrupted, weakened ventilation. This leads to insufficient blood supply to lung tissue, lung lesion microorganisms. Obese patients often suffer long-term acute respiratory infections (ARI), influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Treatment with drugs is often ineffective. Abundant food leads to an overload of the gastrointestinal tract and its anatomical changes: increase the size of the small intestine, the absolute weight of which increased by 20 - 40%. All this raises at first increase the digestibility of food, then, on the contrary, its decrease. The function of the gastrointestinal tract differ by more than 55% of obese patients. Found that in 64% of patients experienced higher gastric secretory function and the development of chronic gastritis. With obesity are often marked liver damage. In this case, quite often there is an infringement of synthesis and lipid metabolism, which leads to excessive accumulation of fat in body tissues. At the same time disturbed function biliary system. This leads to the emergence of gallstone disease and inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts (for obesity increased congestion in the gall bladder and liver ducts, contributing to lipid metabolism). All this creates conditions for the formation of stones, which are found in obesity in 30 - 40% of cases. Does not remain intact and blood system. The most dangerous complication - an increase in blood clotting, which leads to the formation of blood clots and circulatory disorders of organs and systems. Increased fatty substances in the blood contributes to atherosclerosis - one of the most prevalent diseases. There is an increased amount of cholesterol and cholesterol in the blood plasma of patients with obesity increases with age (especially after 40 years in women and after age 50 for men). When obesity occurs perenepryazhenie islet apparatus of the pancreas. Insular apparatus of the pancreas in obese people respond much more pronounced release of insulin in the glucose load. studies show that obese patients with diabetes mellitus occurs more than 60% of cases. In obese people with a decrease in body mass during diabetes is becoming more benign. Now firmly established that obesity affect sensitivity to insulin and causes certain disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Very often in patients with obesity, marked dysfunction of the sex glands. In men, impotence is manifested even at a young age. Women have been violations of the menstrual cycle, and even with regular menstrual cycle often is not conception. More than half of surveyed women, obese patients suffer from infertility. Found that the total amount of water in the body obese patients is much higher than normal levels. Disorder of water metabolism is directly dependent on the degree of obesity and disease duration. In obese people, there is a shift of water and electrolyte balance, which consists in an increase in both absolute content of all the water in the body, and the extracellular fluid (especially due to the volume of circulating blood). Metabolic disorders (protein, fat, carbohydrate, salt) lead to the breakdown of the musculoskeletal system. This is manifested in the appearance of pain in the upper and lower extremities, spine. The above data suggest that virtually no authority, no single system that would not suffer with obesity. First and foremost there is a change of fat metabolism in blood and tissues, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis, leading to reduced life expectancy.
Source: HudeeMtut site
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Features of Investment in medicine.
Features of Investment in medicine.
Emelianenko Elena director of the company SYNOPSIS +7 (495) 774-59-11 Today, Russia has achieved a significant private capital, has become a good habit to talk about investments in new technologies and innovations. Usually, it comes to computer and network technologies, communication systems and products designed for general consumers. Projects in these segments most demanded by the market, investors are willing to allocate to them the means justified the hope for a quick profit. Another advantage of such investments - a developed system of consulting, serving the sponsors and investors. "But what about medicine?" - You ask. Do not inventors and innovators in this area? Of course, there are innovative projects in this area, but investors are very reluctant to risk their funding. It would seem that a successful project in the field of medicine has enormous potential for profitability, and its positive social component is obvious. But, alas, investors are able to evaluate the prospects of a particular invention in this industry is extremely small, because consultants in the market there is little, but the authors of the projects are not always able to present their ideas in a purely commercial point of view. Historically, the authors of innovative projects in medicine - the scientists - researchers, inventors, doctors, not businessmen (though these are encountered, but rarely). Unlike their western counterparts in basic business education, and market-oriented Russian inventors do not always think about the practical side of the issue and in developing guided purely scientific interest. More often they simply do not know how their ideas to "sell". Indeed, the investor is difficult to understand the language of medical terminology, and assess the importance of the discovery or technology from a scientific point of view. The businessman is guided by other criteria, rather than medical scientists. And, despite the fact that the goals of the inventor and the sponsor are not mutually exclusive, and sometimes even a closer look the same, the difference between the concepts can hinder meaningful dialogue between them. At the moment, innovative medical technologies in Russia developed with the participation of a few investors, companies importing foreign innovations, and finally, domestic inventors. As mentioned above, some investors and they do not operate safely. Still, interest in medicine is, it can and should be expanded. Private companies-importers act as representatives of foreign companies that are already strong enough and can afford the development of new markets. Certainly, modern medicine is unthinkable without many Western technology, but the nature of their activities, these enterprises are not interested development of domestic scientists and not engage in investment. The inventors are looking for sponsors, and, unfortunately, do not always find them. We can not deny some very specific difficulties associated with medical innovation.
Raw food diet as a way to lose weight
Today one of the most fashionable way to diet - raw food diet. This power system on which any product can be found only in raw form, nothing subjecting to heat treatment. Syroyid himself declared the most famous singers and actors. Among them are Demi Moore, Uma Thurman, Natalie Portman, Sting, etc. This choice is explained by the fact that the raw food diet affects the physical condition and opens up an amazing ability in humans, makes vigorous that both the investigation and successful. Some people declare themselves syroedamy gave up fried and boiled. During the first two months these people unwittingly dropped 5kg. They also do not limit themselves in any quantity, any product range. During this period, feels great. Some of them believe that they have found that the secret of youth. In raw vegetables and fruits really more minerals and nutrients, amino acids and vitamins. During heat treatment, the amount of nutrients is reduced by 2.5 times, but the doctors, everyone, this "diet" can not recommend. Today, vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of pesticides, nitrates and bacteria, which are destroyed only by heat treatment. But Syroyid know how to overcome this problem. Nitrates and pesticides are readily soluble in water, so Syroyid soaked most of the products before the meal in water for 20 minutes, and thus purify it. That's what they do with cereals and peas, which is also eaten raw. In water, the grain swells and becomes soft and can be eaten. Syroyid believe that thermally processed food is unnatural, because the person is a representative of the animal world. If animals do not cook their food over a fire, then we should not roast and boiled. The very purpose - to eat the living cell, living food, the kind that has created its very nature. Syroyid believe that people, when I began to fry and steam food, gone with the natural development path, and stood on the path of degradation. Cooking food over a fire, we cease to be a part of nature. Since that time, when people began to cook, it ferments over time has also changed. And now, as the doctors say, the person to cope with raw food is much more difficult. Our digestive system needs a balanced diet, it is not capable of a long period of time to deal with the digestion of raw food. There must be a balance. Therefore, if there is only damp, you can really lose weight, because most products will not be digested. To stay healthy, the diet should always be at least 60% raw foods, but suddenly abandon thermally processed foods do not.
Natural juices of fruits and berries should occupy in the daily human diet prominence. With a diverse range of flavors, they are not only refreshing and pleasant to quench thirst, but also have medicinal properties. Juices - an important source of vitamins. Regular consumption of juice stimulates the metabolism, improves resistance to infections, ensures the durability of the body in stressful situations. Organic acids (malic, citric, etc.) contained in the juices, to help you better digest food. In addition, they can partly compensate for the missing hydrochloric acid at a number of diseases associated with reduced gastric acidity. Juices are also rich in minerals, including trace elements. Juices, potassium, which many in the fruit juice of any, is removed from the body excess moisture. That is why doctors recommend that fruit and vegetable juices for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, accompanied by edema. Iron compounds are useful in some forms of anemia. In the fruit pulp and juices with pulp lot of pectin (fiber), which improve intestinal motility and help excretion of cholesterol. This allows the juices to recommend in atherosclerosis and diseases of the bowel. Natural juices without added sugar low-calorie. Therefore, they are indispensable in the diet of those who need to lose weight. Juices are useful in infectious diseases with fever and decreased appetite. It is known that in old age, as well as in certain diseases - atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, obesity - should eat less refined sugar (sucrose). Its excess in the diet promotes the growth of adipose tissue and increased cholesterol. Carbohydrates juices consist mostly of fructose and glucose. For example, in apple juice fructose 4-fold higher than sucrose, in a cherry - nearly 15 times. These carbohydrates are natural fruits and vegetables more beneficial (as compared to refined sugar) effect on metabolism. Juices are needed not only to sick people, but also health, especially children. While heat treatment for industrial production of juice and can largely retain their nutritional value, but the maximum amount of nutrients contained in freshly prepared cheese juice. So if you are cooking juices at home, you better do it right before serving. Despite the fact that the benefits of juice is clear, we should not overestimate their healing power. After all, juices - is primarily a food product, a treatment effect which, of course, not so much as, for example, pharmaceutical tablets. Unfortunately, there are people who naively believe in some juice or a mixture thereof can be cured, and gastric ulcer disease and malignant tumor, and malaria, and cataracts, and infertility, and dozens of other ailments. For example, "3-4 liters of carrot juice a day can cause the whole body in normal condition." Those who follow this advice instead of the expected improvements being disturbed metabolism, and whites of the eyes and skin turn yellow, causing fear of loved ones. If you seriously decide to engage in "Juice Therapy", you need to do this after consulting with dietician. Recall the healing properties of the most useful and accessible juices. Apple juice contains vitamin C, potassium salts, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, malic, citric and other organic acids. Apple juice is recommended for all, but especially useful for children and people with zaboleaniyami cardiovascular system, anemia, gastritis with reduced kislotnotyu. Caloric content of the juice is low. Tomato juice contains vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, can also recommend virtually everything. Especially useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system, and constipation. Low calorie tomato juice can be recommended for people who are overweight. Grape juice is a valuable nutritious product and also has healing properties. It contains carbohydrate (glucose and fructose), organic acids (tartaric, malic acid), minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese), vitamin C and vitamin B. The juice is beneficial for the work of the heart muscle, water -salt metabolism, has a laxative and diuretic action, useful in some diseases of the kidneys, liver and lungs. Carrot juice is valuable primarily carotene (provitamin A). There is in him, and vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium salts, cobalt. Widely used in clinical nutrition in diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. Helps in cases of visual impairment associated with lack of vitamin A. Canned juice on the content of useful substances almost as fresh, derived from carrots. Thanks contained in carrots salts of cobalt and iron is useful for anemia. Pumpkin juice is also rich in carotene is in it, and salts of potassium, iron, vitamins of group B. Due to the content of potassium salts, pumpkin juice is useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. A glass of fresh pumpkin juice per day recommended for those suffering edema. Potato juice in some cases helps with peptic ulcer disease. Normalizes the bowels. Prepare it just before use. Raw potatoes are cleaned, passed through a meat grinder and squeeze through 3-4 layers of gauze. Treatment combined with a light diet.
Source: HudeeMtut site
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Where are the vitamins?
Without vitamins the body does not function any one system. Many diseases, which at various times suffered greater part of mankind, were caused by vitamin deficiency, but in those days about it knew nothing. Each vitamin has its own characteristics and problems in respect to human exposure. Vitamin A - found in fish, shellfish, apricots, and liver. It provides the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes, improve eyesight, improves the body's resistance as a whole. Vitamin B1 - found in rice, vegetables and poultry. It strengthens the nervous system, memory, and improves digestion. Vitamin B2 - found in milk, eggs, broccoli. It strengthens hair, nails, has a positive effect on the state of nerves. Vitamin PP - the bread from the bread, fish, nuts, vegetables, meat, dried mushrooms, regulates blood circulation and cholesterol levels. Vitamin B6 - in whole grains, egg yolk, brewer's yeast, beans. Beneficial effects on the nervous system, liver, blood formation. Pantothenic acid - in the beans, cauliflower, egg yolks, meat, regulates the function of the nervous system and motor function of the intestine. Vitamin B12 - found in meat, cheese, seafood, promotes blood formation and stimulates growth, a positive effect on the state of the central and peripheral nervous system. Folic acid - in savoy cabbage, spinach, green peas, is necessary for growth and normal hematopoiesis. Biotin - in egg yolk, tomatoes, brown rice, soybeans, affects the skin, hair, nails and regulates blood sugar levels. Vitamin C - in the dog rose, sweet peppers, black currants, sea buckthorn, good for the immune system, connective tissue, bones, helps heal wounds. Vitamin D - in the liver of fish, caviar, eggs, strengthens bones and teeth. Vitamin E - found in nuts and vegetable oils, protects cells from free radicals that affect sexual function and endocrine glands, and slows down aging. Vitamin K - in spinach, lettuce, squash and cabbage, regulates blood clotting. Increased need for vitamins observed in people in stressful situations, athletes, smokers, women taking oral contraceptives, those who frequently consume alcohol, pregnant women, teenagers and the elderly. All these people should take extra vitamins, as various vitamins.
Fundamentals of malic therapy
About Apples abound in legends, myths, legends and tales because of their excellent culinary virtues and remarkable healing properties. Virtually no disease servants contraindication for use of the apple diet. As part of apples contains most needed for the body of vitamins, carotene, minerals, phosphorus, iron, and up to 15% sugar. Among the most common diseases in the world is anemia, or anemia, which is obtained due to iron deficiency, which most often affects women and children, entailing a violation of their intellectual and physical development. Therefore, the apples in this case are recommended for daily consumption. The presence of iron in the fruit serves as an effective prophylactic against reducing immunity, natural vitamins "B" strengthen the nervous system, promote good metabolism and maintain hemoglobin in the blood at normal levels. Sweet varieties should be used for stomach ulcers and acidity. For people affected by low acidity and spastic colitis preferred sour varieties. Apples, washed thoroughly, preferably with a peel because of the content beneath it in a concentrated form of most minerals and vitamins. Besides them there are pectin in apples can absorb and excrete the excess cholesterol in the blood, improve digestion, and absorb toxic substances and clean vessels. These properties make useful use for an hour before breakfast for two unsweetened apple varieties in hypertension, atherosclerosis, prevention of colon cancer and coronary heart disease. With poor sleep, heart failure and excess weight is recommended to choose a day when consumed up to 2 kg of fruit for 6-7 receptions. Repeat this process preferably not more than 2 times per week. Strengthen the nervous system may be used during the day apple extract, were prepared by slicing an apple into a clean pot, boiling water and bay sedimentation for 2 hours. Lack of iodine in the body can compensate for the eating of seeds, together with three apples a day. Gruel of boiled and crushed apples with periodic overlaying the eyes relieves them from tiredness. Lingering cough persists mixture is prepared in equal parts of grated apples, onions and adding honey. These components must be well and take between meals several times a day for one teaspoon. In rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and spastic colitis need daily before a meal to drink 2 glasses of equal portions of warm fruit compote with the grounds. Unsweetened apple chew useful for rehabilitation of the oral cavity and prevent colds. When intestinal atony and constipation to eat baked apples for lunch and dinner, and every morning on an empty stomach to eat two fruit varieties of green, rubbed on a fine grater. With arthritis, eczema and urolithiasis is recommended to cook powder by drying and grinding the rind of green apple cultivars. Tablespoon of powder is put into a glass, poured boiling water and settles within 30 minutes. To drink half a cup twice a day - in the morning and evening on an empty stomach at bedtime. With varicose veins should be within a few months to drink throughout the day to eat two cups of warm apple compote with the grounds. Preparation compote according to the following recipe: 4 apples in the raw form of sliced, pour 1 liter of water and boil for about 15 minutes, adding sugar to taste. Traditional medicine every day - people the means and methods of treatment of diseases.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Sports Nutrition
On the sports nutrition is constantly evolving some kind of gossip and rumor. Many people who are far from the sport or beginner athletes emerged a large number of biases. These products are accused of various sins. It's like, providing a devastating impact on the entire body and getting used to the diet. But, in fact, all this talk in vain. They disclose the people who really are not aware of sports nutrition. Sports nutrition - not just assembled a set of cocktails and additives. Such food does not serve as additives in food. It can be purchased here. This is food that has a concentrated form. Of this kind are excluded from the new technology is absolutely all substances - ballasts, because they are harmful to human body. Nutrition also includes a whole range of products. It includes products in the form of soluble powders or capsules. Fruits, vegetables, meat, milk - these products are included the most important benefits of all products manufactured by the natural technology. If you combine sports nutrition with exercise, you can gain muscle chic compact mass, iizbavitsya from the accumulation of fat cells, with construction to obtain an attractive figure and elastic constitution. With the application of sports nutrition, you can quickly regain your lost strength after long training, and provide the body with everything you need to relieve stress, which he gets after prolonged and heavy exercise. For example, like weightlifting, bodybuilding and fitness. Protein - is the most abundant element in sports nutrition. Are proteins of plant and animal origin. Nutritional most preferred is a protein from whole milk, because it is very rapidly absorbed in the body. His assimilation last about three - four hours. Whey protein is used most often in sports nutrition as a source of protein. All products available in sports nutrition, it's like, protein, creatine, and creatine is made from natural raw materials and food are safe for human body. Responsible manufacturers are seriously watching over the quality of purchased raw materials, which dalneyshembudet include the manufacture of products. Remember that produktydlya sports nutrition are not doping and medication. In a large sport their use officially authorized. Eating food is useful even without all sorts of sporting activities. Therefore, everyone can benefit from its use. Applying sports nutrition can very quickly get excellent results. Nowadays it is used even by those coaches who refer to the entire latest with some distrust. Very often, even from them you can hear the good advice that can help students on the reinforcement effect of exercise with this diet. To obtain good results from training can be achieved only if the right combination of elements of a balanced diet. It is very important. Use of sports nutrition has no inhibitions. It can use every person who wants to be always in good shape.
Overseas, eggplant ...
Overseas, eggplant ... Like other members of the Solanaceae - potato, tomato, eggplant, from time to time come under suspicion. And it's not fair. And they claim to aggravate arthritis. And macrobiotics, power system, which came to us from the Buddhist monasteries, they do not recognize. In addition to the eggplants in contrast to, say, tomatoes can not find anything super useful. In fact, with the biochemistry of the eggplant is all right. It has a lot of potassium, useful core. It lowers blood cholesterol levels. It has all the required vitamins, though in moderation. In the skin - a valuable pigment, antioxidant function. There is still quite mysterious substance found so far only in eggplants. In the meantime, scientists are finding out what kind of element and how it proc, we generously flavored dish of eggplant with garlic and onions, whose reputation is beyond praise, add them tomatoes and fresh herbs, olive oil and nuts. What comes as a result, not only tasty, but extremely useful. Recipes Aubergines Tunisian. Need: 1 kg eggplant, a small head of garlic, 1 / 4 cup vegetable oil 1 / 2 teaspoon cumin, 2 eggs, a handful of olives, salt and pepper to taste. Eggplant with nuts. Need: 500 g medium-sized smooth eggplant, 100 g shelled walnuts, the beam of basil and parsley, 2-3 cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of lemon juice, salt to taste. Caviar Eggplant with Pumpkin. Need: 500 g aubergines, pumpkins and tomatoes, 3-4 cloves garlic, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste. EGGPLANT WITH CHEESE ON Balkan. Need: 1 kg eggplant, 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter, 4 tablespoons olive oil 2 cups milk, 4 eggs, 200 g parmesan cheese, 1 / 4 teaspoon nutmeg, pinch of cayenne pepper, salt and black pepper to taste. As these ingredients to prepare delicious meals, read the printed journal. Natalia Korshunova Source: magazine "Health" № 10 2004 on the site
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Nutrition and exercise
You've decided to start playing sports? Excellent! But do you know how to eat before, during and after your workout? Remember the main thing: if you indulge in gluttony, you will never achieve the desired results, regardless of how many hours will be carried out in the hall. But we should not get carried away and strict diets. Do not forget that the food - the only source of energy, necessary for you to maintain efficiency. This is true both for newcomers to the sport, and for professional athletes. Remember that the body can not tolerate experiments on himself. You should not overeat, but at the same time, your body should not have nutritional deficiencies, and the more fluid. Water before, during and after exercise is very important to replenish water loss from the body. Preference should be non-sparkling mineral water, freshly squeezed juices or a natural vitamin and mineral drinks. The most effective way to redress the loss of fluid is the fractional consumption of beverages in small portions of 25-50 ml during exercise. The total amount of fluid you drink during exercise, can reach more than 200-250 ml. After a workout should drink up to 350-400 ml of fluid. You should not eat any type of carbonated soft drinks Cola, Fanta, Sprite, etc. It is better to replace them with natural mineral, spring water or vitamin and mineral drinks. In order to obtain maximum benefit from training and eliminate the risk of starvation fainting in the gym, check out these tips on nutrition. Before training Many try not to eat before class, but this is a big mistake. An hour before the workout meal is a must. Caloric content of food intake - about 200 calories. This may be a carbohydrate meal, such as lettuce or slices of sliced ??fruit. If you decide to work out intensely, will not prevent a small amount of protein. During exercise During exercise, as a rule, do not eat. An exception can only be done if you are suddenly caught up with an overwhelming sense of hunger. However, if you're going on a three-hour ride on a bicycle, be sure to bring some food, such as a bag of nuts. After training, should not indulge in eating after a workout, hoping thereby to consolidate the results obtained. The body to restore energy loss, primarily due to carbohydrates. But do not overdo it! In the diet in a measure must be present and whites, not to mention vitamins and minerals. Excellent option will dish of rice, oatmeal, or, better yet, legumes (beans, peas, beans). After training, nutrition should be organized so that there was a large gap in time (more than 45 minutes) between the exercise and the subsequent meal. Want to know how many calories you burn, doing one or another sport? · Aerobics (high intensity) 520 kcal per hour · Aerobics (low intensity) 400 kcal per hour · Strength training 270-450 calories per hour · Bicycling (16 mph) 385 calories per hour · Cycling (8.8 km / h) 250 kcal per hour · Running (1 km in 6 min) 750 kcal per hour · Swimming 630 calories per hour · Classes on rowing 445 kcal per hour · Tennis (singles) 415 kcal per hour · Badminton 370 kcal per hour
What is dangerous diet?
Consider the most harmful consequence of a rigid diet - fast and significant weight loss. When a person loses weight rapidly, he loses in the first place is not fat, and water located within the body and muscle mass, all these factors negatively affect the human heart. With the rapid decrease in muscle mass, the heart becomes weaker and with great difficulty carries the load. Therefore, during the diet should limit the load in the gym, fitness and aerobics. Not recommended for weight loss herbal teas (which have a laxative effect), and laxatives. They literally washed out of intestinal nutrients and gut microflora, which can cause severe bacteria overgrowth, in addition, constant use of laxatives will weaken bowel motility syndrome ("lazy bowel). At constant diarrhea, which causes laxatives, muscle, intestine practically do not work, resulting eventually weaken, which may result from constipation after you stop taking laxatives, the restoration of intestinal motility also may take many months. In this case, you must increase your intake of fiber (fresh, frozen and pickled vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, bran), they improve peristalsis. Absolutely can not ever have just one thing (apple diet, kefir, buckwheat, carrot). One product does not contain the full range of components needed for the body to function properly. Hair, teeth, bones need calcium, which, in turn, will not be metabolized without vitamin D. Vitamin C is responsible for the state of the immune system, while iron deficiency may develop anemia. Therefore, the diet should include a varied diet, rich in vitamins and trace elements. On the protein diet (on Atkins) are allowed to sit very short time, slizhkom heavy load on the kidneys. Carbohydrate diet is contraindicated in diabetics, as carbohydrates greatly increase the amount of sugar in the blood. Should not be abused and "the Kremlin" diet, adhering to the diet, increasing the consumption of meat, we accumulate excess fat in the body, had a destructive effect on the immune system and promotes the formation of cancer (breast, uterus, abdominal cavity). So should be thin, but the sick?
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Proteins - the most important part of our food. They serve as basic material for the construction of cells and tissues as a source of continuing to update them. Proteins involved in energy balance of the body. they participate in the formation of enzymes and hormones. Adequate protein in the diet contributes to the regulation of functions of the cerebral cortex, increases the tone of the central nervous system. Value of the proteins is determined primarily set within them the essential and nonessential amino acids. Essential amino acids in the body are formed and must necessarily come from food. These include tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine. Nonessential amino acids can be synthesized in the body. Proteins are considered the most complete, if they contain all the essential amino acids. It is known that animal products is much richer in essential amino acids than vegetable. However, the optimal amino acid composition of the protein component of the diet can be obtained only when the correct ratio of both proteins. Approximately half of all applicants with food proteins must account for animal protein. To ensure that the amino acid composition, the body needs, it is advisable to use different combinations of products that complement each other. For example, the use of wheat bread and milk more efficiently from a biological point of view, than the use of the one bread. Not always a varied diet provides a balanced intake of nutrients the body needs. Noted, if consumed in excess of meat products, contributing to higher content of essential amino acids in the body can occur dysfunction of organs and systems. Will suffer primarily purine metabolism, renal excretory function, etc. During the combustion of 1 gram of protein in the body is released about 4 kcal of energy. Many animal proteins contain meat, fish dishes. Some ready meals contain the optimal amount of animal protein and vegetable origin, such as meat, fish with a variety of cereals, vegetables. Of particular value are the proteins of fish. They are easily absorbed by the body and its quality as protein from meat and poultry. Besides valuable protein, fish contains vitamins A and D, a large number of salts and trace elements (iodine, zinc, phosphorus, etc.). Of exceptional importance are milk and dairy products; value of these products due to the favorable ratio of incoming milk proteins in amino acids, good tolerance in fat, lactose, vitamins, mineral salts and the ability to bind some toxic elements and remove them from the body. It is no accident with age is recommended to increase consumption of dairy products. Over 160 days in the body is a complete replacement of all self-proteins. The average daily requirement of protein for an employee weighing 70 kg. amounts to about 91 grams per day, or 1.3g/kg body weight. With increasing intensity of physical labor daily need for protein can be up to 150 grams and above. The minimum requirement of protein is 0.7 g / kg of normal body weight. The need for protein also depends on the age and sex.
Source: HudeeMtut site ttp: / /